Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/468

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1335 INDEX. ‘ ' t 20, Second- Page Dc Appropriation Act, 1920, Thad- Page, ”"“‘""”é;f,‘Z.'Z.'.‘i€’.;’i.‘“““‘ """’ $111.1..%.1. t 1025 for Inwrstate Commerce Commission .. 504 or ar epartm_ _ BD -··-----·--·-·-· · --·· for Department or stm . . 504 public bwlylmgs and zr<>¤¤d¤. D- C -—--· {gg forglgn intercourse . . .··-· - -·-·- 504 ‘ tP·nsP°rmu°u service '‘'°‘°' ’ ’‘'`'‘ ' 1056 fb, Tmasury Depammnt ____________ _ _,,, an Kxlryand harbor convicts ----·-- - ·--··- 1026 mmm?] ,,,{,,,m,,,, mmdng mmm! ‘ Volunteer Soldicrs’ Home ---··--·---- - · 1027 Prohibition Act ________, , ,,,, . . 506 for Navy Depprtlucnt ·~-···-----·- · ··~·--· 1028 glslblic ;,ugdg,,g,,___: ____,_,,,,,,.,. . 507 damage clams ··------··-·-- - -·---· {gig blic Health Servwc ..·-·-~--- · ~· · 507 N¤VY·; ···---·-~······· · ·············‘· 1 wm- Risk [mmm Bm-un ,,... 508 for Interior Departnwnt ·-··------·-·~- - - · 1030 £crWa.rDeparl¤nent .-·-·----- - —--·-- 509 A-I¤¤k”··; ···-·· , ···: ·····~··········· 030 Adjumnt Genmlvs Office ___________,, , 500 Columbia Insututmn for the Deaf ...--·· 1030 Arm __________________ _ ___________ , , , . 509 Freedmexfs Hospital . ..--·· 1030 dgof ,m»p]u¤ Ordnance mm ... 510 Pension Office .·-·--·----- - · 1030 for Navy Dsputmmt ______________ _ ___,,, 510 for Poet Office Department .. . 1030

_·_··•___·__,_.,,...,.-    viw•••¤•:••••••---•-••···•••  

Navy_ ____________ _ ______________ _; ,,.. 511 for Department of Justice . - · . 1032 for Interior new-unent .. ; =.. 512 A Uniwd States courng -..--· - ------------ 1032 Geologic,] Sm-Vey ________,,,_,__ , .. 512 for Department of Agnculture 1033 nation;] ____________ , ,... . . . . 512 for Department of Commerce . . --· 1034 Pawn; 0%% _______ , ,__,.,,. - . 512 ‘ Fisheries Bureau . . 1034 ublic lands ____________ _ ,,,,. , . . . 512 Bureau of Lizlgthouses .. . ... 1035 gain; Eljzgbgthe Hospital- ,,,.. 513 tm- legislative, piml building, etc . . . 1035 for Post Office Deparnneut ... 513 for Scum ----... Z ...----.-..----- 1035 postal service. 514 for'Hcuse of Represeplzsuves . 1036 for Department of Justice ... . . 514 purchases of sugphqs. . 1036 for United States courts. .. 515 for Gcvqmmenq tmgpfiice 1037 hor Department of Agriculturen .. 515 iurspublic printing and mding .. 1037 ’ for Department of Commerce . 515 upermtendentpf Documenus . . 1037 Census Office . . . 515 fol;£7l1dg1116!1u,_ United States Courts .. 1037 Ocast and Geodetic Survey ... . . 515 urt of Glmms . . . 1037 Fisheries Bureau .,.,. . 516 Indian depredation claims.._ ... . 1038 Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com- inr claims certified by accounung officers. . 1038 meme . . 516 title of Act designated , . . .. . . 1045 Bureau of Lighthouses .. 516 Approgabion, Act 1921, Fmt, im- Department, of Labor ... . . 517 or Bureau of ciency. 1156 Commissioners of Conciliation .. 517 for District of Columbia . 1156 War Labor Administration .. 517 for Interstate Commerce Gommimion . . 1159 Immigration Service., . 518 for Library of Congress . . 1159 Labor Statistics Bureau 518 for Smithsonian Institution. . . 1159 Naturalization Service .. . .. 518 for Department of State . 1159 First Industrial Conference .. 519 forezgn mtercourse ... . - 1160 for legislative. .. 519 for Tremury Department .. . . . 1160 House Office Building . 519 for War Department . 1163 Capitol Power Plant .. . .. , . - 519 for Navy Department . .. 1168_ for Senate . . ..l... 519 Navy . ... 1168 for House of Representatives . 519 for Interior Degartment . . 1170 for Government Printing Office 520 for Post Office epartment . .. 1173 public printf.? and binding 520 postal service. 1174 for judgments, nited States courts ... 520 for Depuunent oi Justice ..., . . . . 1175 Court of Claims . 521 Court of Claims. ...,... . ,,.,.. 1175 Indian depredation claims ... . .. 521 United States Courts. . . .. .. 1175 for claims certified by accounting officersu 521 for Department of Agriculture 1177 title of Act designated ... 525 for Depmment of Commerce ...,,, , ,,.,,, 1177 Dqfickncy Appropriation Act, 1920, Th ird, for Department of Labor . 1178 for American Printin House for the Blind. 1015 for legislative, House Ofzice Building . 1179 for Anthmdte Coal &mmiseion .. . 1015 for Senate . . 1179 for District of Columbia ... . .. 1016 for House of Resfesenmtivgg ,,,,,_,,,,._. 1180 for Federal Board for Vocational Education 1020 expenses au orized for Ways and for Federal control of telegraph and tele- Means Committee, lst Semion, 67th phone systems . 1021 Congress. . L .. 1180 for Department of State, foreign inter- for Goverment Printing Office . . 1182 coume 1021 public priuti? and bmdjng ..,,,... 1182 for Treasury Department, Coast Guard 1023 for judgments, nited States Courts ... 1 182 contingent expenses ... 1023 Court of Claims. .. 1182 Custom; Service. ._.-._ .. - 1023 for claims certined by accounting officngruing and 'grmtxng . 1023 cern. ..,,.,,.,,,, , ,,,,,__,__,,,,,_ 1183 In epen ent ea.-mry ... . . 1023 { title of Act designated ,,..,. , ...,..,,,.,_ 1193 mpemal revenue ... 1024 Deifmkncy A opnhhbm, nnntg nnd_ assay offices . 1024 or Federyamhmd Control . 589 glébkc bnlkhngn 1024 for District of Golumbia . 590 bhc Health Service .. 1024 for Empl0yees’ Compensation , 590