Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/569

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INDEX . 1987 Military 4;-a¢jemy—Conting1ed. _ Page. Military and Naval C0mpe1wation»—O0ntd. Page. a.ppro;{;0i;;:lonwfc;;·mc0?unge?t, academic appropriation for payments; nmexpended _; c ca supp ies .. 545 balance reappm riated . ... . 881 for band mstzrumenfs, etc .. 546 deficiency appropriation for payments, {Ol- lalipqyy, ggdgi; lines? etc _ __________ §46 gu; _______________________ , ,___ 378, 508 orpoicing arrac s e_c .. 46 lHhmry' a·ndN alF il Alb for cagiet. barracks, himiture, etc . . . 546 appropiiatioreiqior pamyilmgnts frzjm. . . .. 172 for children S qchggl _________ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ 546 QQHQIQQQY agprofriatiou for _,_,,,, , ,,..,.. 1 for protection. .. . .. 546 lhhtary and aw Insurance, Commismbner for bmldmgs and grounds .,..,,,,____,, 546 QQO for ordnance museum; laboratory; gen- office a lished; duties transferred to dieral repmrs, etc 546 vision under Director of War Risk for W¤¢€!‘W0fk¤ ---·-·-------··--..·. . 546 Insurance Bureau . . , ... 37] for bayqnet fencing jround, etc . 546 1filitary Auachés, for relguring walls ong Poplopen pipe 546 Mappmpgation for expenses abroad, etc.. 105, 949 B -·--··.-.---·-.. . ... uar_y qmpment etc., for roads, grounds, etc .. _ . 546 specimens of mms, etc. issued to the Army ger ;e;ga;r%0§t&, to meiscs bmldmgs, etc. . toxllgzbiurmshed biatioual Museum for I 0i' G OUSG. 9 ... - . e 1tion . . ... 438 fvf south Cadet b8-Hicks. -. . 547 colors, etc., of demobilized organizations f<>1' Cadet ba-1’¤¤2k¤ -----·... - . 547 _ brought into service from Nationai for post cemetery ... . ... 547 Guard, to be returned to State. . 1438 {or 3111% roads, etc, & . all others w State furnishing majority w Of e mess, repairs e . organization . .,..,.., . ,.,.,,. 1439 for post iieadquartas, etc., 547 for natiogal use, if not identified with gs . _ .. _ .: . _ any tate .. . ... 1439 for nie:] cleamng, dimnfecuug, etc., 547 title of, remain intglnited States . . 1:333 ding ... preserve on, care, e .. 1 for married officers’ qua.rters.. .. 547 previous disposition of, ratified .. . . . . 1439 for bachelor quarters . : . 547 Military Forces (sea Army). _ _ _ _ . for reuiodeling 01:100 cglet hosgntal, atc.; 547 Mdmzry Igzgtitsgwn, (see Civihan surpusArmy material e ., M111 Instru on. be egHfor ’00llBtl’l1Ct{]1g tem- Military Intelligierwe .Diviai0·n, General Stef . porary gs, instruction etc.. . 547 Corps rmy for construction of temporary buil,dings.. 547 approprisdoin for contingent exgenssu . 105, 949 continuation of apgfoggzdog for tedn- §or expenses, military attach B. .. 1855, gg l¤.rgmg` e evator s et ospi . 547 or observm' g war operations a . . , funds consolidated as "Maintenance"- 547 deficiency appropriation for contingent for of remains of o&cem, 895 MW 1184 e , e .. . .. suny savers , deficiency appropriation for pay of cadets- 1166 alppropriation for expensesnoz . . . 105, 949 for fue , lig t, etc .. 1166 M' um-y Parks, National (see National Parks). for iusgling automatic stokers in power Mililazy Posts, {my, d p t. 1166 appropriation or water an sewer systems, for maintenance . 1184 etc., at. ._ ... . . 117, 961 instruction course made four years . 548 for construction, etc., post exchapgee. 118, 963 appoinunei? to vacancy dueiftgucind of training, etc., camps, recreation e€18 963 course or present year, et re- peuses at . . , tained ... . . .. 548 for constructing roads, walks, wharves, cadets may postpone graduation for one and drainage, etc., at . 119, 964 year, or graduate with present clam- 548 for removing remains from abandoned. 184, 895 age for admission". .. . ... 548 deficiency appropriation for roads, walks, extended during 1919, 1920, 1921 for wharves, and drainage .. 844, 1041, 1044 apzmointees serving in World War. . . 548 for exchauias . . . 1184 failure o cadet to graduate from sickness, unexpended alances availabletopay conetc., not to elay admimion of suc- tracgseéor roads, wallgs, etA;.,_at, su¤— IO27 cemor. . . ... 548 ou account 0 anmstice. lease of land for hotel site authorized,. 548 Military yleclaiordv Corrected, erection of building; on recommendation Britton, William S . .. 1464 of snperintendentu . . . - 548 Wilson . . 1531 conditions, ew.; compensation for build- Gluck, 5`0hn. ..,. . ..- 1§30 ings, etc., on termination of . - 548 Healy, J0lm.. ... 1024 admission for instruction authorized, of LeC1ear, Georg; .. . ... 1627 Ramon Ricardo Arias of Panama. . - 548 Lewis, Alfred ., . ... 1532 Tao Hung Chang and Zeng Tze Wong of 234 gamer, N ... China . . . . - 00s, W ...-· . - cadets gra.duati;1€iJeiuJ1l£;202to receive com- 786 gnthony, Msgine Corgri. . . .. 1526 miggi ng r y .,. i nary eservatrbrns, bandmz , Mpgrchase of tgxoloéacniee for use of. 118, 962 I a propriation for survey, etc., of . 196 "*"w’R,NY“.k·’ I,..€m,...%;“‘1°" (M dm ·”*3;‘;:z,;m for ..,,...8, ..,.,,1.- ar , g 1 appropriation for payments, etc 173, 881, 1374 preserving records of selective g, noh reimbursemggz go G0vernm‘%nt etc ... { -é . .. I . .9309. 951 'tals here m or treating ar statement 0 state, to e Rig Bureau benedciaries .. 173 the adjutamt general thereof. . .. 110