Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1347

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1320 SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 119. 1923.

 ,0, wm} account any such expenditure may be made: Provided, That the

our regard to éupply Secretary of Agriculture may purchase necessary supplies and equip- °°“‘“"t°°°""d‘ ment for use at Center Market, without regard to awards made by General Supply Committee; to continue the employment of the necessary persons under the conditions in existence at the time of the taking over of the property by the Secretary of Agriculture, with such changes thereof as he may and necessary; to provide a fund for the payment of freight, express, drayage, and other charges and claims against the commodities accepted for storage, and to require reimbursement thereof with interest at the rate of 6 per centum per annum under such rules as the Secretary of Agriculture may prescribe, and to remove, sell, or otherwise dispose of such commodities held as securit for such payment when such reimbursement is not made when dine, all reimbursement of such payments and all receipts from such disposition of commodities to be credited to suc fund and to be reexpendable therefrom; and to use such other means as the Secretary of Agriculture may find necessary for the proper occupancy and use by the Government and its tenants dggrase ¤¤r¤¤z¤ of said property, $17 6,000: Promkied, That not more than $500 may ‘ be used for the pgment of claims for damage to goods while in storagie in Center arket that have accrued or may accrue at any time uring the operation thereof by the Secretary of Agriculture in accordance with such regulations as he may prescribe. y£g§g§_“*d B*°°k· 1·:Nro1zcm¢nN·r or racimns AND srocxranns ACT. pgsg;?*°°¤°¤* ¤· To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the 4m¢,p.1se. provisions of the Packers and tockyards Act, approved August mm. _ 15, 1921, $410,500: Provided, That no person shall) be employed HY ’°“"‘°“°’L hereunder at a rate of compensation exceeding $5,000 per annum · except three persons at a rate not to exceed $6,500 each per annum. G“i" "“°“'°s A°*· nxroncnmnnr or 1-111: mum mrrunns scr. p.§i.‘§§_°'°°m°“° °" To enable the Secretaliéy of Agriculture to carry into effect the A¤er.p-M gmvisions of the Grain utures Act, approved September 21, 1922, ggovkrgzmuou 103,600: Promded, That no person s all be employed hereunder Y at a rate of compensation exceeding $5 000 r annum, and only one person may be employed at the rate of $5,% per annum. S°°d‘¥’°"‘*"°“°‘· COLLECTION or SEED•GRAIN Loans. ¤¤($:§”°° °" mm To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to collect moneys due the V°’· "»P·’3*"· United States on account of loans made to farmers under the seed- 4¤¢¢.P·•°7· grrain loan provisions of the Act of March 3, 1921, and the Seed rain Loan Act of March 20, 1922, including the employment of such rsons and means in the city of Washington and elsewhere as may E; necessary, $20,000. ““*'¤“¤ °**"*°¤· Maximum sannms. ,, ¤f*°°° _ During the fiscal year 1924 the maximum salary of an scientific investigator, or other employee engagled in scientific wor; and paid _ ffloilxi thte generial ta&>ropgat;oé1§,5q)0t e Departmqgt of Algriegiltufre, P, ,g,m,m_ S a no excee a e ra o r annum: r0mde' at or Y the fiscal year 1924 no salary shallplfe paid under this paragra h at a rate per annum in excess of $5,000 except the following: blbt more than twelve in excess of $5,000 but not in excess of $5,500 each, and not more than Eve in excess of $5,500 each.