Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1353

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1326 SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 146. 1923. ,_,e§°"md °°"’°’*Z°· sion authorized under certain conditions to refund or convert obliga- ` tionsfof fogeign govermnents held by tlhe United States of America, and or other purposes approved Fe ruary 9 1922 is amended to Indebtedness nf read as follows: 7 5 ’ em: enum. “Provided, That the settlement of indebtedness of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the United States, as follows: Principal of notes to be refunded ... $4, 074, 818, 358, 44 Interest accrued and unpaid up to December 15, 1922, at the rate of 4} per cent ..____. 629, 836, 106, 99 4 704, 654, 465.43 Deduct payments made October 16, 1922, and ’ November 15, 1922, with interest at 4} per cent thereon to December 15, 1922 ... .. 100, 526, 379.69 4, 604, 128, 085. 74 To be paid in cash .. .. . 4, 128, 085. 74 Total gincipal of indebtedness as of Decem r 15, 1922, for which _British Gov- Bmdswwmod ej_r1nn§&1tSpotnSdsGue to betiiued to the ° · m a overnmen a par .. 4, 600, 000, 000. 00 ,n;"°°‘d,,,nP" P°>'°*’*° *¤ “The principal of the bonds shall be `d l st llm ts um an a fixedhschedule, sutlgject tt: the rightii? §l£§];1IiIt;l1 Glovzrnnignt ma e ese paymen in ree- ear perio m t f th first yea1·’s installment will be g23,000,000 and tlicbe Oauiilnugl in? stal1ments_ will increase with due regularity durin the life of the bo%di6u1§ti1%ng10(t;l;)e)(eiz§,?*-sewnd year, the1§ountbc§ the installment wi _ _ e gre e inst ts l to th total principal oi thia debtiig ga an mg aqua 6 ,nwP$f' P°Y*¤°¤“ *“· t_ “ 'I;he Britgi (nioiernment shallf have the right to pay of addi- 1ona amoun o the principal 0 the bonds on any interest date upon nmety_days’ previous notice. mmm nu:. _ “Interest IS to be ppyable uepon the unpaid balances at the following rates, on Decem r 15 an June 15 of each year: At the rate of goplgzpgiltépen pleyablptgemianenually fpom December 15, 1922, r erea r t t t pa able semianinually until finala a 0 gilt? 0 3% per wm per annum named mma: X Y ym nddedn, nnndnen For the first five years one·ha f the interest ma be deferred and added to_the principal, bonds to be issued therefor? similar to those Payment in U sm of=$_2;;ngmal iisu? · t nt f 8,,,,,, bend, “ _ _ aymen 0 in ere or 0 principal be d ’ Snmmjipm Eomdtgdt States Government bonds issued sincemgyril i$!:a1;17? ¤~v~*· "’ ...,.3.¤,?.,°.$zZ?}“`Z3,3°‘12l“d,“°°"€§d€§“”’°“”“ '“"°*" “*’g"‘°"°" _ se emenswi o er ts'd ted ,,§§$°§‘§.’ ,,g°,§e,.°‘;’; the United States are hereby authorized to bioihlhrdldudgon lgucih tert; “°m°°°° ;;;hg€‘i{’mm;SS1§g1,_lg;t¢¤t¤€%)_bYt ttl? act approved February 9, 1922, _eve o ; , su ]ec the approval of the Con by Act or ]o1nt resolution? grass · °'f°**°" °‘ °°"m'=· Src. 2. That the first secf f th A ' Zgim p.acs,».¤a¤a. a commissiqn authorized u¤iil)§r0certzi’in 0:}.::3 29;*e;l£;S¤at;%¤§§f §(;;`:§1gT;)g’0V€PD!I:,€HtS held (liylghe United States of , urposes, approve ebruary 9 1922 is KBIXIDOISIIIP ill- gi; _ , ’ mm _ _¤ or_ ar ore1gn Debt Commission is hereby created consisting of eigeht members, one of whom shall be the Secreta of the Treesury, w 0 shall serve as chairman and se f h 13;;;,11 M b the Pr . _; VBl10 W Ou! Y ~‘?-$1d¢¤¢, by and with the advice and consent