Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1222

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SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 42. 1923. 1195 For support and civilization of the Kickapoo Indians in Okla- K*°’¤*P°°¤· homa, including paéy of employees, $1,700. go;} sppp]-<;rt an1 givilizationfof thin Poncglzlndians in Oklahoma *’°¤°°S· an e ras a, including pa o em 0 .500. . For the support of the il ncy gorygfizl Kiowa, Comanche, and a¤§1.i;Bcb·i:s?mm°h°s’ Apache Tribes of Indians in ggklahoma and ay of em loyees main- A‘°“°" °‘p°““°‘ tained for their benefit, $29,000, to be paid iirom the Eiinds held by th%_United tS€tates in trciust for said Indians. M8 or main nance an support and improvement of the homeste d i"°°“"{,""T· S°"‘ gg gl)1e)(%1o£v;a,)€ Comaéxcge, andhA%ac}§:STl:-ibgs of Indigjns in Oklahoiiiasj li'1*l>i*E?i¤d¤·tc’ mm _ pai om the un el b the nited States in trust for? said Indians and to be egrtpended under such rules and re - lations as the Secretary of the _ nterior may prescribe: Providgd, §,C,,"§,°g,,c,,,,,,,.,,,_ That the Secretary of the Interior shall report to Congress on the first Lgoiéday in D$li>er,11924, a detailed statement as to all moneys _ ex n e as prow or erem. Fbr the support of the Cheyennes and Arapahoes, who have been A,?,,l§§,¥,§,{’“°“ °“d collected on the reservations set apart for their use and occupation u1§;;>§·¤¤ds¤w·. rwm m Oklahoma, andf-pay of employees maintained for their benefit, uu ' $30,000, go paid om the funds held by the United States in trust or said n ians. For support and civilization of Indians under the jurisdiction of a§.i1pp§°§°¤i.°;i°8§,°°S}’.$,°$ Ehe following agencgas, to be paid fra; the funds heéd by the United mm ‘“”"S· `tates in trust or the respective tri not to excee the sums s ec`- fied in each case to wit: Kiowa, $18;000; Pawnee, $1,200; Pgncd, $2,500; Sac and Plex, $2,000. For_the support of the Osage Agency and gay of tribal oiheersi RQLFQZ, ,%,,5,,,,,,, “h°..t’§”’£13$t€0%“°¥.°§f §2?.isi$E3.g‘2’§Z.h°r$;¤?4E i.§f3’}.°"2°§ ii *2.;.1 “°"°°""" '*"`“‘ age c e m States trust fdr the Osage Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma. _ For necessaig expenses in connection with oil and gas production m,(§",f,P§,§,§ P’°°“*` on the Osage eservation, including salaries of employees, rent of quarters for employees, traveling expenses, printing, telegraphing and telephoning, and purchase, repair, and operation of automobiles, $55,000, (t)o be pitidbfro?1Ith§ funds by the United States in trust F*°m*¤b¤l ¤mdS· for the sage ri e o n ians in ahoma. wu For fulfilling treaties with Pawnees, Oklahoma: For perpetual gizuuilgiiqymuityi, to 5;; pfi§§l2§n 0:;)% th; Pawnees éargicle 3, agreenieiitbof ms.3ii»Zi;,`%i§°I¤*igmit¤S, i ovem er · or supper o wo manua - a or. · _ _ _ schools (article 3, trdaty df September 24, 1857), $10,000; for pay vol um im of one farmer, two blacksmiths, one miller, one engineer and apprentices, and two teachers (larticle 4, same treaty), $5,400; for purchase of iron and steel and other necessaries for the shops (article 4, same treaty), $500; fpr pay of physician and purchase of medicines, $1,200· in all, $4 100. For’support of Qua laws, Oklahoma: For education (article 3, §d?$:idi¤,gw. treaty of May 13, 1833l), $1,000; for blacksmith and assistants, and °‘7’*"‘2°‘ tools, iron, and steel for blacksmith shop (same article and treaty), $500; in all, $1,500: Provided, That the President of the United ggggggionuwm States shall certify the same to be for the best interests of the ' I d` .. . nFbzi-nguppcrt and education of seven hundred Indian pupils at the °““°°°° S°“°°'· Indian school at Chilocco, Oklahoma, and for pay of supermtend— ent, including not to exceed $2,000 for printing and issuing school paper, $119,000; for general repairs and improvements, mcluding construction of employeesl cottage, $21,000; in all, $140,000. _ Osage mmm. For the support, education, and systematic vocational instruction t iggfzfaagsu M, from of Osage children, $45,000, to be paid from the funds held by the “ “" · United States in trust for the Osage Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma: _ Provided, That the expenditure of said money shall mclude the ""’"·'°·