Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/560

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1978 INDEX. Margo, Wdlekzm, Page. 1{a·rine_Corpr—C0ntinued. Page upgngiou ,___,,,__,,,.,,,,,,,,,,. 1616 degielpncy appropriation for fuel, etc . ‘ , ur, or omge ..--...·-··--.- Mplgggizn 1605 aufor com¤;utat‘;:ptoi cpouarter? . 1170 ‘ no r., owance orq ers faxmneso officers 11"""°"‘;“".%‘1,‘i” ‘°’ "“"“° '°““"“‘g ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ M all “.’;$‘?‘i°?1;‘}.‘%i“§%.p§§?$.’2E,°§}°£€1§L‘§¥. 385 ummm ., owan o appmpiiation for public building. . 165 and enlisted msn  : .. 824 Mao-wopa Reservation, Ariz., _ _ ‘ _ restricted to Regular Manne (`orps . 824 appropriation for Ak Ohm irrigation oHieers and enlisted men of, » pro act on , 3, 408, 1226 blic Health patients, ma pur- Iarme _ Scjonwn s Insurance, Commu- céhgase supplies, etc., at arme 976 mmr a , rps prices .. , office abolished; duties transferred to divi· enlisted men, reenlisting after serving as sion under Director of War Risk officer in Reserve, to have credit for I gnsurance Bureau .. 371 if aaltxrefservice therein . . 141 urine arpa, ‘ wi our orthree mont to ve · ‘approp·:iation for pay of officers, active former grade, etc .. 141 and reserve list. .. : .. 152, 829 enlisted strength permanently established . 830 for pa of oilieers, retired l1st-.; .. 152,829 temporary officers eligible for existing vafor men, etc ... _ .. 1 52, 829 cancies in permanent strength . 830 worpen in service, to receive pay, etc., 152 transfers without regard to age; qualifies- 830 e_ enlisted personnel -.- Z ,.. _ tions required . _ enlisted strength temporarily in- eligibility eigtended tp officers m active ..·=*°··*·*‘*,..,;*·¤.:.%:*.°,»,.**·*··,...=·1;,1;.·,., ······· *52 ,.S;*.:·s:&:$,;*...P*“1°·1°*’ ··········· s commissmns m ower grades . pom mm , 11.115 retired enlisted men promoted to war- fig commissions li if ... 83)

grades an aztivfex duty, to re- 158 numbero'fcwut·:’a1I:tg, increasI?d tIherefo35. 830

mic ‘) em """°""•" D 'I I disbursing officers allowed credits for 1;;,.5 _,,,,_,,,,,,,, { ____ 830 gr emergency payments, etc.; re- 153 may hold tenzporlzrly commissions until 830 ..1..,,1- .,,.1.; *,.1. ·‘‘‘ zssmsizzzzzzzz so ...1.·.1.."°'§.'“°"..1...°". 1.., .§.1;1;1s1;.;.1;;;,;,·..·1.=.,·: transfer of temporary officers to per- ment bongiitszotc ,,,,,____________ 836 1... .;""‘°"1.1..,.1.,..‘°"“‘“““°‘11,1,,h..§.‘I°’ °‘° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1e,% °“*°“°bEi'}1‘.f.,i‘$."§‘?§°i’§,l‘.?°'}L‘°"i‘.' Am` ••••••••-...,. m - for undrawn clothing .. 153,830 gered consipicuomly distihvgtlislfgi for mileage to officers without troops. . 153, 830 service; requirements .. 1440 for of quarters, officeriss 831 excbaraglglpggzneg, S8.!] Diego, Calif., base, 145 for pay of force ... :;::2 154; 831 families of commissioned-'Eéé§s,"QE,, pay restrictions, temporary employees. 831 allowed transportation upon change for provisions; commutation of mtiom,_ 154, 831 of permanent station ____________ _ _ _ 604 for clothing ,,,_,,,,,,,,,,, , , , , __,__,_ 154, 831 permmdnp Station defined ____________ _ _ 604 sales to officers at cost . 154 noncoutmnssxoned officers to have addi~ gg; A --···· --······----··· 12:. E tional rattlio;1 or ?)m1;mtation ... 602 _ , _ . , e ec nve un , 922 . 604

.struct1ou, etc im gg pay clglesésipggg gnimissions in Refor transporting and recruiting 154; 832 _ termiriation of activ¢;“:r·:i1;c‘bt1.l1‘;sre.i.i1n 141

Lo; repairs to barracks, etc.; rent . %55g,g33§ penmop: increaged for service in Civil or for mcommth utatiorzupf . l H ‘ ·,_-diliceriiits, 832 quartermasc gxlseginsupupliesl 585 1... .11,.,,.,.,"'f’°"°,..·._...::‘:.‘:::::‘:.‘::;:;: 155:832 1»..1.11‘.§°§1,1.S.,°.‘.‘L‘1i2‘%11§§.$..;.‘¥f’}‘f‘:::;:: % wkmmdnwmpb {$0911**18 fgrcyork it ---- { _; 155, @ rates egg? mzlnsionalrs for loss of limbs or , _ , -- w e 1 ... ( .,,,,_,,, 982 to constitute fsngznteuanecxg fundim 833 rggdjuiténiiggggt patlgé (.;:5, gg ggrsqnugpm for flying equipment for, advanced base ’ committelgiaf c21;g(i31111X .. pmt 604 um . . ,,,,,,,, mm; main - - ’'‘‘ for barracks, Quantico, Va ... iii?} egoogia Nt€mn€:e?g1il.mpr;o8umh¤l9gul9° fortransportingremainsofoliicersaud foriisgal W yeqc enlistedmen .. 146 823 uniforms etc yearh?li’?ti’·.·:·-E-·"`K.°° 1169 deficiency ¤PP!¤Pf1¤t1¤¤ for repairs of y after...'j.?l? . . 836 1.. o"“‘`°"°..‘ ‘t:,;»;.‘1>;%1...,.. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ z::::.1: %¥.° ..."““i°.§’1$11€’.,?f,'°"",,,..°‘-"'“‘"’ ******1 ···=· 8* 616;,3455221 104 · 1 ptmgcommissmnsm 1 . 1 1 1 1,1044, 1185,1190 Reserves, restored to former status for WY; — - 611 651 3451 5221 1039. 1041. 1135. 1190 on termination of active serviee 141 f°' °°”“·“8°¤* ·····-·~--~·-··- - ---. 345, Marine Corp.! Rum.; '```

522, 1039, 1041,1044, 1170, 1185, 1190 enrolled men not officers on active dut

for provisions; reappropriation from 1920 1170 during the war mas; serve une for transportation and recruiting ,,______ 1170 · ’ ‘ . · -xp term in Manne Corps, conditions. . . 139