Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1023

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SIX'I`Y—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 367, 368. 1922. 995 hereby, extended to March 4, 1923: Provided, That the rovisions of P’°°“°- this Act shall apply only m cases where it is shown that tlih lands were rsiinwggturg-°:h.m gm actually occupied m good faith by Indians prior to March 4 1913 and the applicants are otherwise entitled to receive such tracts zgllloltlpggrgvt under existing law, but for the grant to the railroad Sec. 3. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereb authorized I“‘“"‘“°“°"““°“’· and directed to issue a patent to the duly authorized missionary Wpxxmm board, or other proper authority, of any religious organization Egxm (iii? engaged m mission or school work on any Indian reservation for such V i lands thereon as have been heretofore set apart to and are now being actually beneficially used and occupied by such organization solely or rmssion or sc ool purposes, the area so patented to not exceed one hundred and sixty acres to any one organization at any station: Provided, That such patent shall rovide that when no lo er §'°'ég, , used for mission or school pnuposes said) lands shall revert tomglie useriv on W mm` Indian owners. ' Smo._4. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, I,,§,g,§°"“‘* S*°¤¤ authorized and directed to withdraw from the fund in the Treasury Revblving fund of the United States to the credit of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe of °;Ql•ii¤°tu§1s°drl($i»i°°tIii;ti»i Indians, known as the Sioux fund, Rosebud, created under the Act md- I of March 2, 1884 (Twenty-fifth Statutes at La e, p 895), the sum v01. as, p. see of $30,000 for the purpose of establishing a revlod aiiind from which he may make loans to members of that tribe, under such rules and · regulations as the said Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. Any loan so made is to stand as a preferred claim ainst an trust funds or trust lands under Government supervision which maylmlong to the borrower or his restricted estate from any source whatever. Sec. 5. That there is hereby authorized an appropriation of $5,000, g.Qn§,°$"'°;{§,,,¥ ” d i ° “ or so much thereof as may be necessary, from Rosebud tribal funds, m*{;•{g;fig;:;¤,;¤°¤;‘{¤g¤t for the erection of a monument, rmder the supervision of the Secretary ingin wma wu sa-ir; of the Interior, on the Rosebud Indian Reservation as a memorial {°,§’{,,,|"}‘,f',,‘,'§,"{""’ “°"’ to Indians of that tribe who gave their lives for their country in the recent war with Germany. _ Sec. 6. That wherever, in an law or treaty or in any patent ,,;}“g'?§,“;$,“'f‘g,§,",,$,“°$,“,j issued to Indian allottees for lands in severalty pursuant to such law gg; M wpgcrg by or treaty, there appears a provision to the effect that the lands so nm. Wy ° ° ""' allotted can not be alienate without the consent of the President of the United States, the Secretary of the Interior shall have full power and authority to consent to or approve of the al1enation_ 0 such allotments, in whole or in part, in is discretion, by deed, will, lease or any other form of conveyance, and such consent or approval by the Secretary of the Interior hereafter had in all such cases shall have the same force and legal effect as though the consent or ahpoproval _ of the President had previously been obtained: Promiled, weaer, §{,°;{°·°n wm by That the approval by the Secretary of the Interior of wills by Indian 1¤<1i¤¤¤¤¤¢w=s- allottees or their heirs involving lands held under such patents shall not operate to remove the restrictions ahgainst al1enation_unless such order of approval by said Secretary sha specifically so direct. Approved, September 21, 1922. CHAP. 368.-An Act To provide for the transfer of the·lands and buildingsof the E? Federal leprosy investigation station at Kalawap, 011 the Island of Molokai, ln the [Public, N0, mo,] Territory of Hawaii, to the Territory of Hawau, and for other purposes, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatwes of the H __ United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Lggiggy mvmm the Treasury is hereby authorized and empowered to convey by :i_<;·1gp£gp¤g·¤>M¤¤i. quitclaim deed to the Territory of Hawaii the lands and buildings