Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/492

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1910 INDEX. Eyxuf popmmm, etc, D, 0,-Contrl, Page. Executive O_0ice—-Continued. Pago. annnglc report of publichtions issued by deiicwncy ¤PP1:}>1?%¤0¤lf°¤' 0¥P0*'* °°°¤°8‘ 37 each tobosubmittod ... 1037 ¤1P1101`» .dm°““ P“Y -·-······· $48 H86 details of cost, etc., 1037 fo1‘_¢0¤*·1¤80¤* 9¤P°¤¤°°· - i — · ····· · annual statement to e by, of Govern- Euvuiwe D¢¢¢`¤¤¢ of Qc lim » ment owned buildings under their _ appropriation for Commimoners, scegcrgzég 1109 img-ucuons ____ : ,__,,,... . 940 tary, ¢1c{k¤, 002 —-·-·--------- 69» 838» 1109 "°'“““.,,—,,,,°‘ “‘“°· ”"““‘°”““°°* °‘°" "` to ¥3££,"$“$?‘i§,L‘£,{’é'£"‘i»5’.;11a;,;g ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 69*838* 1110 ______________.___.·__‘,,,,,, ••··•• > t coopergtion of, with Federal Power Com- Eq,1m5s“_ _ _ - mission, directed . .. 1063 etioiency appropriation for enforcing reguc¤¤¢ of mailing fnmked matter from wh, latrons os. .. 345 523, 1039,1Q42,1045,1191 to be réepoerltild annually by Post- 1037 bnnmoggfooverod in, ri appropriations for 198 master n . ,.. ‘ regula ons concermng detailing clamified employees for ¤9l’V1¢€ use for (giilnlgfuding work ... . ... 198 outside of Distnct of Gclnmbm, re promsiroa onnsmnsgon by mails . 620 .,.,,,1’,€',%°°°" ‘*‘‘‘‘‘ 1‘,;es,;,;s,z,,‘?“"’ iii? *"“"“"“‘,,..,,,,°,,,,“*,‘,°$,,’2,1"£‘;,‘€;’,‘32‘;;,·tz;,1;1;,;,1;,; 62* _ _ _ _ 1808 person or property etc ··---·---·-- 621 d6‘h1]8 QOH}, 8tC.,_ to CIV!] Service COM- gempoggyy pogegwg gf, hcguggd power . rmssinn tvrbgddenz - - -_ ---·---·-- 641, 1202 projects for may be · h1¤d¤fl<:¤010¤U11¤m1t;0%¤8¤¤0¤¤» 010-: my 684 orderedwl:1ythePre:ident‘;v ensafety 10 2 H,. , of Uni States eman s it ... 7 1302 ti tc . 1072 heads or, to nmke detailed reports or on ,T;p,,”””A ,,_ °;`g 1;, sgvyeee 6.0 ncnpsy 619 ig ta,-né1on¤s1o snons convicted 594 in tion etc. by Ellicie' ncy Bureau · · 'F '· `'`°'`'``` vesugsmolj aim!] I. ’ etc-, Buds- reatlmigiou prohibited. . .. 594 aetinnormson by an Ecplvme, Amy, oiliee supplies, etc., for, undersundrycivil ¤m’PI“°; mg be W °*h°’ °x°°“' · -appropl-jstbn Act, to be pmcymasd five epments without charge. . - 130 in Pmgemnce from other wrvicgs no transfer of, to Interior Department no longer needed, due to the end of the 232 Ez _ l°°81;i;;’°°d°d ··-··-·-·-·-· · --·-··· 193 war .. plomea preference in clerical, etc., appointments designated, on cars, etc., hereafter in, tohonorably discharged carryu1g_passen¤ers, unlawful .. 1444 soldiers, etc,, or their widows .. 37 smokeless powder, hreworks, etc., perto wives of incapacitated injured soldiers, lanitted; separate from passeiigier cars. 1444 etc 37 sms arms amm 'tion s1gna' evices publicztion of j¢;ud·nals, periodicals, etc., mlhetcqfsllowedlglf ,.,_ ’ ,__,_,,__,___, 1444 y restnc ... - . 945 ' , rn t passe r allowed until December 31, 1921 .. 1433 tg-rg, grtttfi g . 1444 specific authorization regluired thereafter 1433 definitions of words used: "detonating statement of %ublic heal activities by, fuzes," "fuzes,""p1imers,""f11ses, ’ to be su mitted ... 176 and “iusees" ... . ..,.,. 1444 supplies, etc., to be purchased, so far as regulations for safe transportation of, in- Eossrble from stock no longer needed flammables, noxious , etc., to be yother services, due to end of war. 67 made by Interstate éommerce Comsurvey of services of, by Joint rnigion ____________ _ _______________ 1445 Committee on Reorganization to de· binding on all shippers, carriers, etc 1445 termine effgcient an economical re- modifications, etc., authorized . . 1445 groupm oactiviti ,etc .. 1083 f transitd ’ t. 1 5 tempogLdet§iils allowedesto White Houg;0 1261 ggctfive da? gig-xacr§;?1, . . 135 . . ... , assista h · typewriting machines, less than three erhgaeiit in T). E 1445 _ mggaw 1102 to be d1BPO¤0d of by -.--·. 947 carrying liquid nitroglycenn, bulk fulmi· ' _ t y t oy appropmcwns for ...-...-. 640,1261 gn: ex, bo; Executive jllqnwm, D, C'., lawful 1445 approprkration for care, etc., grounds south rnarkzingmogpachgm of, for shipment re- 0 ; ··---·-.--.--------- · ---- 1%,899,1388 q .-. . . 1 . . . 1445 for maintenance, etc., of grounds. 187, 899, 1389 shipping, under false markinginvoice, etc., for care, repair, etc . 187, 899, 1389 unlawful .. 1445 for incl ·-...·.. . 187, 899, 1390 without written notice of true character. 1445 f°" i§°¤h°u¤°¤ ·--··-·-·-—···—-- · 187, 899, 1390 punishment for violations. . . 1445 for_ hting, grounds, etc ... 187,899, 1390 violations resultingindeatli d91`1€;1·911€Y appropriation for fuel , 1026, 1163 iuju ____________ _ _______________ 1445 ErecutryeDO%ic§ (see also Executive Mansion, Explosives, RI", ,-,-1 a `t·ifdistrib',.., 1,

details, allowed for temporary I Ameniisrzehts), em Herve Act wc? ···-·--····· - —··--------- - 640, 1261 corporations for foreign iinancial operations

°' °°P¤P8°¤* €Xl20¤§0¤ -~--·-·-_ - --~· 641, 1261 may have interest in corporations '

cr pnnting and bmding for . 229, 942, 1430 wboaged m __________________ _ _____ 380