Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/523

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INDEX. 1941 H4;;;;s6nJohn D., Hospitals fo;·'CD1Lscharg§d Disabled Soldkra, Page. · · -··--·--··- - ··--··-·-—--·~-··· etc. ontinue . Hoe 'tal Facilitieafor Ex-Soldiers, ctc. immediate ac umng` of Broadvi , &itional, authorized for War Risk, or hospitalqdirected .. . 45 Vocational rehabilitation patients, use of eme ency hmd for, extended 45 by purchase, etc.,of existing plants- 1364 purchase ofrleased hos ital, District of construction on Government owned sites- 1365 Columbia, for use gy Public Health remodeling, etc., existing Public Health Service ...,..,-.,,_..._..., 1060 Pl¤11f¤ ·---- - --·- = ----.·.--·----.--- 1365 limit of price;additioual aut;horiza1;i0m_ _ 1060 buildings, mechanical equipment, vehi— technical services allowances increased for c es, furniture, accessories included. 1365 eongtmcmion, g1;(;_’ of _______________ 1163 accouimodatious for attending personnel . 1365 tmnsfeg of Whipple Barracks, Ariz., to Pubdonations, etc., may be accepted n . .. 1365 lic Health Service for, authorized. . . 963 tmnsfer of Army medical and hospital Hospitals for Indians, equirment, motor vehicles, egc., to appropriation for construction, equipment, Pub ic Health Service without 1365 dand maintenance of; limit . 4,410, 1227 charge --··-··.-------.-··------·-- for esi ated h itsls ... 5 410 1227 expenses allowed for technical, etc., Hospimls, Eval, wp ’ ’ B&l’vi0€¤ for pféphfihg PISDS, 0011- appropriation for construction, Fort Lyons, struction, etc -...-. . ..-... 1365 Colo ________________________ _ _____ 143 qther irgcidenwl expenses .--·--·----·-- 1365 for care of patients am, and other ,, 146, 823 l11D1t8t}qI1 .----·...-·--...-----· · ---··- 1365 Hot Springs Army and Navy Hospital, Ark., ¤\1P6¤’V1¤10¤ \1¤dP1’ S9¤'€¤\¥Y of the 1365 approprugtion for construction and rein 964 amignment, 0 Govemment owned etc., for medics,] mppugg __________________ 122:968 glgljrfgii? H§;ll?t;é€1'V'1€6 1365 for btxgrial Lntyle National Ceme- 0 ··--··-- ,0 atients a1 1 7 Fo1‘¢¤ MBck€¤Zi€» Wall? WMM and Hot Syn·ingr.3,Nat¢%nalParky1.¥111l(§’k.,t 85, 896, 38 Logan H- Boots, W be imm9di¤·*€lY name of former Reservation changed to 1407 turned over--_ ------- ; ---------·--- _ - 1365 Hot Springs —Rescr·vat¢J0·n, Ark., allotments fmj ppprcvmg, G126-, their appropriation for improvement of; reaphpsnml facrimeq ------·- ;~_ ---- ;- ~- 1365 propriation ... 204, 918 ¤PPY°P¤¤¤0¤ for ¢9·¤'YmE Iimvlsmus mw construction of buildings, etc., on doeHect; available untn expendedu. 1365 nand sims _______________________ 2;).;,918 allotment for rem<>de1i¤g,et¢-,¢¤i¤¢i¤% charges authorized for use of water- Pl9·¤l·¤ ··········--·--·--··— ; ··--·-- 1365 application of receipts .-... 918 H0¥1>’€¢¤l fw the IWW ($86 Saim Ehmbdlhs deficiency appropriation for free bath- H0 _ l}1{g<;;ZPi*$;fa% C-)- hguse building ... _ -... Z . . .i 1173 limit of cogyincreased of designated -.-.. 156, 833 B gag} ______ 1407 Howiral Smwrds, Army, H0tS]7l"i1Iq3, s. pax. “Pg'°Pl'i”·d°¤ for quartem fm ··--···-·-- 119,965 appropriation for, expenses, Volunteer de ciency appropriation for quarters. . . 344, 1190 Soldiers Home _____________ 192, 905, 1395 H?·*P'·ml8; , deiicienc appropriation for Volunteer industrial alcohol for, may be withdrawn Sozijersr Home _____ _ _______ 47 1028 1167 free of wx ·--- _ ~---·-···------·-·-· 3 21 Hotel for wm www, 1>. 0., mmm}, ’ Hm  !‘€q¤¤'€d ·-·—·------- · -·-- 321 appropriation for maintenance,§é3 1 5 v v . ...-.. . ..-.. , 42 aggropriation for construction and repair Hows, Etiyu 0f P0¤t and gcnm] ---··---·--··· ,- u9> 964 owners to file data of rooms, services, alterations, additions, temporary build- charges etc ________________________ 303 i¤8¤» etc ~······--··--··--·· : ···- H9· 964 rates established thereon by Rent Com- Letterman, San Francisco, Cahf..:... 964 mission to be (.harF9d by __________ _ 303 Walla Reed, D- G-» fc" AMY Medlml proprietors of, not liable or money, etc., of Schwl --·-··-··---· · -—···-··--··· : · 964 guests not depositinginsafe provided for remodeling, jransferred 00 Public therefor ___________________________ 1081 £zgd;£°’*'*°° for d'·°°h"g°d SOL 1368 unless reipsing to give receipt for 1081 restrictionsnf real estate purchases in Army am°¥:;.%mumd cxc€pf_P?'_ 1081 ggr>r¤1>¤¤¢i<>¤ M- ¤¤*= .*0 ¤**¤·=* manu gi»eL%s`»}iA§ I Z Z . . .1 mz

    • 1***** Reed G·>¤¤¤1H¤¤g¤¤L D· C· 456 notice asmlocking room etc. tobeposrbedunexpended balances availab e to pay limitation forbagéage tchewiu _ _ 1082

§1‘{,§‘,,‘3‘il‘§(»"$$. §%‘é2E.’L?€‘3?§;¤$i‘§e;c§’ 1027 m~¤··b*¤m ;·*;*;:g¤¤ °*·. mbiéci *0 Hospitals for Discharged Disabled Soldierg, em, §:;;·gcg‘;y e i ¤ d1¤'m8· _ A present 300 appmpnyiution for expenses of, under Pub- H Mm Count '```' '``''`` he Health Serv1ce. . 885 gz? f rd y* f C; H be Rau for remodeling, etc., tmnsferred to Pub- ° °LP‘;mh°° ° R PP°’ti M rK 8° ¤·=H¢=·**** Smce -·--··-----·-·-··· 13**8 n;€vCo(il1n?araudrg:·'1;1);lmtcJ`i,ria1e:avt%e- l · . · 7 9 '! d°5°1°Zg, Zl°*5?£m$$5`. i({r..r???Yif° we 1¤¤<>¤»_¤¤=*=¤ri¤·i;¤¤¤<ii*=i¤¤¤ --------- 1096 for Broadview, gl., construction ... 1163 H0‘uyh¢0’¤·,_ Mich., _ _ _ erection of bui1din?s for medical staff at gggropnatxon fog gublic bmlding ,.,... 165 Volunteer So diers’ Home branches, H , _M¢v3/ B- ( ), - &0mg_l]gt]ngnfgfgr___ ____ __,,,, ,_,, 1167 PGHSIOH1I|.C1'%%d-...-..·