Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1317

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1290 SIXTY—SEVENTH oorrennss. sm. rv. Ch. 119. 1923. ¥¤=;>¤¤¤¤¤»·¢¢¤¤v=» lerk 2000- officer in char e of supplies, $2,000; inspectors—cne l°w°°m’°°°’ $3,000,$orie $2,250; attomeysione $4,000, two at $3,500 each, two at $3,250 each; law clerks-—four at $3,000 each, two at $2,7 50 each, four at $2,500 each, eight at $2,250 each, one $2,200; superintendent of telegraph and telephones, $2,000; telegraph and telephone operator, $1,600; assistant chief clerk and captain of the watch, $1,800; clerks-one $2,000 five of class four, fourteen of claw three, one $1,440, eighteen of class two, thirty-one of class one, two at $1,100 each, one $1,020, three at $1,000 each, four at $900 each; messengers or laborers-one at $1,000,»sixteen at $840 each, eight at $720 each, four at $600 each; lieutenants of the watch—one $1 000, two at $960 each; watchmen-thirty at $840 each, fifty-one at $7 20 each; skilled laborers-one at $1,200, five at $1,000 each, three at $960 each, one at $900; messenger boys—two at $720 each, eight at $600 each, seven at $480 each; charwomen—-one $540, one $360, fourteen at $240 each; __ for extra labor and emergency employments, $12,480; in all, $382,520. M¤<=¤¤¤i<¤1»¤¢¤·,¤¤¤- For salaries and compensation of necessary employees m the °l°y°°°° mechanical shops and power plant of the Department of Agriculture, $90,000. urscnmamnous rzxrrmsns, nnraumnnr or Acnrcorzrona. Gmunceutcxpuw- For statione blank books twine, paper, gum goods, soap, brushes, broomlsixmats, oils, paints, glass, lumber, liaiidiivare, ice, fuel, water·and gas ipes, heating apparatus, furniture, carpets, and matt' ; for lights, freight, express charges, advertising, telegraph~ ing, Lileggphoning, posta e, washing towels, and necessary repairs and improvements to gurldings and heating apparatus; for the purchase, subsistence, and care of horses and the purchase and repair of harness and vehicles, for official purposes only; including necessary expenses for the maintenance, repair, and operation of an automobile for the official use of the Secretary of Agriculture; for the payment of the Department of Agriculture’s proportionate share of the expense of the dispatch agent in New York; for official traveling expenses; and for other miscellaneous supplies and expenses not otherwise rovided for and necessary for the practical and eiiicient work of the department, $156,000. ¤·¤*· nam- or nurwmcs rrr mn nrsmrcr or oonrmnnx. ¤·¤¤<¤¤¤¤·¤¢¤·»D·C· For rent of buildings and parts of buildings in the District of Columbia, for use of the various bureaus, divisions, and offices of {fé’n*%’,j_;,°¤_ the Department of Agriculture, $176,866: Provided, That only such part of this sum shall be available to pay rent for space which can not be furnished by the Public Buildings Commission in Government buildings located in the District of Columbia. ,,,§,‘§,f°,'§,’}}kf*“d d""*‘ orrrcrzs or nnrroruar. Arm nrsrnrnurroiv wom:. P°Y°’”“*¤“¤“¤°*°· _ Salaries: Assistant in charge of editorial office, $5,000; assistant 111 charge of office of distribution, $3,500; editor, $3,000; executive assistant, $3,000; assistant editors-—one $2,250, two at $2,000 each, one $1,800; assistants in charge-—one of addressing, duplicating, and mailing, $2,400; one of indexing, $2,000; draftsman or photographer, $2,100; chief clerk, $2,000; assistants-—two at $2,500 each three at $2,000 each; indexer or compiler, $1,800; artist and designer, $2,500; draftsmen or photographers-one $1,600, one ${,500, three at $1,400 each, one $1,300 ten at $1,200 each; lanternslide colorrst, $1,200; executive clerk, $2,000; clerks-—three of class four, four of class three, ten of class two, eighteen of class one, nine-