Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1400

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ons. 149,150,171,172. 1923. 1373 as, in its discretion, may ap ear advisable: Provided That an and *°,,’°""°',,,,.,,,·,,,, all buildings so assigned shgll be surrendered within, ten daysyafter sign mm- nm N the close o the said session: Provided further, That the said committee shall furnish a bond or other satisfactory assurance of in- d,Im“‘1“““,g,{" °g*"’“ demmty against damage to said property while in its possession, ` incidental wear and tear excepted. Approved, February 28, 1923. CHAP. 150.—Joint Resolution Accepting the sword of Genera] Richard Mont- g0mBry_ · [Pub. Res., No. 94.] Resolved by the Senate and House o Re sentatioes o the United States of America in Congress assembéed ilqat the sword of General aiiiigg m`ii¤:ii»°$$r°;·i Richard Montgomery which he wore when he fell at the sie e of *°°°l’°°"°°°"“‘°‘· Quebec on December 31, 1775, be accepted in the name of the Nition from the donor, Miss Julia `Barton Hunt, whose generosity is deeply gfppreciated, and that the sword be deposited in the National useum. Approved, February 28, 1923. _ cme. 1-:1.-Au Aa nsamenet of cmeuus Dugan. ‘{£°ii?i饀i Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives oc the [Pubu°’N°' im United States of America in Congress assembled That the °· ’§;,.{,’,,3,,,,,],,,,,,,,,,,,_ dent is hereby authorized to advance on the retired list of the Navy, v¤¤¤¤d •¤ 1i¤¤¤%¤¤# to the rank of lieutenant commander, Cornelius Dugan, who served "° ' with credit in the United States Navy during the Civil War and mm the war with the German Government: Provided, That the said Noinciuued pay- Cornelius Dugan shall not in consequence of such advancement be entitled to any increase in the pay which he is now receiving as a retired officer of the Navy. Approved, March 2, 1923. CHAP. 172.-An Act To detach Pecos County, in the State of Texas, from the udliiii Del Rio division of the western district of Texas md attach Same fb \h6 "`[P’•i¤¥l?.§}¥K¢mT" El Paso division of the western ju icxal district of said State. Be it enacted b the Senate and House 0/ Representatives 0 the U nited States 0;/ America in Congress assembled, That Pecos i~T·ii¤°dc°i»‘·iiiiI;°i1i1»iilZ County, in the State of Texas. be, and the same is hereby, detached {§’{Q','§`,‘},,,§‘2,.§_,,,•g·f{,*§ from the Del Rio division of the western judicial district of the M Im State of Texas and attached to and made a part of the El Paso .m..¤&.e.' p' ’ division of the western judicial district of said State. Swim 0, Sec. 2. That all process inst persons resident in said county p”°°°S°‘ of Pecos and cogmzable biidre the United States district court shall be issued out of and made returnable to said court at Pecos City, and that all prosecutions against persons for offenses committed in said county of Pecos shall be tried in said court at El Paso mm or Pecos City: Provided, That no civil or criminal cause begun and rmdink mss not pending prior to the passage of this Act shall be in any way af- “a°°‘°°’ fected by it. Approved, March 2, 1923.