Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1652

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lxii INDEX. Comptroller of the Carrency, Treasury Depart- P¤s•- Condenser Paper, Page. ment-Continued. dutl', °“- -··· · ·························· 909 ex omcio, member of Federal Reserve 620 Conduit 1{o¢;d,1£b1Ci;1aiHt€mnc€ etc 709 1368 Board _______ _ ______________,, appropna 10 , --~.- , ineligible to hold office, etc., in member C'¢m]P¢¢¢107w7'2/r _ _ ____ _ __________ 620 dnt on, not s ecially pI`0V1dGd for 890 bank . - · - _ Y P . may designate bank examiner as chief of Confederate Mound, Oakwood Cemetery, Chrexemnsn division . ,- .. 61 cqyo, I 71-, National Agricugtural Credit corporations s1;prop¤st1o¤ for osro sto -·—---- - --·-- 757,1418 wide; supervision of .,, _ 1467 Con ederate Qoldwrs and Sailors, additional third iileputy, authorrgled . 1467 appmpgr;·at1;>sn0£0§1l1e;<§g>;izs:;<1;;·€1;;1r1;1°irk$¢g6 1418 ° , ti 1 cor- y — » apppggtggggtetc . .. 1467 Confedengel Cemetery, Sandusky Bay, examjn l , to 7»°» ,,.,t..tZ§”j _ _‘i'T`?.??'??? ,... i. I`? 1467 appropriation for we etc . 757,1418 salaries of deputy comptrollers, additional C07|·,}gd*37`0¢§ Y¢¢¢7‘071·% D- Co examiners, etc., to be fixed by .. 1467 appropriation for care, etc., of needy ang! 1362 present deputim, bank examiners, etc., 1110110 ---·-·---·----·-·--·-··· - · » considered as national bank exam- C edgratg Vetep , Uni; d, inations expenses .. 1467 Oggy oots to gelslent fag, encampment at addigggal deputy, examiners, etc., as 1467 Richmond, Va . 652 it corporations expenses --·---·- i ldm' g chairs 1 ed f uni i, at temporary 1>¤1{¤¤<—=¤t of s<1<11ti<>r¤11_<1erg¤ty 0 New Orleanfjlia. - I? . . 1287 from 1181101181 b¤¤1k ersrnmsuovs tents, etc., loaned for encampment of, expenses .. 1467 at Cha,tt.ano?,, Tenn . . 203 · ¤¤·ti0¤¤l wks to 1¤8k0 :01 less l¤118·¤ thfss 1067 Conference Minority, cure of Representatives, r rtssachyear -. . ‘ti i 1 ks, tc 428,1270

orts when called for .. 1067 Colferlgglemo gm; States Fi Intertofurnishintermediate creditbankswitlr mf 1 ’ fm

uma , ooniidential 1¤101'1!1¤li0¤ 88 to ¤8· appropriation for participating in, at tional banks dealing with them ____ 1458 Sgnf , cm] ____ _ ______________ War Financial Corporation confidential Cmfgrmwc of1a§;H¢;mecNa,,bm 609 inffxlagggzggrnatigglimdbmhmgalg 183 requested for devising methods to prevent oetiker eee, mbjedpe iis rs~¤¤¤<>¤ 0* ¤Mr·*·1¤ me br 2, e»».,mu°E,“i’»§·'2}.;1=¤,;,;,‘ ;»5;,,,,.,.,,,.,,,,, ········ ····· I ” ognggroi-°$?hL?$i¤$»ti€»i·?1;`1mm»v”°k`2 ```' f " $92 . . . · ciency appropriation or expenses 0 ..

  • m”°P3;_tgn ;$’ umtmt md dud °l°ré°5;4’ 1250 tablet to be presented to Daughters of the

. r · ······· . ············· A merican Revolution m appreciaappomtment, salary, duties, etc .. 24 ti f I f M arial f · C°mr*~§qcg{m”•,;ng*rg;1;rrg se ree G¤¤¤¤·1 OES?. ff'} . $’.7"i’?‘?Tl? eos Q - . . · ’ Conference on Maritime Law, International, °me‘:&£;y;l;};“hb°‘%g¤'?Yg$g221éé;&bB; 23 0 apprergpiiation for representation at 609 gil; 9 * Emelmd t° G°°°m1 A°' 23 estimates of, for apgropriations to be subgompmlka `'`'`'``‘' mrrrqd bY 0 President Withoui 20 appointment by each, of an amistant, '`‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘°‘‘‘‘‘"‘‘‘‘’ authorized . . . me ¢’<>r=v~¤··<2•·¤!1>·r¤¢¢¤r1¤» , , authority of such in case of a vacancy. . . 1453 *PP’°P}’“m°¤ fm °°mP1]m8 ··-•-······ 42% 1272 naval officers of customs to be known as 974 U°”9'¢·"·’“{'*0{ EmfPz°!I¢¢·*»_ duties; etc., or co1lsctors’ oppmpgfgsetmf énlratsegion employees frenz acconn . . 974 ° 0 000011 0the]_•,·gp{$crib“ _________________ ___ 974 _B£i0D---··-·. .-.. 325 vennesanq of amessment of duties, ste. . 974 ¤¤1¤¤¤¤ for A¤z¤¤¢» 1921, to be paid A¤s¤¤¢ prment aljgomtogg not g§g(;ted ___________ 975 24 -~·······---------· · ····-.-·---· 180 Computing odzénes, for November, 1921, to be paid Novemtransferred to Supply Committee as sur- be? 23 --·--·-·~-··-- · --·--·--·-··-· 325 plus, may be issued to depumeum for December, 1921, to be paid Decem- C at exchange prices ... . ...,_ 369_ f Sher Bé . 3 50 mweption,Dneg,etc.,toPrevern:, or eptem ,1 ,1:0 paul' temimportatigrg of; ggohibited .. . - 937 f Ser 23%; . 1059 en o ori 'BBIZIIIB- ,tc , 937 or ecem 1922,wbepaxd" Decempugryshment for gilding, etc.,eby oi’daia1¤_ 937 ber 20 , . 1 064 C for seizure, etc .. 937 cengrememr 1;,,,,,,;, , “ · _ appropriation for re rt1ng` d hates, H ¤1>;<ia¤r;1w¤:t·;¤ r;>&¤s{¤r¤ of ---- - -·----·-.. %s f or nepmsgnaptim i i més, 12;% .. .· ·¤ . ······-········--· -—· orreporting ebates, Senate 425,12 C'l:'°*l‘“Wi’* 9f L¢¤00¤’ Bvigvigs, for pregaring semimonthly and semion PE!0P¤:;1:;)1fo¥ -·;-·;·· 485,1126 des _ in exggto ,_,,________ { ,_____, 1 ,, 436,1279

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Z I *0-I -··—-··— *8-5*. 190»3‘14.347. 461, 784 C re ;.¥:mss,I§en:;e .,..._, 1049 duty ou, or eimporatsd. . 891 m' ngcqgunjtges to ·’ atb eo .d;m· ,

  • ¤·¤1·¤¤=¤r<1¤=r¤¤·-· ·-. ...1..- . 10 mms:. El. ... iii?. .. mso