Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1048

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1020 SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IL cs. 4os. 1922. b0r22,l922. CHAP. .—AnA ToamendanActentitled "AnActtoinco rate the Masonic

 Mutua1l6dRel1%?Amo<:iattii;>n of the District of Columbia, " approvedrP°March 3, 1869, as

· °· ‘ amen . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatalvesopf the United DHi**"°*,, '{m°§‘g°,{"‘:; States of America in Congress assembled, That section 1_ an Act enua Association- titled ‘ An Act to inco orate the Masomc Mutual Relief Association V°"”"‘°3" of the District of Columrbia " approved March 3,_1869, as amended, be _ amended by striking out the words “The Masonic Mutual Life Associ- .iii€¤”f° u°ii$°d nig ation of the District of Columbia " and substituting therefor the_words ·*§¤;<j*¤3§°¤B5, mm, "Acacia Mutual Life ASSOCl8i»1OD,, as the name of the association, ed. ’p` so that as amended it shall read "Acac1a Mutual Life Association} That sections 2, 3, 4, and 5 of such Act be amended to read as follows: ,,,3§§m°°"'mp °“d°b' Sec. 2. That membership in this association shall be limited_to °dY<>*·°2·P·”2°·°¤¤¤d· Master Masons, and that the business and objects of the association shall be to provide and maintain a fund for the benefit of the member, his family, widow, or hans, heirs, assignees, legatees, distributees dependents, or other lgeneiiciaries, and or this purpose itshalland may be lawful for the association to make all and every msurance appertaining to or connected with life or disability risks of whatever kind or nature and to grant, purchase, or dispose of annuities, and to _ finnish any aid or service to promote the health or safety of its $”",{’,;,t,,,,; mms members or their beneiiciaries: Provided, however, That the assoc1a— g'rggt°'¤b°’S°¤d¤°"°' tion shall forever be conducted for the mutual benefit of its members ' and their beneficiaries, and not for profit, and that in the exercise of the powers hereinbefore enumerated it shall be subgzct to the supervision imposed by the laws of the District of Colum ia relating to mutual life insurance companies. g;c°§_,*;¤- mmm? Sec. 3. That the number of directors of said association shall ew. ’ ’ fixed by the by—laws and shall be at least twenty-one, a number of ,dY°L32'p‘°zl’“m°”d' whom, ess than a majority, shall be elected by the members at the annual meeting of the association from among themselves for a term of three years; that in all cases of a tie vote the choice shall be determined by lot and in all other cases a pluralityevote shall decide. The annual meetindg of the association shall held at such time and place as provi in the by-laws. The directors shall elect from their number at their first meeting succeeding the annual meeting of the members a tpresident of the association and a vice president, and shall elect from _ e members of the association a secretary and a treasurer, and from time to time such additional officers as the by-laws may provide. The president, the vice president, the secret , and the treasurer shall each ve bond with suret to the association m such sum_as the board of cgiectors may require har the faithful performance of his duties. At all meetings of the board of directors twelve of the board shall form a quorum. In case of any vacancy in the board of directors by death, resignation, or otherwise, such vacancy shall be by the remaimphg directors from among the members of the By_h,,,,,,_ association to serve for e remainder of the unexpired term. dvei.¤s,,¤mm¤· Sno: 4. That the directors shall have full power to make and prescribe such by-laws, rules, and regulations as they shall deem needful and proper for the disposition and management of the business, funds, property, and edects of the association not contrary to this charter or to the laws of the United States, and they shall have power to or amend the same as the interests of the association, in their _ Names ngaene, °Pm1°¤» mg l'6qlm‘Q·

  • mP°"•°· Sec. 3. _ at nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect

0r_unpau· in any manner whatsoever any vested right or interest existing in or under any contract of the association. Approved, September 22, 1922.