Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1559

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1532 s1XTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. sm. iv. Ch. 292. 1923. Lish¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*S»¤*¤· Lighting: For purchase, installation, and maintenance of public lamps, lamp—posts, and so forth, including the same 0li?]6t3tS specified under this head in the District of Colum ia Appropr1ation ct for the fiscal year 1923, $15,000. P¤¤¤¤=<=¤°°*=*· runmc scuoons. li§st°”£¤hE[ig;i1¤i¤epn, For assistant principal and dean of girls of the Eastern High mp- I School at $2,400 per annum from March 1 to _June 30, 1923, in- Basic sim. clusive, $800: Provided, That said assistant principal shall be placed at a basic salary of $2,400 per annum and shall be entitled to an { increase of $100 per annum or five years. _

 mm For allowance to principals of grade school buildings for services

V°’·**‘·P·3“”· rendered as such, in addition to their grade salary, to be paid in strict conformity with the provisions of the Act ent1t1ed " n Act to fix and regulate the salaries of teachers, school officers. and other employees of the Board of Education of the District of Co1umb1a," approved June 20, 1906, fiscal year 1923, $2,000. ,,,,§§§°’“°"*‘““‘*““‘ eachers’ retirement fund: For an additional amount for pay- ,,,¤,m,’,,,,_ ment of annuities, fiscal year 1923, $4,500. _ _ Janitors and care of buildings and grounds: For two additional jamtors, at the rate of $720 per annum each, from March 1 to June 30, 1923, inclusive; for amount required to increase the compensation of four janitors from $720 to $1,000 per annum each from Fm um, md March 1 to June 30, 1923, inclusive; in all, $853.33. p°wu,’ $4gor fuel, gas, and electric light and power, fiscal year 1921, . 2.14. S°pPh°°t°P°"lS` For textbooks and school supplies for use of pupils of the first eight grades, and so forth, including the same objects specified under this head in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the mphdm mmm. iiscal year 1923, $15,000. For amount required to replace textbooks and suipplies for the public schools which were destroyed or damaged by re, fiscal year Pm 1923, $15,000. ' mrr¤orom·raN romcm. Fm'- For fuel ami yam- 1923 $1 000. “°‘°"'°'“°‘°" For maintenance of motdr vehicles, fiscal year 1923, $3,025. u,I;2’,£,°§{“°°’ °°°" '°' romcnuan Arm rmmn:N’s xnnmr rum. . P·m°°mr°m` To pay the relief and other allowances as authorized by law, s further sum not to exceed $90,000 is appropriated from the policemen and firemen’s relief fund, fiscal year 1923.

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ml For fuel, fiscal year 1923, $1,000. Hm °""'“”“"· manm DEPAKIMENT. uxasmeuweiie. . _ _ as. -.·mpm¤y. For replacing roof of building belonging to the United States and usedbiy the health department as a dispensary for the treatment of in igent persons sudering tuberculosis and of indigent persons suffering from venereal diseases, fiscal year 1923, $300. Cuurts. comers. Cmxthql-*1 WDCUS, °'°- thCoéu·thouse: For relpairs and improvements to the Courthouse and e ourt of Appea Building, ‘ct of Columbia, to be eX-