Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/646

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2064 · INDEX. Public Lands-—Continuod. Pogo. Pubhb }’r·intcr—Opntinued. _ Pago. sale of, authodzedto Saint Anthony Idaho, printing machmery, supphos, pm., no of “Islzmd Park" in North fork of longer uooqcd by other officmls, may Snake Rive! .,,,,,,,,, 1093 _ be reqmsxtmucd for by .. 233 withdrawn for Reclamation Service pur- stuuoncry for Senate and House of Repreposos, no longer needed therefor 1089 _ sontsuvss may bp purchased from. . 1036 within water power projects withdrawn Publw Pnyntgng and Bmdmg, · _ _ from entry .. 1 1075 appropnatmn for Government Prmting Ofsalss of, in abandoned ·Fort; Randall M111- fico, salanes . _ ... 22 7, 940, 1428 tary Reservation, S. Dak ... 550 for }>sying salaries for holidays- - - 227, 940, 1428 scgmgatious under Carey Act, by Oregon, for eaves of absence 227, 940, 1428 continued ..,... 987 for expenses of . 227, 940, 1428 set aside for water supply reserve for Sun- advance payment from departments, nyside, Utah. ...,.. 1087 etc., for work ordered; credns d1· sodium salts deposits in, leasing, etc., of rscted . 941,1429 tracts containing ... 447 for Congrcm 228, 941, 1429 soldie1s’ additional homestead validated, for executive dopamnents, sto. ._ 228, 941, 1429 of Thomas H. Holland as asignce division of allotments; restriction . 229, of G1arkfSé Bcmisé. . mj m f ty { k 942, 1430 asasmgh ceo eorge . 'tzinger .. co 'cs. o nepessn o wor restock musing homssmnds; entries of non- eébuirod; cxoeptnons . Q30,_943, 1430 contiguous hmd permitted to exist- au oriry ofCongmssfor other prmting 230 ing homsstcaders ... 287 details prohibwod unlcm cxpromly ausurvey autborized of Florida school soc- thonzed bylaw 230,941%,1431 tions in unsurvayed townships .. 1103 all expend1turos to be eqmtably selection of school grant, ctc 1104 charged to work cxccufpd. - - 230, 943, 1431 · timber cutting permmcd for manufsctur- illustrations for Mammal addresses, big, etc., pmxoses by corpontinns payment for ...,., I ,,,,. 943,1431 o or than of o Sum .. 1088 for salaries and expenses, Supermteudent timber sales on power site lands, author- of Documents .. 230, 943,1431 ·

      ... . ... 758 deigar War Risk InsurancsfBu§'oau.1§'§éi:.i. . 646

prior tz or omesteads, ctc., em ciency appropriation or ar 11- power siw lands, recognized ... 758 sunuce Bureau . . . . 1 payment for damages 758 for Post Office Department. . . 59, 520, 593, 1182 extension of provxsiom to revestod Coos for Pan Amerimm Union .. . 59 Bay Wagon Grant Lands ... 758 for Supreme Court, D. C . 59, 1037 time extended for émyments by homestead- for Depamuont of Labor . . 59, 520, 1182 ers on abou oned Fort Aminniboinc for paying salaries for holidays .. 520 Military Reservation, Mont . 1086 for leaves of absence 520, 1037 ceded lands of Cheyenne River Indian for printing, binding, etc 520, 523, 1042 Reservation, S. Dak .. . . 1447 for Civil Service Commimion. . . 520, 1037, 1182 Stsnding Rock Indian Reservation, for I11teri0rDopartme11t 520 _ N. lm S. Dak . . 1446 for Treasury Department . _ 520, 593 uma further extended for émying install- for Emp1oyess’ Compensation Commuments for, on ceded -olvil1c Indian sion .. . 590 Reeervatwn, Wash . 536 for Department of Agriculture .. 593 undergroumj water _ sgnfply prospecting for Library of Congress .. 593 _ p¢rm1ts authqnz m Nevada .. 298 for Department of Commerce ... . . . . 1182 powuts etc., to dgscovcrer . 294 for exéxengeg ,,,.,,,,___,_,,,,,,,... 1186, 1191 dmposaj of remgmder of lands within annual smiled ststementtobesubmitted _ares. of permit . -.._ . 295 of publications issued by each devcluge for tunber protec· psrtment, Ftc .. 1037 on , xncreasod ... 512 number, costo s r, ` , reprimwithdrawal of, for Indian reservations, tion, ctc. . . . .. 1037 _ ; except by act ofCongrsss prohibited. 34 authorized; bills, etc., relati to work of Wlthlh water power proyocts withdrawn House Committee onngkevision of from entry . . . . 1075 the Laws _,,,,,______,_______,_..,. 370 mozso Lamy, p. 0., Fm, om: mom pork ¤¤¤>11<=¤b1i¤h¤¤¤¤¢¤ F8' °"’°"°°“ ··‘‘‘‘‘················· 3’· ‘°‘“ .,o.,.,“‘.2'd‘°‘°‘{ms ‘‘‘‘ ;"o1‘1oa»1 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 12;*3 · · · · un ecem er , -.. . P“°“° M°”‘”L ‘ D"""°"· T'°“’“'9 D°P°"· ¤p;&1o authorization roquirod more 1433 · · · · · - r .. Pxzmgmgugr chief of dwmom em '° 645 ordenxjz laws rol¤tin%mt:]>1riverl;a.nd hagbor . 7 ’1 _ lm V =v?¤>v·?·¤¤¤ M ¢¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*¤ eww --·- 1375 o..5‘§r §§‘€§°$?,ug,,.°¥?TY. .?i??T-iY‘T 1014 Publw Pgréita (fee also Government Printing Congressional Directory, lst session, 66th _ 99 » Congress ., . ,,,.,.,,,... 1631 uppropnztmn for, Deputy, clerks, etc. 227, German and Bolshevik 940, 1428 document ..,.,, , ,,,, , ,,,,,, , ,. 1633