Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1093

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1066 SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Cas. 16, 17. 1922. mbevze im. . .—- A T amend the Act author1z1ng' the Secretary of the Na

 t  tbl-! dainiaggs to private property arising from collisions with navzll

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tire §§@,,,,, ,,,,,1, W. United States of America in Congress assembled, That tl10·Pl‘0Vl· S¤*gg,{;8*=¤· 6,,, ,_ sion contained in the Act entitled "An Act making appropriation for eu. ’°` ’ the Naval Service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1911, and for other urposes," approved June 24, 1910 (Public, Numbered 261, Sixt -li)rst Congress, second session), authorizing the Secretary of the Navy " to consider, ascertain, adjust, and determine the amounts due on all claims for damages where the amount of the claim does ' not exceed the sum of $500, hereafter occasioned by collision, for which collisions vessels of the Navy shall be fonmd to be responsible, and report the amounts so determined to be due the claimants to Congress at each session thereof through the Treasury Department for ayment as legal claims out of appropriations that may be made by Congress therefor," be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows, namely: _ _ _

 “The Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to consider,

L¤¤i¤¤¤*•¤°°· ascertain, adjust, and determine the amounts due on all claims for damages occasioned since the 6th day of April, 1917, where the amount of the claim does not exceed the sum of $3,000, occasioned by collisions or damage incident to the o§ration of vessels for which collisions or other damage vessels of the avy or vessels in the Naval Serviceshall be foimd to be responsible, and report the amounts so ascertained and determined to be due the claimants to the Congress through the Treasury Department for payment as legal claims out of appropriations that may be made by Congress therefor." ‘ Approved, December 28, 1922. D°°°mb°' m* lm CHAP. 17.--An Act To rovide a method for the settlement of claims ari] `

   the Government of the United States in~sums not exceeding $1,000 in MY

Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Representatives of the pri5§’€$%i>eri§:" m United States of America in Congress assgmbled That when used '*’°""‘“°°°"'“°‘· in this Act the terms " department and establisl’1ment” and "department or establishment ” mean any executive department or other independent establishment of the Government; the word " employee " shall include enlisted men in the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. ,fL‘§"§§ _,‘°,E;,,f‘}E§‘{ Sec. 2. That authority is hereby conferred u on the head of each LN °g¢AP$_§{ department and establishment acting on behallf of the Government ece..¤ma¤;. ’ of the United States to consider, ascertain, adjust, and determine any claim accruing after April 6, 1917, on account of damages to or loss of privately owned pro rty where the amount of the claim docs not exceed $1,000, causecflmy the negligence of any officer or employee of the Government actin within the scope of his emceusmem to cm- ployment. Such amount as may be found to be due to any claimant ”°“" shall b0·081‘t1£Gd to Congress as a legal claim for payment out of appropriations that may be made by Congress therefor, together P _ with a brief statement of the character of each claim, the amount ·H'§,f',{"’,,,,,,, ,0, pn, claimed, and the amount allowed: Provided That no claim shall be ¤¤¤¤¤=- considered by a department or other inde ndent establishment unless presented to it within one year from 5% date of the accrual Ampmw and of said claim. D smammmmn Sec. 3. That acceptance by any claimant of the amount determined u.ndertheprovisionsofthisActshal1bedeemedtobeinfn1ll