Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1218

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 42. 1923. 119]. Provided, That no part of the- sum hereby appropriated shall be used mmyhm except for school or schools of the Mississippi Chippewas now in ` the tate of Minnesota. Red Im Emmy For the contruction of roads and bridges on the Red Lake Indian mm. _ Reservation, including the purchase of material, equipment, and su - miineéaizdggiriiiiiisiw plies, and the employment of labor, $9,000, to be paid from the funds eld by the United States in trust for the Red Lake Band of Chip- 1,,,,,;,, pewa Indians in the State of Miimesota : Provided, That Indian labor 1¤¤i¤¤i¤'¤¤¤- shall be employed as far as practicable. Mm ml mms For the necessary surveys and enrolling and allotting the homeless Alloguientsnto smile nonremoval Mille Lac Indians in Minnesota, to whom allotments ’°s""°“'°m°"" have not heretofore been made, on lands purchased for that purpose in accordance with authorit granted in paragraph 4 section 8 of V°‘·38·P·5°1· the Indian appropriation Xct of August 1, 1914 (Thirty-eighth Statutes, pages 582-591), $10,000. Mrssrssirrr. M*“‘“*P*’l· For the relief of distress among the full-blood Choctaw Indians of Mississippi, including the pay of one special agent, who shall be a physician, one farmer, and one field matron, and other necessary administration expenses, $10,000; for their education by estab- E°“"’“°“·°“" lishing, equippin , and maintaining day schools, including the purchase of land and the construction of necessary buildin s and their equipment, or for the tuition of full-blood Mississippi Choctaw Indian children enrolled in the public schools, $21,500; for the purchase 1‘“°s*°t°‘ of lands, including improvements thereon, not exceeding eighty acres for any one family, for the use and occupancy of said Indians, to be expended under conditions to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, for its repayment to the United States imder such E com . md rules and regulations as he may direct, $4,000; for the purpose of uryfiac. ging us` encouraging industry and self-support among said Indians and to aid them in building homes, in the culture of fruits, grains, cotton, and other crops, $8,000; which sum may be used for the purchase of seeds, animals, machinery, tools, implements, and other equipment necessary, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, to enable said Indians to become self-supporting, to be expended under con- Ropsymm ditions to be prescribed by the Secretary for its repayment to the ` United States on or before June 30, 1930; in all, $43,500. MoNrANA. M°“°°“°‘ For support and civilization of the Indians at Fort Belknap m§ii§p°n'°t°"°H°` A ency, Montana, including pay of employees, $19,000. F°"B°1k‘“"’ A“°“""‘ ‘l:·`or support and civilization of Indians at Flathead Agency, F"‘"‘°“dAg°“°" Montana, includin pay of employees, $19,000. For support and civilization of Indians at Fort Peck Agency, F°“P°°kAg°"°"‘ Montana, including pay of employees, $28,000. For support and civilization of Indians at Blackfeet Agency, m“°k‘°°*Ag°“°"· Montana, including pay of employees, $60,000. For the support and civilization of the Rocky Boy Band of Chip- C1§,‘}f,],$§‘{,’§ci’““d °' >ewas and other indigent and homeless Indians in the State of Alontana, including pay of employees, $6,500. ____ A _ _ For support and civilization o Indians under the ]ur1sd1ction of ,,,,,,§*},}.’,°,$,,}°§,‘;,_{’_§;“°‘°S· the following agencies, to be paid from the funds held by the United States in trust for the respective tribes, not to exceed the sums s ecified in each case, to wit: Blackfeet, $39,000; Crow, $125,000; Iilathead, $18.000; Fort Belknap. $30,000; Fort Peck, $2,500; Rocky Boy, $5,000; Tongue River, $20,000.