Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1648

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lviii INDEX. Coast Guard, Treasury Department—Contd. Page- Coast Guard, Treasury Department-yContd. Page. appropriation for death allowances, etc. 377, 1098 transfer of amounts from appropr1ation for gr traveling expenses. . _ 377, 1098 rations 1922, to fuel and water, and for draft animals; coastal communication, contingent expenses ... 454 lines, etc ... 377, 1098 Coast Pilot, _ _ for civilian employees in the field. . . 377, 1099 appropriation for `comp1lation of ... 481, 1121 for contingent expenses . ... 377, 1099 Coast Stgruxl Service, Navy, for repairs to cutters 378, 1099 appropriation for maintenance, etc 796, 1140 deficiency appropriation for file holders, 9 Coasters Harbor Island, I., etc ... 3 appropriation for na training station, for expenses .. 51, 56, 196, 341, 345, 457, maintenance . . 125, 791, 1137 462, 780, 784, 1056, 1166, 1170, 1554, 1556 Coddington Point excluded ... 791 for Acostm and . _ . Z . . 339 for Naval War College, maintenance 127, for paying damage claims, CO1l181011S Wllih ‘ 793, 1138 vessels of . 776 Coastwise Trade, for Sbhipowners and Merchants Tugboat 1 9 tonnage tax on vessels bringing to United ompany . 54 State goods tak broad ° f ` for N avigazione Generale Italiana .. 1549 vessels and froniuthaere trarigshtilspegg · amount allotted to contingent expenses, in violation of . ... 981 from gppropriation for rations, 1921. 39 Coastwrlse Waterways, Inland and, cadets and et engineers to receive same appropriation for operating transportation pay as midslupmen . . .: . Z .. , . . 632 facilitie by War Department on. 760, 1421 numbermand grades of commissioned hne 1130 deiidency approprigglri for operating _o cers. . - ·-.- transgirtation 'ties, etc., on, by engineer officers . . 1130 W artm t ... 1551 ¤~··-·,,¤~,,:»,y,~#,~¤,,,¤=i,t;,e,s::~=,,,·sr, · Tip, "“ ,,, e ,,,,_,, _ ___________ (engineeripg), hou; next lower grade 1130 ugiggj fg? _________________________ 863 by qxgrmuguoug of heutgngntg gud ggltg and compounds ________ _ __________ 863 ligutenguts grhge) ,,__,._ _ , _ 1130 sulphate _____ _ ____________ _ _ _ 863 to gxtranum rs· ° Eating ,,,__ __ 1130 fg- ]` d _____ _ ____ . U- · T- relative rank of and commander; Q5; Lizvgp an Om ` - - 1 ` ` 926 (ongmeermg) with Navy officers 1130 du on ._,,,,____,,_____ . ty . 864

anct); title   to, from cap- 1130 com 1;,,,],3,,,,, (,;,,,,,1;,,,, eta, (,6, ako Nucotic

· , · ``°°°``°``° ° ``'° Inga ’ · ¤¤1¢¤¤<>P, felqtlve ¤¤·V¤·1 rank, GW-, appropriation for expenses enforcing laws , *11116 eervme , ---·· , -----·----·... 1130 restricting sale, em., or . 376, 1097 ’°¤*’°d mk. EVM 11§°1'V}¤8 -··· — ···--- 1130 deficiency appro riation for expenses rerank, etc., on expiration of term of 0 stricting sa1)e, etc., of. . 37 semce __,_ , ,,.,,,__,,_____________ 113 ·· - · "¤ `‘'‘'° · ,.1%..,,éa cna, miie., w%e ,,,va,. use "'°”’“‘&’,‘§'? zi, fi'?. .‘T’°""°‘“‘“g “’°"°"‘“‘g* 596 econ·ret1redran etc.,’ .- 1131 ‘ ‘ ’ · ````` "‘ ```'```'`' . ,..1;,,,*,, 9, ,,,,,,,e;,., of ,,,.$,’,°E,`§‘i‘,’·i.,, 1 §°,,;",f,‘,§‘;‘,‘i2“,‘;f‘ ,‘§}.f’,§‘,$,;,$£,?‘;€§ ‘‘···‘·‘··‘ 2233 0 service ..,,,,,,, ,,,_ 131 ‘ Nunn--H constructor, ntnk, etc., after ten years ii;(ip:;:>l1i::£l: H°emm;f’ nqtumimdmtgfé ````` $1 commissioned service m Revenue Cocaine (see also Narcotic Drugs) ’ ·--H Cutter Servnce and Coast Guard 1131 dug on ’ 866 ·ft°;i;w°nty1yc8r?£0”tvic°--··••·.'·.··' Coccuilsf£%c;£’¤••¤¤•••••••••••••••••••••• promo us on y a r examinations, excog); to commmdmt or engineer in duty 01l;é;1at\1l'8l, advanced by any treat- 864 munmrzx if phymcauy incapacitated; 1131 Co<g1“£|r§§ ’11B¢, crude, etc 922 wer any ye•r¤’ xettgnd ‘‘‘‘ .2 ·.; ······ 2;, °” h¤zher_ .. , 1131 g m ofcaptamatrelativ k t. f · · mg, ’ · - · • maiomin {bc N: 110 , 0 H¤;>t11r 1131 deiicnegcy appropnauon for pay to widow 1528 ¤~¤¤18¤¤ compete three yeam’ service CoooSolo `°`` ° ````°°``_`` after which el` 'bl to ‘ ’ ’· - °”°’ . .., ,,,,,,.t ,,.1, ,,,*2,,7 ,,§¥,°,‘l‘,‘iT€‘Z‘?i:‘ il?} “""'°£,“““°“ ‘°‘-“‘“‘·'“‘”“*¤“° ‘*“°· ·· “° I I · » - Coco So Naval Air Stataon Canal Zone

 _ · _ li ¤*1i¢¤¤ ~--·--·- g Cappropriation for buildings etc ...   . - 123

¥=*=·¤e·,heT,*g_13_g{>y_¢1jé Bi 630 duty, ¤¤,_¤wae¤ed. etc ... sa

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-.,:,_________ d . . V¤!;gt$‘iac5>;s to have subsistence and Q°mnut1,{n?,n’g;?,t:y?I;;i,;];?tting '‘'‘°‘ ‘ '‘‘‘'`'’ 904 H 1. B“?°`°°-·~: · z -—··~--··--- 630 prior occupants ¤11<>wed patents for e¤gh‘ ty P*'·Y _ 1¤¤t¤1e t o and en- - . {mod Personnel oi". _ tc.res_of afncultural lands in ... 467 ' · '. ‘‘‘‘' · *‘···· 625 C0¤0?\m0 Nafsovm F ’ IPBCD1 cengmsnonal commrttee · °"°*· A"’·· · im Io— timber cutting right: in extended 828

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. ma ui fur {Gm . , , 352 ut Ou, •¤¤=¤•¤¤hg¤¤¤a¤¤¤¤¤:¤ro&Qf1i&}` ¤,,,,,,t°”“,Q’§’,""d“‘Y°° ·····--······-· ¥ -·-···-- 1° W`¤·,mDo¤rC¤¤¤ty;li¤i:¤t¤¤¢.’ 991 d ° · W ¤¤. wl mss. ... ..; . 805