Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1515

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1488 sixrrsnvnnrn ooronnss. sm. rv. oss. 264, 265. ieee. rama. t s acres: Provided That an nt hereby made shall not

,,.,§§ir fism Mt all ldgiiailvgnly prior valid settleinent claihigiiilitiated when the land was

R . ,0, ,,,,,,_ subject to settlement and le ally maintained: And provided further, userivmm That in case the State of glichigan shall at any time use the said described lands, or any portion of them, for other than public park purposes, the title thereto shall revert to the Government of the United States. Approved, March 4, 1923. Hgmhé, 1923. 265.-An Act To provide for the classiiication of civilian positions within

 the District of Columbia and in the field services.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of I?epresentat§2>e.s of the ¤h¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤¤ Mt 0* United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may 1m` be cited as “The Classification Act of 1923." iiniiinisiiggiiiiiilliiiou Sec. 2. That the term " compensation schedules " means the sched— °°’j,§,‘;,“*‘;·Q,,,_ ules if positions, grades, and salaries, as contained in section 13 of ' this ct. um t_,, The term "dgpartment" means an executive department of the United States overnment, a governmental establishment in the executive branch of the United States Government which is not a Bart of an executive department, the municipal government of the istrict of Columbia, the Botanic Garden, Library of Congress, {library Builclglig and Grounds, Government Printing Office, and the ‘mithsonian stitution. ··H.,,d,,m,,.;,,pm. The term " the head of the department ” means the officer or m¤¤‘·" group of officers in the department who are not subordinate or responsible to any other officer of the department. ·‘B¤¤·•1" The term " board " means the Personnel Classification Board P°"""I`m‘ established by section 3 hereof. "P¤si¤i¤¤." The term " position " means a specific civilian office or employ- ment, whether occupied or vacant, in a department other than the c,Q,,*;f,{*P°’*°¤’ °¤· following: Officas or employments in the ostal Service; teachers, librarians, school attendance officers, and em loyees of the community center dep)artment under the Board of Ililducation of the District of Colum ia; officers and members of the Metropolitan lice, the fire department of the District of Columbia, and the United States park police· and the commissioned rsonnel of the Coast Guard, the Public liealth Service, and the Gbeast and Geodetic Surve . ··s¤.p10ya.·· The term “eq1_pl0yee" means any person temporarily or permanen y in a posi ion.

 'ghe tefm "segioe " means the broadest division of related offices

an cmp oymen . "¤¤¤i¤·" The term ‘fgrade " means a subdivision of a service, including one or more positions for which approximately the same basic qualifi- _ cations and compensation are prescribed, the distinction between grades being based upon diiferences in the importance, diiliculty, uculn responsibility, and value of the work. The term “class” means a group of positions to be established undertlus Act sufficiently similar in respect to the duties and responsibilities thereof that the same uirements as to education, experience, knowledge, and ability arbedemanded of incumbents, the same tests of fitness are used to choose qualified appointees, and the same ..cmp__um_,, schedule of compensation is made to apply with equity. The term “compensation" means any salary, wage, fee, allowance, or other emolument paid to an employee for service in a position.