Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1638

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Xlvjji INDEX. Chick Page. Children, D. C'., _ _ 1*38**- ,1,1,;,0,, omdo ________ _ __________________ 861 appropriation for chmcal Care, Gtc-, Of, Emma etc ______ _ _________________ 351 under six .. 695, 1353 Chioo,.y Room, Children, Societies for Prevention of Cruelty d t - . ,,.. . . 896 iv, _ @hq'?fyj;4];;iee of the Supreme Court of the Ch€};§I¤Pt g0¤;c1¤€0m9m·X --·---··--• • •···-· 253

  • ,;,],5*; ; 7 ren.’s oo s, _

appro izgllsion fog.?) ... 614, 1081 duty on, lithogralphically printed, etc 912 for law clerk for; stenographic clerk. 614, 1081 Childrews Bureau, epartment of Labor, conferences of senior cgiculit judges to be 8 8 appropriatiotn foxLChief of Bureau, assistanfég 1129 gd _____,,, 3 ex s e C - · ~-··--· , purgggilggg, O: ________,___ 838 for iuggstiéating welfare, etc., infant Chief of Coast Artillwy, 41"rny (see Coast I¤0I'i13ll19Y -~-~·—--·-·· ·-; ·---·--· 488,1129 grtillery, éirmy, Chief of). for temporary experts, int6rprete1‘;Sé8 1129 C7),. · ec.-----·-·· ·-··-- ···-•—- ·•—- • y aqgéfgprgiznwlor and binding for material for piiblications of. . 488, 1129 under _,,.. . 717,1378 for executing atefmty Mid IHYBDCY snow, sleet, and iice to be rergolvaeldbglogi Hygiengékzt 'd lks a `acent to Fe e - y restri on ... I ..---- _- - -_ giiggivgtco by} .. 845 de£¢£:n§dydapp{f<;pdau0n for mvestlgating , 54 Chic E`sA1‘myO,17iceo 0 W9 9 ······················· · apgfgpnpzgizrcxor civilian persgnnel ,... 742, 1403 _ 199, 345, 347, 465, 78;,1 dmftsmcn, etc., payable from 0the;·2 ig; °h*ggl;?};‘£'pE;xéé ·-·-·············· 1 58 C·h,;,fof§',Po£:i%'mpo,ot10,I¥,,E:.},Q,; ```````````````` 7 J408 for gixpensefl 8§9CuY‘·i·I;é~M3t8TDitY and 449 { ,,,],,.,,-1.,,] r,,»,·ng n ant ygiene ct . . .. pay ________ _____ ogg Chief of, to serve on Board of Maternity and mf °f€“1"»,·*""y ‘·‘“ ““° G°“°““ Sm 6m5§R¥ ’§‘1¥.%;%e,>‘;;;,1‘r.;e$;I;e,;‘111: 224 eppmgl-ggzli for eonongeneiee .. es, 717, 1379 gisne Act by- -_ -------------------· 224 or eneral sen opuege so ¤1¤d1¤¤» 111>*<1¤¤s¤*1¤¤¤» ¤¢<>-» to 1>¤>111<>¤= present Deputg Chief of Staff may be 83 0MldTm, 0%t}2§T0g6¤;'é-oy ~·-·-- 224 appointees .. 2 _ _ » · ·»__ _: ChokfofSta_#, Army, Qjiqsoj Wm·Depart7mnt, 8PP!‘0P¤¤*·10¤ for ¤·d·m1m¤ti'9»t1V6 6X* ogropiiation ser ervnmn pemenna. 75, 718, 1379 _ posses ------ , ------------·-- 702,1360 Ch` Caring Institutwm, D. C'., _ hgnitation ou V1B1li111g wards of . 702, 1360 sppmpnemm so, under Board of om?- fodischiggges of 8’*m'dl¤¤1¤h1P auowediég 1;% ’ Guard' .. 02 13 F -—·-··—-·--··--··--··-·-- —·» Child Lax; Zaw mm ’ 60 for feeble—minded children 2 . . 702, 1360 deiicieno? appropriation for expenses fm gzlgguznd °°h°°l fm f8°bl°`mmd°;g2 1360 en0r° - . 54199 345 .. "Z '°‘‘‘'‘‘‘ I ‘‘'‘‘ ’ Child Labor, milf: em Employment aj; Talk ’ wgmzgm ’md °'°°t-mg building 1360 mp€8_],§{)I’ gwmuc Af of ?l18’1 former authorization for site repealed. 1360 · Y €V°nu?E c IO 92 `'`'` 321 for board and care of children- 702 1360 CM Mg, j’,’<;;,,;;;; ,,*,;*1;,2*3;,1;,3*j* of ·* alomumtcseman swoon,. 702:1360 excise tex on net profits of mines, facto- Bg,02»1301 &Q§ze§‘§;:oT‘?TT`€’, .?*TT'f"TT°TT fi. F'? 306 1¤11¤<1= <1¤11¤¤» ec-. 1»¤¤¤1¤¤¤·1 te-- 1361 computation oi net protits; deductions de%°gi;;1t°u;°b*1° f9’t}*”° ‘°f °f·,· 076 allowed from gross profits . .. 307 clgidrgpmpna 1011 °’ ee °"m§}) 9 2 1533 whe; sox for ps¤1¤¤111 b<>11¤01 WOW 307 for board $.f&§é`6r'§inié£én"` 5;:4% 443 ar e 1109 .., . .. . .,.. . . ·•·· _> v mx not ,%ppl&,,_bl€ to employe,. having additional allotments to sectarian _¢shr!gfi<at;= oi sig; competency _ 307 Chwmfggmgsb- -6 -··-·-—·······-· 44% 1533

““'5, .e‘$%c21%..,i‘YY‘TY‘i‘T‘f’?‘f’if’F?;’.?‘? so ¤r1>¤>1>r1¤11¤¤1¤?<=r¤¤f1¤<11g¤¤1p¤i1¤¤t¤. {gg,

tate, etc., age certi mt ad 'ble. . 307 . . . , , memo-,¤o mistakes {St §L‘{§i‘e m Mesggt ;g,g;¤gtg¤¤¤¤ f<>r we <>f 11141- ,,2 . tax ... 307 - ······— · --·--··-~·-···- uma mad . Chile yaulydrgtgils regouiligd sos “Pé’?P’i°*i°” *0* *mb¤¤¤¤d°1‘ 10- - ·---- 000, 1069 transmittal, payment of tax, etc .. . . . 308 de cwncy °Pp'T’pTi“ti°“ f°’ “°°1“i*'i’%8 9m' ilwpectigin of premises, etc, by revenue site of 1;l<%'1;§¤3 iggcosgt $ant1ago.. 453 . . .,. » nrrago, ma pgrgijghxgglgg ;gggdbotmou,,g’ om ____ _ ____ 3333 Ummm bgkvgrcbanged for another, etc . 1322 taxa, ________ _____ _________ ¤ _ _ ·v Clilild mgfzfgr 9 308 **P£foP¤¤1&1<>¤ for Indian school at .. 574, 1195 ixippropriation for investigations, etc 488, 1129 g;g;,,nc;;]}>c,iTc?,?pmpn°u°° f°’ Indial ”°h°°r 57 efimency appropriation for investigations. 54, dow on slaté 8»-4 Cmd WU S _ D C 345, 347, 465, 784 Cvrirna; ’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘····‘·········· ‘ 1 6 are ocwty, , ,, · ~ . . “Pp'°P’i“ti°“ {9** clinical ¢1==111¤i¤¤11<>¤, °t°~» apgioglilglégg gggretary oi - - l - 23% of Y°““8 chudmn by —·---·--- - - - ~ 695, 1353 assistant sec;-em-y ___________ ff]; 601; 1069