Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1333

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1306 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 119. 1923. ciations, or corporations as may be found necessary, including repairs, alterations, improvements, or additions to a building on the Arlington Experimental Farm, $56,260; '1`¤*>i¤¤i*¤P·°**= For the investigation and develo(pment of methods for the manufacture of table sirup and sugar an of methods for the manufacture of sweet sirups by the utilization of new agricultural sources, $30,000; °,cP¤*°*°°di”’P°°“°“· For enabling the Secreta of Agriculture to carry into effect V¤1.s4,p.76¤. the provisions of the Act offyJ1me 30, 1906, entitled "An Act for preventing the manufacture, sale or transportation of adulterated, or misbranded, or poisonous, or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines, __ and liquors, and for regulating traiiic therein, and for other pur- ,,,,,,Rf,,`{‘f‘°" °fP°‘"°° poses "; to cooperate with associations and scientific societies in the _ revision of the United States Pharmacopoeia and development of ee§sx°i»'i“ZL¤?§:1mi»°t?i•$€ methods of analysis, and for investigating the character of the chem- P*°°¤°”- ical and physical tests which are applied to American food products in foreign countries, and for inspecting the same before shipment when desired by the shippers or owners of these products intended for coimtries where chemical and physical tests are required before pmae. the said products are allowed to be sold therein, $704,401: Provided, T’“°m{“it‘ That not more than $4,280 shall be used for travel outside of the M Uriited States; _ _ am. or enabling the Secretary of culture to carry into effect the E’;lz§“’“» P*°"°¤** provisions of the Act approved arch 2, 1897, entitled "An Act miie;. hg, p0604;1VoI. to prevent the importation of impure and unwholesome tea," as 37;*;,p* 1 ’ °" ’ "‘ amended, including payment of compensation and expenses of the members of the board appointed under section 2 of the Act and all other necessary oiHcers and employees, $38,000; g¤{‘§gsP}’*°'°’*”'°“**' _ For investigating the grading, weighing, handling, transportarm, p. 1435- tion, and uses of naval stores, the preparation of defsimte type samples thereof, and for the demonstration of improved methods or processes of preparing naval stores, in cooperation with individuals and compames, includiugrtheemployment of necessary persons and means in the city of ashmgton and elsewhere, $10,000; tugiggdw Md _ For the investugation and_development of methods of manufacturimsapumeee. mg insecticides and fungicides, _ and for_ investigating chemical problems relating to the composition, action, and app ication of insecticides and fungicides, $20,000; mf,·j,{,,d{•°*¤¢ ‘°°° _ For the study and improvement of methods of dehydrating materials used for food, in cooperation with such persons, associations, or corporations as may be found necessary, and to disseminate in- éggngggion as to the value and suitability of such products for food, Proven lantdust ‘* 1 _ _ _ upnoaciiisgiic. For the mvestigation and development of methods for the prevention of gram- ust, smut-dust, and other plant·dust explosions and resulting tires, mcluding tires in cotton gius and cotton-oil 1H1%lS,a¥5,000; n , general ex nses, $1,011,061. Total, ureau of éliemistry, $1,320,031. °°“’°‘“'°'“· BUREAU OF SOILS. . sananms.

s§s¤`i11itsef¤t:.' Soil phggijicist, who shall be chief of bureau, $4,000; chief clerk,

$2,000; rative assistant, $2,100; executive assistant, $2,000; c1erks——four of class four, three of class three, six of class two, one $1,260, thirteen of class one; two soil cartographe_rs at $1,800 each; draftsmen—one $1,600, eight at $1,200 each; soil bibhographer Or $1,400; laboratory helpers——0ne $1,000, three at $840 each; $1,440, one $1,380; machm1st’s helper $900;