Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1243

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1216 SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 42. 1923. forG¤u{B¤i=B¤_;;_9I1¤¤¤w¤¤¤ COLUMBIA INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF. M¤i¤*¤¤¤¤¤¤· For support of the institution, including salaries and incidental expenses, books$a?d0illustrative apparatus, and general repairs and ' ts 9 0 0. R°P°‘”· mlgtligviigigirs, to buildings of the institution, including plumbing gud steam fitting, and for repairs to pavements within the grounds, 10 000. H°"”d U‘**'°"‘*‘V· , HOWARD UNIVERSITY. ““‘“°°""“°°‘ For maintenance, to be used in payment of part of the salaries of the_officers, professors, teachers, and other regular emplolyeees of the university, ice and stationery, the balance of which shall paid fron; ldoonggioris and othfzr sources, of$v1vl16<gBg11m not less than $2,200 shal u or norma instruction . For tools, materials, salaries of instriictors, and other necessary expenses of the de§artment of manual arts, $30,000; _ _ $3For books, sh ving, furniture, and fixtures for the libraries, 500· ,,,,,I',§_‘,§°"°“‘°“‘ md llor ;§m&rovemendtl of lgrounds and repairs of buildings, $20,000, to beava'a eimme 'atey· · M¤¤i¤¤¤ d¤1>¤¢¤¤¤¤¤- Medical department: }.50I' (part cost of needed equipment, laboratory supplies, apparatus, an repair of laboratories and buildings, $9 000 · l•`or inaterial and apparatus for chemical, physical, biological, and natural-history sgudiiles and 11;; ifxlaboratories of the science hall, includin cases an s e ving · rueimdlighz. Fue%and ligllitz Fcg Bart paymegt for fuel and light, Freed1nen’s Hospital and owar niversity 15 000· New banding. _ Toward the construction of a_ liuilding for assembly hall, gymnasium, armory, and administrative headquarters for department of Limit ¤f¤>¤¢· health and hyfgiene, together with drill and athletic field, within a. limit of cost 0 $197,500, which is hereby authorized, $40,000; Total, Howard University, $232,500. F*¤°d=¤°¤’SH°¤¤*°·* rnnnnmmrs HosPrrAL. S“'°'*°’·°‘°· For salaries and compensation of the surgeon in chief, not to exceed $4,000, and for all other professional and other services that may be required and expressly approved by the Secretary of the Interior, $$5,800. IA dp/tailed statement of the expenditure of this sum shall be _ su mittet to `oncress;

 For subsistencei fuel and light, clothing, bedding, forage, medicine,

medical and surgical supplies, surgical mstriunents, electric lights repairs, replacement of -ray apparatus, furniture, motor-propelled Pathological bum ambulance, and other absolutely necessary expenses, $67,000; mg, _ _ For pathological building, $60,000,_payable 60 per eentum from m,§,{,§_,,{’°m D“*“°‘ the revenues of the District of Columbia and 40 per centum from the Treasury of the United States. Total, Freedmen’s Hospital, $172,800. T:`;;i¥&a;’?°¤° *“ ‘“° covsnxmsxr IN THE Tnniuroams. nam. Gmmm TERRITORY or ALASKA. 0 . Governor $7 000. C mmgmt I For incidisntal and contingent expenses, clerk hire, not to exceed $2,500; jamtor service for the governor’s office and the executive mansion, not to exceed $2,100; traveling expenses of the overnor while absent from the capital on official business and of the gecretary of the Territory while traveling on official business under direction of the gpvernor; repair and preservation of executive offices and governor s house and furniture; for care of grounds and purchase of