Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/678

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2096 INDEX. Soft Bacteriology, et•:.·—Continued. Page. Soldiers, Unidentified—0ontinued. Page. appro tion for investigations, etc.; pub- Congressional modal of honor to be be- Ilislliing tests, names of dealers in stowed upon the French _ soldier impure, etc 243, 702, 1322 buried in the Arc de Triomphe, Soil Fertility, Paris, France .. 1367 appropriation for investigations. . . 348, 702, 1322 Solwbitor, Department of zgrioulture, Soik Bureau, D¢;partment of Agriculture, appropriation for law erks, etc. . 235, 694, 1315 - appropriation or salaries . . 254, 713, 1322 Solwitor, etc., llhr bepartment, im- genera,] expenses . 255, 713, 1322 appropriation for .. 659, 1277 for chemical and physical investigations. 255, Solwitorjor the Department of State, 713, 1322 aptpropriation for .. 676, 1296 for potash, etc., investigations. . . 255, 714, 1333 or assistant solicitors, and law clerks. 642, 1263 for cooperative investigations of soils, Solicitor for the Interior Department, mapping, etc ... 255, 714, 1333 apfprogriation for .. 676, 1296 for classification of agricultural lands. . . 255, or oard of appeals, office of ,,___ _,,. 669,1288 714, 1333 for assistant attorneys, etc ... 669, 1288 for commercial potash production demon- for per diem, etc., inspectors, etc 669, 1288 strations, etc ... 255 Solicitor for the Post Office Department, sale of product ... 255 appropriation for .. 676, 1296 for 0 ting kelp plant, Summerland, Solicitor General, aalif.; sale, etc., of product . 714, 1333 appropriation for .. 676, 1296 sale of plant authorized ... 1333 Solicitor, Navy Department, for administrative expenses 255, 714, 1333 apipropriatsion for, clerks, etc . 663,1283 deticiency appropriation for general ex- , or temporary employees; pay restricfenses 1187 tion 664, 1283 Solar Ec ipsa, 19;.9, af 181 Solicitor of Int¢r;u1l Revenue, 676 ap pnation or expense 0bservmg' a propriation or .. , Sold11;lr'T·A1nerioan Unknown, Solgcitor of the Department of Commerce, body of, who was a member of American appropriation for, Assistant, clerks, etc. 677, 1297 Expeditionary Forces, and died dur- Solicitor of the Department of Labor, ing World War, to be brouxht for appropriation for, law clerk, clerks, etc. 678, 1297 burial irmrlington Memorial mpbi- Solicitor of the Treasury, theater .. . 1447 aplprogriation for, Assistant, clerks, etc. 677, 1297 Soldr2·rs’ and Sailor? Home, D. C., Gnand or w books, etc . ... 677 1297 Army, Sommer, Ellen (widow), B appropriation for exgemes . 97, 867., 1138 pension .. 1569 Soldters, etc., (su also nlisted Men, Army), Soo}, Ida L. (widow), _ appropriation for medical treatment, etc., pension ,, 1576 of, warrisk insurance menu .. 175 Sopnlr National Forest, Colo., for expenses, vocational re ilitntion of appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 250, 709 d1scha.1ged disabled ... 178, 887 Sorg um, for medical, etc., services for discharged appropriation for investigating production disabled, under Public Health Serv- of, eirup; diseases of; by products.. 244 des ice ... . { .. H. .. Qi . 1376 Sorghuww, Gm·in,f hm ciency a propriation or os i care, appropriation or investrgatmg' dlin , etc., o sick audp disabled, grading, etc 266, ¥25, 1342 f palientsunderti blic Healg Servicei 377 Sound, f I I f orex nses,voca onareha "tationo appropriation ora gprm' ci es0,to discharged disabled .. 504, 1020 military andpig ustnal purgoses. 683, 1302 allowance of pay increased under ex- Sound Ranging Equipment, Fortificatiom, ceptional circumstances ... . 1021 balances of a propnations for, covered in. 613 for medical treatment, etc., of, war risk South Alfnka, Jnion q/Q ‘ insurance patients ... 507, 591 parce post convention with .. . .. 1656 no paspqrt fees of relatives of, to South American Repubhbs, . . visit graves _ ereoi abroad ._ 750 details of naval officers allowed on applica preference in clerical, etc., appointments ‘ tions of, to assist in naval matters. . 1056 hereafter in departments, etc., to South and Central America, _ honombly discharged, or widows of. 37 appropriation for promoting, etc,, comvgxves of .. } . 37 dei merce with . 679, 1298 pre erence t or o ears o ciency appro riation for promoting, _ charged, from service in late war, to etc., commgroe with .,. 1040 malgzdhorgelgtiad entry, etc., on 434 South Cbrolimx, N ope pu c ands ... . proclamation setting` apart antahaia Nodrafted men refudng to serve, etc., ex- tional Forest, Ga., N. C., and .. 1785 eluded . : .. . 434 South Carolina State Depwtment, travel at one cent a mile allowed wounded authorized to bridge eedee River, at Gerur disabled, on furlough from hoe- ner; Ferry ... . , 1102 _ rzuls , _ . 976 Srantee Rgier, at 1}% wives ,marnedm uropema ve ateree ver,aMars u 1 transportation thuefrum paid out South Dakota, an _ of .1rrny_tmnsporta;¤¤n fund ... 1026 appropriation for surveyor general, clerks, Soldiers, Uimdentyied, etc .. 673, 1293 Congressional medal of honor to be be- coment of Congress given to, as toi¤risdic· · stowed _ uwn the British soldier tion over offenses upon boundary buried in ’estmumter Abbey, Lon~ waters, by agreement with adjoindou, England. . 1387 ing State ... 1744