Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1557

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1530 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 292. 1923. l mpgwggwmmt Print- GOVERNMENT PRINTING ormcn. Sam el R¤bi¤¤¤¤» T S muel Robinson William Madden Joseph De Fontes

»ip%°I1l];ie]iiiJ¥1¤{°§i’ai¤li€ and0Cli;i·,lesaC. Allen, messehgers on night duty during the Sixty-,

°h“1°S°‘Au°°‘ seventh Congress, fourth session, for extra services, $800 each, fiscal year 1923, $3,200. ormcm or me rnnsrnmrr. Traveling. ew ex- Th ‘ t' of $25 000 for traveling and other expenses of

 as ;£Q1,€§§§€£?ti§’§‘Unitid’st.t.. for the ami year we is heat;

continued and made available for the same purposes until expende . .

 Pmpmy Cu} ALIEN Pnornrzrr Cvsronmiv.

G,§,$g§"“g°"°“ To enable the Alien Property Custodian to_pay the expenses

 M incurred and to be incurred in caring for, msurmg, and returnmg

"P to their owners, certain valuable works of art loaned to the Panama Pacific International Exposition upon a request made of the Austro-Hungarian Government, by the Secretarguof State, which works of art were seized lily the Alien Property stodian in 1918, ‘ and are now to be returne , fiscal year 1923, $8,324.93. ...i‘“$’é°.¥.‘2'.;.i..i°‘1.¥;‘?°°‘ nm·LoYnEs· COMPENSATION COMMISSION. A“°‘Y““°°“"°“"°°"" For the ayment of compensation rovided by "An Act to provide P°$i>l·n$.¤li‘1`il1i?`7¤· M compensatibn for employees of the United States suffering injuries while in the performance of their duties, and for other purp0seS,” approved September 7, 1916, including) medical, surgical, and hospital services, and supplies provided dy section 9, and the transawwum. portation and burial expenses provide by sections 9 and 11 and V"' 3°·"m‘ advancement of cost for the en oreement of recoveries provided m sections 26 and 27, where necessary, accruing during the Hscal year 1923 or in prior fiscal years, $475,000. °°°'°°""““"°”· UNITED STATES COAL COMLHSSION. §§§’;",§‘f’§}§{,g_ For carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to establish a commission to be known as the United States Coal Commission for the purpose of securing information in connection with questions relative to interstate commerce in coal, and for other 4M¢.1>-1448· purposes," approved Sep)tember 22, 1922, as amended, includin§ personal services in the istrict of Columbia and elsewhere, fisca years 1923 and 1924, $400,000. V°“"°—°$’ B*”°°"— UNITED STATES VETERANS’ BUREAU.

 md ¤-ml For military and naval insurance, fiscal year 1923, $13235,000.

Dm'i°‘°‘C°1“mbi** DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. {E E"` ¤°°°°°”‘ emmmu, nxrmzsns. Plumbing Inspegtim . . . . . m ·· Plumbing Inspection Division: For tempora employent of mm additional assistant inspectors of plumbing andqdaborlcirsygdr such Sm time as their services may be necessary, iiscal year 1923, $1,000. ·u.,§"'{,;°§";,;,_ Surveiyofs Office: For services of temporary draftsmen, comms. puters, aborers, and additional field party when required, purchaso