Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1210

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sixrr-snvmrrn oononnss. sm. Iv. GH. 42. 1923. 1183 tively, shall be discontinued on or before the bégllllll in of the fiscal year 1924: Provided, That this limitation as to attenddnce shall not H°P°S°h°°“°'Gl*lS· apply to the Hope Indian School for Girls at Springfield, South °mpm` Dakota, which school is hereby continued. The upils in schools Tr°""f°'°fp“Pus‘ so discontinued shall be transferred first, if possibiie, to Indian day schools or State public schools; second, to adjacent reservation or nonreservation boarding schools, to the limit of the capacity of said schools: Provided further, That all day schools with an avera e ii.iLi3i,°°h°°L° °‘iS°°"` attendance of less than eight shall be discontinued on or before tge beginning of the fiscal year 1924: And provided further, That all raid"},-`}§XS’¤,';Y“T“°d °° moneys appropriated for any school discontinued pursuant to this Act or for other cause shall be returned immediately to the Treasury of the United States: Provided further, That not more than $250,000 mh'1`¤i¤¤¤ i¤ public of the amount herein appropriated may be expended for the tuition °°lS` of Indian children enrolled in the public schools: And rovided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be usedp for the Spl:c$§,d§`§j§ij'g{§° ““` support of Indian day and industrial schools where specific appropriation is made: Provided, however, That the deficiency appro- use of pm-mus priation of $290,000 made by the Act approved March 1, 1921 for °p${,‘{¥’.§“j'f,{"}i71_ the support of Indian day, boarding, and industrial schools is hereby declared to be available for expenditure for the benefit of all such gndian schools whether supported by specific appropriations or otherwise. mnnuv scnoon nm Aomrcr nmxmnes. b£g_¥,¤i¢;gS_¤¤d ¤z¤¤¤y For construction, lease, purchase repair, and improvement of school and agency buildings, including the purchase of necessary lands and the installation, repair, and improvement of heating,} lighting, power, and sewerage and water systems in connection mm therewith, $350,000: Provided, That this appropriation shall be Supervisingwork. available for the payment of salaries and expenses of persons employed in the su ervision of construction or repair work of roads and bridges on Ihdian reservations and other lands devoted to the Indian Service and on school and agency buildings in the Indian Hm and 1, ht t Service: Provided further, That the Secretary of the Interior is employees. lg ° authorized to allow employees in the Indian Service, who are furnished quarters, necessary heat and light for such quarters without charge, such heat and light to be paid for out of the fund chargeable with the cost of heating and lighting other buildings at the same place. INDIAN scnoor. TRANSPORTAHON. tidiiml mnspomi For collection and transportation of pupils to and from Indian p¤§»i1ii°°H°g’ °t°" and public schools, and for placinrr school pupils, with the consent of their parents, under the care and control of white families qualified to ive them moral, industrial, and educational training, $90,000: PWM, Proridgd, That not exceeding $5,000 of this sum may be used for obcuunig employ- obtaining remunerative employment for Indian yout s and, when ”"’“" neccessary. for payment of transportation and other expenses to their places of employment: Provided further, That where practi- R°P**Y¤*°¤*· cable the transportation and expenses of pupils shall be refunded us and shall be returned to the appropriation from which paid. _ The p"" ‘ provisions of this section shall also apfply to native Indian pupils of school age under twenty-one years o age brought from Alaska. ixncsrman worn Axu cam: or rirrenn. I“d‘““"°‘ "°"‘»°“‘· For the purposes of preserving living and growingtimber on Sgimberpwserveuon, Indian reservations and allotments, and to educate Indians in the