Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1066

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1038 sixTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. sm II. cus 425-427. 1922. major of Field Artillery was confirmed by the Senate in June, 1916, a No bm M maivor of Field Artilleriy, to take rank at the foot of the list of majors P"' of 1eld Artillery, an that no_back pay or allowances shall accrue as a result of the passage of this Act and there shall be no increase in the total number of majors of Field Artillery now authorized by law by reason of the passage of this Act. Approved, September 22, 1922. “’°"°' "m ¤mu>.42e.-Ana · 1 ‘ uu ai penn 1 -

 tain clames of persons ihttliig   £1lidhx:a:l;l’{•la$··vicestsi1b)b enbitled tgntlmwbetiiddts

of Article III of the War Risk Insurance Act, as amended. i Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United £$$s°?}£li¤¤m to States of America in Congress assembled, 'lqhat section 312 of the §§',$,°,§§’,,, m°,$,?°,,,,*'?,°2 War Risk Insurance Act, as amended b section 17 of the Act of

    • 5-_},Y{g=;f,,{§?*· June 25, 1918 (Fortieth Statutes,_ page 613;; shall not be construed as

’ the pension laws inapplicab e to persons admitted into the military or naval service after six monthiefrom the passage of the An!e,p.155. Act_of August 9, 1921, establishing the Ve rans’ Bureau and adding section 315 to the War Risk Insurance Act. Approved, September 22, 1922. S°'i§"""*‘ mar. .- · · · · · —p—m—m—’q—P.. mm.- m€»iTZw%.%$'i¥v€£‘¥¤°.??s'tJ.¥?&%“¥JT‘?i.i‘Z?‘p¤Wa.'”‘“‘.“° *"°'°"’““°”°‘ r Be’it enactedby theSenate 1adH e R entat° theU`ted p:§¥e°¤ll`;l°°tl°° hr States of America in Oongre.; asse%le<;,f1'li!.§.l:rcttl}.he folllvdmwigitg worklist of _,,{’{f§,'f‘}2§f’“”°"‘ improvement are hereby adopted and authorized, to be prosecuted Pvlbp-1420- under the direction of the Secretary of War and supervision of the Chief of Enineers, m accordance with the plans recommended in P,ymmh' mm thealreportsh maftegk desiiiatedz ymout_ ar r, assac usetts, in accordance with the re submitted in House Document Numbered 996 Sixty-sixth Congrpeigi P,,,,,,m R,,,,_ thu·d session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document. R-1- lI;avz1;3keté;l1vu,DRhode IslIaInd,bmr6¢:;:cordaé1l¢;e with the:) report su mi in ouse ocument um e 654, ty Dg!'6SS, nmmnm second session. M Nm Mamaroneck Harbor, New York, in accordance with the report submitted House Document Numbered 651, Sixty-sixth Co ess, secopd session, and subject to the conditions set forth in saidndlocummm men . merit? my, 14. Y. md _Harbor of New Rochelle and Echo Bay, New York, in accordance wgth the relport submitted in House Document Numbered 110, Sixtfv-sevent Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions ~`i”‘“‘“" °“°"‘ “°'iv°'Z‘hr“t“"¥;;'£°i."“ii“°‘ Y k · rd 1. it " esceser e ew or,macco `t rt initted in Rivers and Harbors Committee n°ZlS&ZlIt Nr1i51l)1°bereill8, Six?-seventh Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions Igygrax and new set orth in said document. ’ · New York and New Jersey Channels, in accordance with the report snbmgted in House Document Numbered 653, Sixty-sixth Congress, Newark Bay, etc., S000!1 SBSSIOII. N' “Newark Bay, and Hackensack and Passaic Rivers, New Jemley, in accordance with the report submitted in House Document umber<£t206, Silctfvsgentsliligozligress, second session, and subject to the con ions se o m ocument. ‘“'°°°"I'“"·N·Y· _Absec0n Inlet, New Jerse , in accordance with the re rt submitteg m House Document Numbered 375, Sixty-seventh Igongress, Bacon session;