Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1169

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1142 SIXTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 28. 1923. sanzuzms, Navy nnrammnm. m B¤*¤¤¤ For nontechnical employees in the Bureau of Construction and PW .` ml Repair, $109,000:fPro*vided, That no person$sh%(l be employed here- · under at a rate o compensation exceedin 1 8 per annum except thehfollowing: Tw$¢§ (one oi whom shallgbe ’chief clerk) at $2,250 eac andthreeat 000eac . ”"°"“'°°'*·°‘°· Fdr services of draftsmen and such other technical services required to carry into effect the various apéiropriations for “Increase gf th5n00Navy," and the appropriation " onstruction and Repair," 180, . "“‘°°“°‘°"’““°"· BUREAU or oanNANc1~1. , onnrmivcn ami onninivcn scromcs. P'°°"%’ °°°..d‘..’,...°”.,,‘f For rocuring producing preserving and handling ordnance

1: material); for the ’armament (ff ships, for fuel, material, and labor to

be used in the general work of the Ordnance Department; for furniture at naval ammunition depots, torpedo stations, naval ordnance plants, and proving grounds; for machinery and machine tools; for amm 1 n av r ce p s, an r §.¥.¥“sce““""§“ °f "$‘}.‘{¥‘§ "iEf’,?r$“’mP3`§d°$1 3°?.‘s °°'l’.;°S£’ “"2°§If" target practice; for the maintenimce, repair, and operation of horsedrawn and motoripropelled freight and passeager-carrying vehicles, to be used only or official purpom at nav ammunition depots,

 provigg grgiinds, na¥alhordi;1';nc<Lpla1§tsh  naval  

ionsan or epaocem crica rain ms io apd messeéiger ilervice navy dyards, hagal gtaitgms, ns%al grdlnance p ants, an nav ammunition epots; in , 9,9 3,000,0 w ic sum an amount not exceed` $903,000 shall be available for the pur- A¤*·*¤i{¤** ,, chase, manufacture aiilig installation of antiaircraft ns for the as on Kwylmsum a gu " United States ship Maryland, and ammunition an fire-control m mq an instruments reguired for_such guns: Pr0·vz@Zed,_That the sum to be mu. paid out of this appropriation under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy for chemists, clerical, drafting, inspection, watchmen, and messenger service in navy yards, naval stations, naval ordnance giants, an naliiall ammunitrprg depots for the fiscal year ending une 30, 1924,s a not excee 900,000. S¤°'*°*°“ P°"d°’- For urchase and manufacture of smokeless powder $850 000. '},`£°°°h*L§ pw The Secretaig of the Treasurily is authorized and direizted to trans- $¤;;°¤¤;¤;s. w pur- fer from the alance under the special fund entitled ‘ Ordnance " material, proceeds of sales, Navy," on June 30, 1923, to the apgroriation, ‘ Ordnance and ordnance stores," an amount not excee in ¥450,000, which shall be available exclusively for the purchase and P¤’,'{,,"”‘ manufacture of torpedoes and appliances: rovided That the baltation on re- _ _ s ¤*¤*¤¢¤•¤¤¤¤ ance in such special fnmd after such transfer shall have been made shall not be available for expenditure after June 30, 1923, except to meet legal obligations incurred prior to December 13, 1922, and any unobligated ba ance then remaining shall be carried to the surplus fund, and thereafter the net proceeds of sales of uselem ordnance material bi the Navy Department shall be covered into the Treasury as “Misce aneous receipts." mxrnmmnum, BUREAU or onnzuxcrz. E""°""’“"""""‘· For rimental work in the develo ment of armor·piercing and °xH° P . other projectiles, fuses, powders, and high explosives, in connection with problems of the attack of armor with direct and mclined tire at various ranges, including the purchase of armor, powder, projectales, and fuses for the above purposes and of all necessary material