Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1096

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 21. 1923. 1069 and exchange of same; street car fare not exceeding $150, and other items not included in the foregoing, $13,200. PRINHNG AND BINDING. For all printing and binding in the Department of State, including P"‘°**"¥°°** "*°°“°8· all of its _ ureaus, offices, institutions, and services located in Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, $160,750. rassroirr ammaus. P°”P°""”'°°“’~ For_salaries and exgenses of maintenance, including rent outside s“""‘°°°"‘*°‘P°'”°'· the District of Colum ia, of Cpassport bureaus at New York City, New York; San Francisco, alifornia; Chicago, Illinois; Seattle, WVashington; and New Orleans, Louisiana, $54,250. DHIDHATIO Smavxca. mP'“'”‘“°’°"'°° nmassanons AND u1N1s·rmzs. Ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Argentina, ““"°““°”· Belgium, Brazil Chile, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Jagan, Mexico, Bern, Spain, and Turkey, at $17,500 each, $227,500; _ nvoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary to China, ,,,,§§"°§§d °,§§f,‘}§’{2,§ Cuba, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, at $12,000 each, $36,000; P*•j,Pj,1;°Q;;”;*m ,5,,, Envoys extraordinary and ministers aplenipotentiary to Albania, ` ’ ` Austria, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Czechoslov `a Colombia Costa Rica, Denmark Dominican Republic, Ecuador, lilgypt, Finland, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Persia, Poland, Portug»% Rumania, Salvador, Siam, Sweden, Switzerland, Uruguay, and enezuela, at $10,000 each, and to the Serbs, Croats, and lovenes, $10,000 ;_in all, $s20,000· Envoy extraordinary and minister plempotentiary to Bsthonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, $10,000; _ Minister resident and consul rgeneral to Liberia, $5,000; gxm Agent and consul general at angier, $7,500; ` Provided, That no salary herein appropriated shall be paid to §§*·;•{Y,,f$f6*f,*f°i¤¤- any official receiving any other salary from the United States Gov- ’ ernment · Total, iambassadors and ministers, $606,000. cnanoiis nhrramms an INTERIM. For salaries for charges d’aEaires ad interim, $50,000. °°"'°""°‘"°" sncamanms IN rum nxrnouaric smzvrom. For salaries of secretaries in the Diplomatic Service, as provided mp"' in the Act of February 5, 1915, entitled “An Act for the improve- ,,}’,·;_'-gg; P- ¤°5= V·>L ment of the foreign S€I’V1CB,” as amended by the making appropriations for the Diplomatic and Consular Service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1917, approved J ug 1, 1916, and_the Act making "°'- *1- P- "°· appropriations for the Diplomatic and onsular Service for the fisca year ending June 30, 1921, approved June 4 1920, $386,875; _ Japanese secretary of embassy to Japan, $5,500; ggiggy ${9*;,; Turkish secretary of embassy to Tur ey, $5,500; md d¤i¤¤- Chinese secretary of legation to China, $5,500; Chinese assistant secretary of legation to China, $4,000; Japanese assistant secretary of embassy to Japan, $4,000; Turkish assistant secretary of embassy to Turkey, $4,000; Total, $415,375.