Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/565

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IN DEX. 1933 Members of Cmzgregs, Page. Merc@ant_Mar£ne Act, 1920-Continued. Page. attemyitulg tp miluence, on matters of 18g’.I.Sl$l’.lEOD repealed; limitations; comple- . egmlauon, by Federal officers and tionof11ecessaryconstructionwor£.. 989 employees, forbuldeu .. 68 speedy adjustment of all matters arising communlcations On request, or through under _____________________________ 989 pillligal clzamxelfiexcepted .. 68 determination of compensation etc. puma ent or vio tions .. _ . 68 by the Board. ...,.. 989 Members cj tlge House of Represgntatwes, suit authorized if decision unsatisfacapgymlgylgjhllgngn for cgmpgpggtggu ____,_, é g, lgx Sm mry ,,_,__,,,,_,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,_,,, 989 or e _ ... , ,1 ’ 'pping Board pro isicus 989 for clerka%€re . :. .: - . . _6§7, 1258 nunpber of Commigsioners increased 989 paymetrggi zrxziaxg $@ 930, wlnle 11] m1l1- _8 cha.11&ma1x to be designated by the Presi- 5 (3 ____________,,_, 5 en .,...,,,.._,.. 989 peymeggdsgxgtgntgfiiilm atgtghe gvokspemons termq, qualifications, geographical divi- Y» BU GY ;1'¤€¤. ¤10!1 -.- . ... 989 em _,,,.,..,.,,,... 162 liti l di " ; mary' terests .M€’lh»0T’I:¢1l {Qddressea in Congress, P0 r§:tricte`g?(:Ij. .. T .. 989 ' 1llusm§1ons accompagyxngz be Iélidé at other expploygucgltésti or relations with n ving an g ureau, camem or 1 en 989 s;m§!;aid {rom appropriation thugs 1431 Y division of duties; rexgoval, etc . 989 0I' ...-...-r.-.· , rgulations, etc., to e rescri ; emif elsewhere, from printing for Congress. _ hploygxelut of attor11e§;1et.c . . . . . 990 mg ts an uti contin . 990 Memorial firchway, Vicksburg (mz Vicksburg, temporary coutguance of present Gom- M •_ gms., Memonal Archwuy). mimggn, , Hiérk ,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,_,,_ 990 emoruz etc. `es 0 mem increased. . 990 approprilntioé for expenses dedicating, to vesels, etc., property tmusferred to President Abraham Lincoln 180 889 Board ’ 990 commission mma to recommeddl ’ exception¤-li1·<;{;lle1:bl<;{*e}l1l1le1l£lae;·;·lce soo tion of, in Arlington Memorial Army, N’a.vy, river and harbor vessels, M h Arxiphitheater each year ... 1440 ml gte ... g emp is, mn., ee 0 vessels to citizens . appropriatiogi fm- public building, sub 165 price; payments; conditions 992 t 0 ce . c0astwisel1m1` 'tations . -. 99 expendzotgue authorized for real estate, sales of vessels to aliens .. 991 It I Pa.r§Av·ia.tion Field at .. 455 restrictions, etc.; interest on deferred 99 son yman ymentas . 1 Jwnsionj . ’ 1 621 ¤team¤Ep lines for development of trade, enominu Ag¢n?);, Wis., { I etc., authorized .. up pnati' on rsu port,etc. 0 v requirements, " gs,e pm at ,..,,.. ... 434, 1248 sale or charm of vessels to ciyizeus fop. 991 Mennminee Indian Reservatabn, Wis., operation by Board 1f no extxzen servxce forest investigations, egc., on Indian reser- _ secured . : ..».. 991 M _ vat}o$e not ahgphmble to .. 6, 411, 1229 ma}1 c0utrapts;lut}}onz;d.:£{£ 1; . r . . 991 enommee 71 wm u. pre erence m es or px cus vmg appropfimgstcion gifpexiicapita payment to, 1247 support of cgmgmlniueg ui gm g ,,,,,,,,,.. , ,. mamtaming mmxlar semce .. .. 1{cru>minec:uWis., charges restricted if Government operatpn-el.i.mi.xm.r{?~examin¤tion, etc., of, Harbor mg service additional to pnvate.: . . 992 and ive: to be made .. 1012 subjects to be investigated; for pmmouon Mercer, Rose (widow), of port facilities, etc .. _. 992 Mpengion ,__,___,_,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,.,.. .,., 1520 recommendation as to rates, etc., of ml 092 ham Marine, carriers ... . ` gzdal of meritisgwgdarded to person gn, for suléomitoed tof Iutetrixtate Commerce 992 d' t' serv' e at sea urin mmission orac `on .. tl; wgld War. . . ff .. g 1082 i¤sura1;ce on vessels sold with de- 992 1lcha¢M ’ At,1920 err paments . . ‘

>g£ fo; expelnses of Shipping insurance fund, for Government-owned

Board under provisions of . 1382 vegels may be created . : .. . 992 necessilgy of American vessels fogtggxiional 988 consgructxon loam fund to be set mde fmm W3 tense, , tc., yeyenues .. T ... . policy declawgolcgmdzcfdgping and eu- 988 togxd gg slxggfogsglfgiggzyggc . m I ‘ _____ _ _____________, __ _ , y C1 ze 11 .. 0X0C:l0;;(:?1g;)!;'gShi ping Board . . 988 limit; lien created for ... _. 993 legislatgm resales;] transportation of 988 vessels ufdbe cared for, operated, etc., um:11 993 ' m ,,,,,,,_,,.,,, so ,,___,___ _ _,_,_______,__,__,,,, co:n;>Iemti‘<;:f%>?11r%}e.?i•€sm;lQe1¤ therefor. E autherity oiglmggeucy Fleet GOI'p0!‘8r 993 iring ° dmg' ts, tc 1011 cou uu . zcoggrol of ghigping chargers, ets .. 988 all property other than vessels to be sold., 993 authority t0build,cl1arter, sell, ships, disposition of revenues, prior to July 1, 1921 993 etc _,.., . ,., 988 thereafter to be covered into the Tres} limitations; execution of prior conmcts. 988 ury._ ... , _ .. 99 3 accruing rights valid and enforceable. 988 opemting capxtal, msumnce, and conpenalties, etc., not affected .. 989 stmctmn loan funds excepted .. 993