Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1487

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1460 SIXTY~SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. CH: 252. 1923. or defraud such bank or any other company or pzson, or to deceive any officer of such bank or the F edera Farm n Board, or any agent or examiner a pointed to examine the affairs of such bank; °"°°°""‘ and every receiver of) such bank who with_ like intent to defraud or of I zpljure embezzlf§ll1;1bstracts,tpurlEoinsi1o£ willfully misapplies any Inf _e moneys _ or asse s 0 suc an _ an every person w 0 with like uitent aids or abets any_officer, director, agent, employee, _ or receiver in any violation of this_section, shall be deemed guilty P“““’“““"‘· o; ahmnsjdemeagor, and upolnecgnlviction thereof in any district court o the nited tates shall ed not more than $5 000, or shall be im risoncd for not inore than five years, or both, at the discretion 0 cou . fghe rt mL?§‘}€,c h"(b) Whoeyerbnnakes apy siltatennint, lgnowing ithto be false, for ”·¤°°¤·° - the purpose 0 0 amm or IIIISB or or any other person ii corporation, or associatiin any advance, or extension or renewalneilf an advance, or any rilngge or substitution of security from such bank, or for the urpose 0 uencin in any other way the act' f h P"“'S1"“““‘ bank, shall, befpunished by in finfn of not more than $10:8510;) oiuliy im risonment or not more t an ve years or both. °v°"°`°i°°°°°"!°" ·‘?(c) Whoever willfully overvalues any property offered - curity for any such advance shall be punished by a fine of notafnsiie thzn(§5,g)3, or by rmprisonmenggor got nilpreghnn tgvo yipalns, or both. _ y examiner appom un er is c w 0 s 1; mum, m` loan or gratuity from any orgamzation examined by hiiin, bgcilgoili an rson connected with any such organization in an ca acit u mmm as- y P° . s .7 P Y» d,,,,‘{,‘“,, ,,,_ or who shall disclose the names of borrowers to other than the proper officers of such organization, without first having obtained express tplirmbigsinin (ip frnm tgp F arm_ Lnan Commipsioger or (fron; _ e a 0 su . organiza ion excep w en to do so by a court of competent Jurisdiction, or by directioiinofeffic Pmmmam Congress of the United States or of either House thereof, or any committee of Congress or of either House duly authorized, shall be unisheddby a line of not iiieiedingl $5,000b8o1ébydim];lnisn1nment ofp not excee mg one year, or an may ne a rt e 1 to the money so_ loaned or gratuity fiven, and shall foi··e$;Ixi1t‘l’1(£i•:— mmmm on mm after disnualified from holding 0 ce as an examiner under the mbym¤m1w._ provisions 0 this Act. No examiner while holding such office shall perform any other service for compensation for any bank or banking or loan assoc1ation or for any person connected therewith in an capacity.

{,°°?,,;§$j E (e) Whoever, being an officer, director, employee, agent or

hg °“°· · attorney of a Fedtzral Intermediate Credit Bank, stipulates for or receives or consen or agrees to receive any fee commission 'ft or thing of value, from any person, firm, or co iration for pioiiirz mg or endeavoring to procure for such personfgfm, or corporation, or for any other person, firm, or corporation any loan from any such corporation or extension or renewal of loan or substitution of securiiéy, or the purchase or discount or acceptance of any paper, note, dra t, L check, or bill of exchange by any such corporation, shall be deemed l‘”‘m‘""” guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction thereof be $11:ng(1;10soned not more than one year and fined not more than or . ?mmam,a°°:°' ”°L""¤ EL3', z‘(fs Any person who shall falselg make, forge, or conmterfeit bm? °“ ‘ ""*“ or cause or grocure to be falsely ma e, forged, or coimterfeited or willingly ai or assist in falsely making, forging, or counterfeiting any debenture, coupon,_or other obligation in imitation of or pur- P0tl'§1Dg•li0 23 m imitationdof fh; debenture, cgpipgln, grncgher obliga on xssu any e era intermediate `t a or ¤,K”*“¤·,,,,,,’,?,_» "** person yvho gx, utter, or publish or attempt to pass, util; or pubhsh any , forged, or counterfeited, debenture, coupon,