Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/457

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INDEX. 1875 C0ngres.riqn¢1lRcc0rd—Cqutjnu0d. _ Fw- Constitution of the United States, Eighteenth Pm. approgrmuon for prmting and bmd- Amendment aj mg- ·--··.-... - 228, 941,1429 provisions for enforcing prohibition of infor preparing semimonthly and session mxicgjug ljgugm under ____________ 307 indexes -.-. . -.. 1431 Cmwtitutabn of the United Sum, Nineteenth deficiency appmpuauou for additional pay, Awumdwwnz o_/Q reporting debates, House of Repre— submitted to the States, prohibiting denial sergtsgtxves .. _ ... 59 of right to vote 011 account of sex 362 for uddmoml pay for repcrting debates, certificate of ratification . 1823 Senate . _ ... _ . . . - 342 Ccmlrmtwn Division, Army, for Q services, reporting debates, 57 Corgauizatiogif, coz?/_i¤u¤d to June 30,1920. 129 GH? $5- ... .  : -- onstmwticn nts, any for 2·dd1t10l1B.1 expenses reporting de· appropriation for repiirs and impmvobatcs, Senate .. 1035, 1180 ments at specifiod yards .. 149, 827 Conn, Oatherim, (daughter) Comtructiém xorkmand Maéerials, Afhlgg { ‘ ‘ creased _______________ _ ________ 1586 iucurre 0 `ga `<>¤¤ un er ¢0¤¤'¤»¢ 01‘. C0I;$7:s1§:1·:·yn ni, prior to approval of Army appro- . Pgngiqu _______ __ _________ _ _ _____ _ ____ _ _ _ _ 1535 C ·2c1ht0 be pwd --~-· • - · --·· 278 O ut, Oh• 7 O'7b8lT‘{wll:O7L OT ‘, _ rmy, 0<1n¢%e11cy :;>p1·0priation for light and fog “"“m°?)i’:s‘;:1I£;Sm”g °°“tm°t” f°r· °° °°°t' 456 15.%%i‘,‘.?"vi§.*‘11;I;.·.·.:;;::::;;;;::::: $3 CMM 4»,;eg;y··;;r bd . I 8 E Connecticut Avemu, N. W, D.C'. appmpna · 743 Iggg app . um for 1. heme Mm f abrqad, mmmus of . 748, 1215 7 S3.l8]’1€S...-... .·.· •. , _R¤ud to Clgapel Road ..-··-· - ········ 8*14 fg; post allowances to meet living pgvngg cast sxde 9f, Chapel Fwd to cggtg ____ _ ,...,, . . . 749, 1215 comm _ ogy Qxrqle - ··-· · - · · 845 deficiency appropriation for salaries 524, 1187 constitution of ... Z ·-----·- · - · 1146 C z':1:~>t;, United States court for terms of court, Hartford ..---- · --·---—·· 1146 Chim 1mdc judge of, at Shanghai. . 746 New Haven . . ...·· Q ----~· 1146 Consular Impezuwa, Norwglk ...,... . . ...··· - - 1146 gp priatmu for salaries .. 748,1215 C my ag 1j1¤1»w¤1k ... . ..-.--- 1146 23 expenses .. . ... 748,1215 omwctscut wa-, · ‘ ‘ { , 1191 b .1 H . I , Holyoke to Chi 391 C de6c1e1;)c‘%ap]1r0p¤ata0u or expeujes t _ ccpee lima .. _ . · ·--· - - - · ' t ti tmnsi my ¤··1·<¤ 1?g_g1;¤ QE? W¤··1¤·>r· 02;% 360 """’°"{»`1.‘§·"Tf’T{.$‘TY.{’T‘T T?. Y`?. ? . 740, 1206 e extend pr ri gms, Sprmgie for mmmmuqu m and from posts- . 742, 1208 · Wat S M·$____ ____ _ ____ , ying ‘ ‘ q bt®d_ _ _ _ Cmmeczicut Ring Railroaé Corrrpnvg, gg £anngi11§i:>s11g’f1(§11l1u‘;l;‘mud remains my bridge Connecticut River, olyokc to of _________________________ ’ _____ 7 43, 1209 Clucopee! Mas ... . . .--~- - - - 391 for salaries ..,.. . ... 748, 1215 C°"'°?/· Omha (mh")- for p0¤ts11¢;€s;a1nca¤t0me0t living costs. 749, 1215 pension .-·-·-··--··· - -------· 1586 deiwency a repriaticn for transportation Comervationeg Minerals, Ofet, etc., _ to gmfyrom posts . ..--- 346. unexpend edbalanc? of appropriawm for. 51 348,523,102l,1022,1160,1l86, 1191 cover into t xe Treagury ... Pug wmccs 346 (>,0'7I88T’lfdZ'i0’VL oj1Vaz~igable Waters, ctr., _ for mo 524 1 1043,1187, H91 spproy}riatio11 for pnaintenance of mmunal for bringing home from Jam, remains oreeme acquired for .. 251, 709, 1320 of . . 1021, 1043, 1160, 1187 for employjment of agents, etc., fmm_Con- for instruction and transit y .. 1042 B€I.’V8tl011 fuuq . .. _. . . 202: 711, 1330 hills of health to be issued gr to vowels for c00p•;·rat.10n with States ID fighting leaving port for United States or its forest 61-%, Bt(¤_________ ____ 0ns_________________ ______ _ io1·_acq11iri¤$?¤qdition¤1 landp . 270,1345 duties, em.; {ee to be charged .. 1149 Comoledatwn of mlroad Profcrtws, C L Prawn P1¤11¤ 10 be ¤<i¤P12<1 by ¤*¤=¤¤*°¤ C°m· 1 ,,,,;,,11,;,,1,115,, for maintenance, eu: 749,1216 · pmzggg 101* ---·—-~···-·--- gl Cmwularc Service gm Diplomatic and ···················‘ .¤¤¤u1m· erwce , Cmmpéi iw B. (d¢wyM¢r>, 1621 apgmpl-11.11011 :01- Director of the .. gg, V Constantinople, Turkey, d gr- as ```` ·` °h`¤" dz 66 ¤vpr¤p;¤¤¤¤ for Mw 1=¤~¤¤1¤ fw embwgiiz 1208 ° °°°°’§§§E$,p{}>°2i°Yo42, 1045, Hasn, 1187, i1si 1 · `````'````'` [].`.`.ZZZZZZZZ.Z.-- 749,1216 €'¤¤·¢¤1·¤¢¢·t, _ , _ _ ' (;·.,,..,‘f§,,}’Q,"“§';‘_ °*‘}3§,§,5",§,1;,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,1,;,,1,,,, W ’ ¤1>v¤>1·¤=¤¤¤f¤r ¤1<¤1< 1¤¤*· --·-· - ~--- ··*9» 1215 j-abké Of for muerpreters and guards at 749, 1216 appropriation for mm c5m11m¢i¤¤-- 145, 1211 f<>r_<>¤¤¤¤z¤¤¢ <>¤¤p<¤;·¤¢¤ -·----—-—-· 14% 1216 cmmmn Oju.2 vm.: stm, <1¤¤¤¤¤;=;>I;€ ¤r>v¤>P¤¤¤¤¤ *0* 4;<>gg¤1g¤£6 349 me 'i1q?€'th8H§;19a1 or tpglgecguxsé 5%, 102é,·16&;!$,.16—1;1,'1045;11ii0,1187;1191 §;°a;c;u‘§§0f Sex _____ __________ 362 for clerk hire .. 62, 246, 524, 1022, 104:1, 1187 was ee rs tary {State an¤¤u¤c·‘ Crmwb, _ _ jnzfnggcaeggg 0{_ _?_ ________ _ ___,_. 1823 gppmprmtiou for nlanes .. - ... 748, IZI5