Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/668

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2086 INDEX. Swrem o the Treaau —-Continued. Page- Scactary of War—Cqntinued= Pass. autheized to providg additional hospital authorized to admit to Malin? Academy gcilities, ctc.; byi construction on 1360 fo1;11é1s1Zr|1’ft101_&r Tao fC1}11§m(`hang 234 overnmentownc ¤iws.. . an eng ze cmg, 0 ·_ .. remodeling, etc., existing plants . 1365 allot portion of ammmtfor heirs of c1t1~ toincludo structures, facnlmos, equip- zens killed in Mexican border d1s- meut, etc _____,___, . ,...,_,_,_, {365 tmbgpcgg, 19]], to thegg wounded, 596 to acce t g1fts` or donations ... 365 ctc . . . Z .. _. borecoigo modicalamlhospital supplies bring bor]? of unlmown soldier of Ameriwuipment, etc;, from Secretary oi, can xped1tionarKiForces, for burial ar without charge .. : 1365 in Memonal Amp theater at Arlingto employ technical, ctc., assistants for _ ton . T ... I . 1447 construction worlqexponsos limited. 1365 deliver hospital eqmpmqnt to Kansas, to reimburse contractors for losses on pub _ to chec miluenza €pld0m1C 436 lic buildings, etc., due to inctrgased deliver ;%3u50titX'8CU0l'S to States for road B49 custso ma ,etc.,owin war cons c on .. _ .. _  : .. r gqgditigng ___,____,,.,,_,, ,___,, 231 detail officers for aeronautxc engnneering _ estimates, reports, etc., required .. 282 instruction at schools, etp .. o94 deductions to be made by,_irom monthly examine mto and determine loss of pg of clasiiiod crvil service om- 618 prlgrlate property of officers, etc., 1427 ..., w e lll Service .·..-.·.-.--.· · · to crgdiitegg to "tbe civil service retire- exchange Army cold-storage plant, fb1- ment and disability fund " . 618 cago, Ill., or warehouse, etc .. . 130 investment of unused portion of fund in deposit of proceeds , .: . . 130 Government securities . . 618 furmsh National Museum, for exhibition addigans to frmd of donations, etc., may 8 Annrygdarzngi gqmpmont, etc., msued 1438 accepted .. . . 61 or u or use . directed to immediately acquire and com- Stg&, etc., colors: etc., oi demobilized plete I¥Hpital buildings, etc., Broad- 3 8 Aiirlny organizations. ._ (i . - -£ . . 1438 view, . . . 7 grant 'censes or removing san , e c., disposal of Ilourfor relief of European pop- from Fort Douglas Reseryation,Utah·. 588 ugations, etc., subject to approval 548 gmt right of Baier 1m~ lm o . rovemen , es- e o‘sec 10D.. . duties of, r¤;)t.irgment of public school teaclx· _ imag) for all Aid-:-ni appmprigers, . .. 387 tions or vancw to ° ursrng o - transferred to District Commissioners 852 cern under "Army account of adinvesting of funds excepted .. 852 vances " ... 975 Government owned lands and buildings as- payment from, of obligations under resigned to, for use of Public Health pectivoa propriations . 975 Service for War Risk patnentsz . 1365 issue rmits fgr diversion oi water irom designated forts to taken unmednately 1365 Ngigara River above the Falls . 16% al otments for equrpnxent, etc . 1365 lease land at Military Academy for hotel 548 appropriation for au ditxonal facilities. construction, atv., subject to approval etc.: amount for remodeling, etc., thereof 548 existing plants .. . ...,.. 1385 loan Army ritlos, ctc., to Anmricau to designate extra vomponxwatiou to be paid Legion . . . . . 40:: customs officials for overtime serv- com to American Legion encampment. icon lading or unlading cargoes, etc. . 402 at \‘inr·•mne·s, Ind .. H)62 · to HX pay (lf ‘I(%mp0!‘a1‘y ltbnwm, Cmrtnnts gurphm trackgg 1*,0 Sung; fg; highygy service; limi; ,_ __,,_,..,._. , __,,_ 538 construction use .. . . 584 to serve on commission for purchase of em- - tents. etc., to United Confederate hassy, etc., premises , , . , 1214 Veteran reunion, Fort Worth, Tex. . 1061 to report on utilizing M0\I]1t_“»v&$b€l’, sell surplus Army su plies . 105 \a., weather station buildings, etc.. 697 transfer medical and, hospital sugplies, Seerelary cj War, _ _ equipment, accessories, ve cles, appropriation for, Assistant, amstant and etc., free, for Public Health Service chief clgrk, clerks, etc ________ _ _ 6.58, 1277 ]-[ggpil;3]3 ____,___ _ ________ _ _ _______ 1365 for employees under: pay rc-- 608 medical o¤§]tits, x·ehic1es, etc., con,ec .. toSaint iza t ital ..,. 205 for employees under; pay re— 1977 su§)plus explosivegil etcfpto Interior s nc ons .. - epartment. Wi out charge 193 for Arm? contingent expenses under 948 use Army transports for teams to Olympic for ernp pyges, sale of supglies, etc; gd~ Games ..., , ,,_,_.,.. . . , 738 _ yusting war contract c uns .. . . 949 buildings at Watertown, N . Y., to be turned deficiency appropriation for Assistant . 1025 over to Postmaster General by . 623 ammximgtggin, etc., ang longer nefded for claims for paying civilians for firearms

y, may transierret free of taken bv troo during Colorado

charge to other executive depart riots. 19124. subjggt to approval of... 296 ments, by. ..: . 130 comprehemive report on aircraft to be approval by, of plans for Hood made by, of the Navy and control, etc., _ Red Lake Postmaster General . . .. 13-1 and Red Lake 'ver, Minn .,.. 1106 directed to make special investigations for authorized to admit to Military Academy developing. etc-., inland waterwav for instruction. Ramon Ricardo ugnssoruziou ___,___,, , _______,__ '_ 490 Anas, of Panama .l... - . ...,... 548 subjects esignawd ... 499