Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1125

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1098 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 22. 1923. ¤£*¤¤di¤8 ¤°u•°· '1`o enable the Secretary of the Treasury to refund money covered voi. as, p. sas. into gh; Treasury asl i]§1fern;P,l·reven1§2collections under the provisions -- of the ct approve ay 1908 50 000.

 ll For refundingl taxes illegally collected under the provisions of

’p' sections 3220 an 3689, Revised Statutes, as amended by the Act of v°1"°"""*‘°‘ February 24 1919 including the payment of prior year claims, £';,°.·'Z}° eo . $12,000,000: lbrwided That a report shall be made to Con of the ¤€”°“ . s _ gmss disbursements hereunder as required by the Act of February 24, 1919. cmecum. COAST GUARD. civmm um Office of the commandant: Two chiefs of divisions, at $3,000 each; two assistant chiefs of divisions, at $2,200 each; title and contract gerk, $2,300; lag End contralct cl?·k, $1,800; civil ;ngif1eer,§2,250; pograp er an ydrograp er 1 800- topo ap ica dra sman, $1,500; draftsman, $1,500; tracixig draftsman, $,400; chief accountant, $2,000; private secretary or cgptam commandant, $1,400;

u· htfof class four, ·f<§urg•e&)n ohclass three, fifteen of class

o n o one ten at 1 eac two at $900 each· two messengers at ; tivo assistaiit messengers at $720 eacli; laborer, rammmm. $660; m " 2 v z The services of skilled draftsmen and su h th techni 1 · ices as the Secreta of the Treasu’ ma deeiii rigcessa camsgrllie . YY YY Y YY, Y PM P- lm employed only in the office of the Coast Guard in connection with the ,,m;”_ construction and repair of Coast Guard cutters, to be paid from the Limit,•¤=· appropriation “Repairs to Coast Guard cutte1s”: Provided, That the expenditures on this account for the fiscal year 1924 shall not exceed $8,000. A statement of the persons employed hereunder, their duties, and the com ensation aid to each shall be made to Congrem eac year 111 e u . h ° th B Idget P S°'"°'°“’°°’°°' For every expenditure requisite f and 'd t t th th ° d work of the Coast Guard, as follow? incluldliiigeiiot (to eimilzldd giiggo for pwgcgase, exchange, maintenaflxce? repairgnd operation of motorprope e passenger-carrying ve IC es, to use only for official c m, Pui‘P°$¤S§ ..,ii2;f°°" . md For pay and allowances resc 'bed b 1 f ‘ ‘ d '°"·1?ll°° offiézeraa cadleltstgéid cadettengi)n<-F; warrgnt uciiliceig, ;•er£i:;ug?i:i=i:s, an o er e is men ·ac 1ve an retired tem k d rf. Tnmmmmds. men, substitute surfmen, and one civiliein in§(i·i‘1:l3r?0$)8,?3(l‘0I:00?)tI of A,,,,,,,_m_ whmh $640,000 shall be immediately available, and not to exceed $39¢,000 of the amount appropriated for the fiscal vear 1923 for fR3tlQHS, or commutation thereof,” is hereby transferred and made mm immediately ava11able for expenditures for ‘Pay and allowances "; ' 1_ ggir rat1o$n:2<§r0%%mmutation thereof for petty officers and other en· _ _ is men, , · F°°l’ i° Fogmfuel and water for vessels, stations, and houses of refuge, 0mts’“°m’m` mgéigognthts, ship chandlery, and engineers’ stores for the same, niiztietjinrgf mms M Fcir reibuilding and repairing stations and houses of refuge temporary leases, rent, and improvements of property for Coast Guard ,,8,,,, monmm purposes, including use of additional land where necessary, $250,000;

 E3?Kg§33*§‘.‘?,};§.‘;.';i‘ii‘.$.?.fd‘%‘;»‘§.E.°£*"‘”§i;" "2°’ §‘5*‘2°°i

_ , _ _ _ _, oro ers·an acua traveling expenses, per diem in lieu of subsistence not exceeding $4, for other persons traveling on duty under orders from the Treasury @0,,,,, m,,,,,,,,,,,,_ or draft ammals and their rnaintenance,_$2'l,000; ¤¤¤· For coastal communication lines and facilities and their maintenance, $50,000;