Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1475

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1448 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Cris. 248,249. 1923. with jurisdiction in case of such contumacy or refusal to obey the process, orders, and requests of the commission to issue an order ,¤£¤*{'¤'¤¤*¤¤* ¤¤ °°°‘ requiring compliance therewith. Any failure to obey such order Apt; ms mm,} of the court mg be punished by the court as a contempt thereof.” ,d." ’p‘ ’° Sm. 4. That e last aragra h of such Act of Se tember 22, 1922, ' ded to d P ll P P _ is amen rea as o ows: p$§'§,'{°"“°i°“'°'°*' “There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any

  • ’°"·P·‘°"°· mone&Xin the Treaiury not; otherwisebcappropriated, {age sum bqf

$600 orsomuc tereo asmay necessaryto a e until expended, for carrying out the provisions of this Act." Approved, March 4. 1923.

 CHAP. 249.-An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to imue tocertain
 persons and certain corporations permits to explore, or leases of, certain lands that lie

south of the medial lme of themamchannelo BedR1ver,m0k1ahoma, and for other PUIPE. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatéves 0 the . . P" gmm-,0,Mm United States of _A·mer¢ca in Omglress assembled, That the coreiagi mgpsmwsgn tary of the Interior is hereby au orized to adjust and determine

“{,°,,R'Q'Q,°§,m; the equitable clailriinsdgf cigzens ofdthe United States, and domestic

corporations to an oil an deposits belongin to the Egitedl Sgateé situaaelgaiouth ogfhg inecggl line of tithe maig nne o 1ver oma w ic an were claimed an possessed in faith by such ditizens or corporations, or their predecessors in interest, prior to_February 25, 1920, and upon which Emu umm to lipids expend1tur§_s Jie made in g<:1od8faith_ {md withbreasonable ams. gence m an e o ver or ev_ o 01 or as yr isuance A _ _ kr _ of permits or leases_to those found equitably entitiddthereto. ,,,i,_}’,_,,,(,"""‘*‘1,,,,,,,,""’_ W Src. 2. That applications for permits and leases under this Act shall be made to the Secretary of the Interior, and shall be made Endo, M within and not after sixty days from and after the date that this — ‘ Act becomes a law. Leases and permits nmder this Act may be granted to the assignees or successors in interest of the original locators or the original claimants in all cases where the original locitorsbor ogiguqa claimants have assigned or transferred their rig ts ut w en eases or permits are anted to the i ees

 in intereist of thte oxggipatle 1o%ors or c;1ggind?c§zniman(t;

e said eases an permi s s a su ject to contracts t contra? §o_ lawtor péitgic_ policy, between the original locatoisnctir U H. I origma c aiman s an enr successors in interest. _ gm"' In case of coniiicting claimants for permits or leases under this itct, the Secretary of Q qi Interiolii Eq ggtéiorized to grant permits or eases to one or more o them as s a eemed just. m°Sum“°d` Sec. 3. That not more than one hundred and sixty acres shall be granted by leases or permits to any one person or corporation, except in those cases where two or more locations or claims have been assigned to one person or corporation, and in such cases not more than six lumdred and forty acres shall be granted by leases R H . _ or rmits to any one person or corporation. Ourevrrxiiliiinivdvm That each lessee shall be reqpired to pa as royalty to the llmted States an amount equal to the value at die time of production of 12% per centum of all oil and gas produced by him prior Mmme 0,,68% to the issuance of the lease, except oil or gas used on the property for production pprposes or unavoidably lost; and shall be required to pay to the _ nited States a royalty of not lws than 12} per centum of all oil and gas produced by him after the issuance of the lease, except oil and gas used on the property for production pur-