Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/715

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INDEX- 2133 Warrant Officers, Army——Cont.inued. _ Page Washington-Continued. page, numbe:1111 al111e11wed in addition to Mme 761 transfer of ptate charitable, etc., institu- _ an _ _ _ _ ·c€ ·—·· - -----·---·-- - - · tions ands to the Universit for for. ¤€¥`V1¢¢ ¢11g1bn1tY ···-·~- - -------»------. 761 _ est experiment station, antIii>rized_ _ 233 no appo;.1nt1111<1111ts1of111A;my or Quarter- 161 Washington-r%1la11ska Military Cable and Telemas I e c er er a tem, base pay; allowances of second lieutenant. 761 - appropgriaiion ziiir cost of extension, betteriergievrty pay; retrrerueut ·------ - --·.. 761 _ ments, etc., from receipts ,.____,, me seg Wm l»h€]:1nB01V€€ ----~·--·-·-... . . . 761 deficierkcy approprigpiagp for extensions, 110 arran ere, avy, _ e c.; reappropria ion _. , . e additzi<1na19ga11y of $240 a year from J anusry Wa-rhmgtgrt Cx1q¤u:5twt (see Water Service,

. 602 . . .

effective until June 30, 1922 . 604 Wrwhinytoyt 4ayZum and _Jail, D. C., commiyioned, with gpgcifigd ggrvicg, in appropriation for salaries and expenses 93, · World_ Wat, eligible for permanent 1 11 1111 _ 864,1135 commissions in regular Navy ._.__,_ 835 or osp1 , maintenance, etc 93, 864, 1135 rank, etc.; order of precedence- 835 _ apparatus for operating room .. 94 1115mle or rank limited _,,_ 835 for payments to families of prisoners . 94, professionally on examination to _ 864,1136 revert1to £1rn1er status .. . .,. 835 §01’ ;uppo1t11<§11>r1soi;ers_. - 94, 863, lggg ‘ tem rary ' ‘ tm tm - or ranspo ono r1soneis.. ... 4, p0ma1ie(i1i;g1gra¢lee)1in‘ptEe Nav;ll.,.iie?_ 834 deficiency appropriatiim for contingent 11 numbers lumted, etc.; precedence -- 835 101 ..-. 1011 Www Army Tretzrpvrt, for fmggfm P ········-··~-- 101,, Wd1sp0sa1111>f,_a¤:11thonzed . . .. 961 WMM 11 D1-6,1 --—--··—-·---- · --·—-··--- Wgzgfen _ f ___________________ me approprztierr fg; navy yard, public works; 1 Met Fm B· <*·~*·e>· re 3.. °‘“‘° e"1;"e1= ‘ ‘ ‘ e.;e;;.;r;.;;e "" Wremoe ····· · ·-·—---—-—--—-—~--—--—··--- 1570 ML'., it ve, £ie;;‘§ s ee (m;:fonT1twj’ 1505 for expenses of hotel for Government Wpe J kh B: °`°`` ``````````````````` workers . . .,,_,,_ 223, 937, 1425

 _____ 1, ___________________ _ _______ 1541 pay restriction ... 1 ..,. 937

W?,.e,,1 _1(a,gm.d 1,1_ (widow), for Egvy y;.1:1d1, operating Government 221 py£;¥;t0}1>;:lg,/reirsjd ```` ' ````````'```` ```' 1620 for navy yard, Government dormitories, l10I11®¢68d entry 0;, validated- ... 1435 1011 e(;p;mtmg6f8§$11é 224 Wmjcgfog ______ ______ ) 3 _________________ 1594 cgirions Conference at .. , .., 367 "’§:’m Stat NE-· D- ¢’·· -- ¥2i£`£'y’1&2%1§§$g§§£§5 "’“‘“"“"*’l"" 3253 Werrmpgrm *0* venue B te C S=m·-— eeeeem, eppepeeem e;".e;,;e;.;,;e‘ er ‘;1";”·t °l“"d· b . E P Hah 1m First Industrial Conference 519 ‘ y .m°°p°q;dt° ring . · f° ‘ 9* for Naval Gun Factory . _ ____,,,_,__ 522

 §1“§:t£1°t;*;_“°g mm Semcc 5,,8 for expenses of hote for Government

_ _ *‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·· ·‘ workers .,.,,,.,.__ , _ 59,2, 1179 W¤"m9k BW", Va-, international labor conference authorized pwlunmsry examination, etc., of, to be to mggt at _________________________ 279 made- ···-··----------··--·-·-·- . . 1011 monument to mark starting point of motor ' Wasatch Mztwnal Forest, Utah, convoy from, to San Francisco, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 250, authorized . . . . . 1062 _ _ 709, 1328 Warhi ton, Lawrence, W“*h“h¢ NGEWVWI F°"€*¢, WW-, deiiggancy appropriation for pay to widow appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 250_ of _________ _ _______________________ 591 _ 709, 1328 Washington Market Company, D. C., W“°M”§’”¤_C“"”¢ C· (d¢¤*9h¢¢'}, lease of land to, to be annulled 1441 WE1’1#,?¤*°n -1%-111 -··-~ 1- ·_ -·-- 1 - - - 1491 propertS;1:;11 to be taken over by the United 111111 "ye,?¤¤ -·-...---·---- . .·-.----·.----.. K. 1578 to surrender-·];;\1i1€1i§S;.é1(:_;·;;];ér1-75·£);g;· U ”9t°Q”» _ cent of award is paid ... . .,. 1441 3ppI'0p;It:tIOD foI' SUIVBYOT g€D€I.'3l, Cl8I'k:13 of balance _ _é&_ _ _ _§ _ ____ _ ____

···---····-··----------· , nt mjses t tary '

for relieieoi old and indigent Indians in 11 co mggdgfstme {X? bcnglit ?§mUmt;1 WFS rn-, ------·-·--·- ; ··--··~--··-· tates 1441 lOI‘ l’€1.H1bl1]‘B1II.g, fOl’ IDBHDB GX1311 814 gp3Qg’ €f,c_7 to be {gse]-ved for Ggvgrg. P€¤¤€¤· · -_ ·------·-·---·-·--····- , ment uses . 1441 gold, etc., leases allowed of una]- . d tob leasedt tte t , lotted withdrawn mineral lands of remzlaz.? { ... li .8. 1441 Indian !'€B€1'V8tionB in --·-----·--- · 31 disposal of rents, etc., when property taken may b]’i%3 grmke Rive]-, nga; Pasco ______ 161 0ver__ _,___,__ , ,_,_ , ______________ 1441 Rainier Etional Forest, exchange of lands liability of, for taxes, rentals, etc., limited Wit -----·---·----.---»-.-.-.. 1366 to f f pomessi ..,___,_ 1442 lands in, reserved for water supply of authority 1139 0 ration eciiiployees, expenmumcxpahties . . .. 1367 ses, etcjlb; Secretary of Agriculture. 1142