Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1721

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INDEX. gxxxi H‘"”“'£‘l‘—C°ntl¤“°d- P¤¤<*~ Hawwiizm Homes Commils A t—C P apprepnmvn f<>r adjusting triangulation conditions of leases; to nzlgvo deg .€;f# ““d"" C°?“l: S“;"°Y· q ·--··-— ; · - 1122 P9·Ym€Hl7 of rent; fo1j99 years . . 111 <11 CY 8·PP1`0PF1¤’§10¤ 0I` 1‘€l1€f_ Of Shlp- occupation and cultivation for one year, , 111 wrecked American seamen in . . 35 yearly thereafter- . 111 f°’ “’P‘?’T°’# dlstrict °°m't --·-·- · ------ 332 transfers restricted _ '.-' l 11] fol' §l·dd.1tion&l pay supreme court justices 332 upon death of Ieésee _________ ```` 111 fol` increased salaries of Territorial secre· payment of taxes; lien for .. 111 maxi pnvaw secretary to the 447 other conditions; tax exemption for svc ‘ · ······· · ·············· ¢¤1`¤ ··-··-·.- - .. . 111 f°’ “°°*Q°?St d€f?¤B°?-; ·--··-··--··--··- 458 Succgssors subrogated to conditions of foI` 8·dd1t10I12·l C1l`C'\11lG]\1dg8 . . .. 1158 original lessees __________________ _ _ _ 111 acm °f legmlatme €““?**i“%, €'?·nchi°*’€ f°’ by inheritance .. . 111 gIg~i1;’B;;3v€}:1ubl1C utlktles, raiilfled 185 hearings on violations of conditions . 111 amendments to org;¤1;;·§¢{.’.`Z I I 1 I I I ii ZZ us {§§§§”$$§§§°£°” ·m_.m-.isg1"` ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘· 112 1 rk idistrict t a ssmbunrsd ,_,,.. 616 · °° °"·r ····· : · 112 ° ° ° cmu z P Y community astures to be rovided in exchange of lands with private owners in, Each d1%trictf!.0m ho lj ds °‘uth°riz°d fm Army uses ···· · ···· 360 lands not leased may be retxlriixezcluto 112 appraisers to be appointed . . Z . - 360 lands _______ _ _ 112 °xP;?Ii;£?Y“?1? _$r°’{‘ *“`mY mumi 360 of, under Territorial laws .. 112 Hawaiian Homes Commixion Act. pro- Buggf$;g;eIT(?;g3i2;§B°f’ wd mtumm H., visions - ..,.,. 108 .. ‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘ “ ams National mk, me extended . 503 www *,g¤¤q§1<>¤¤ fmgl erased- - —; ----- 112 homestiad patents, etc., to be ratified by m°“3':0u;’}t B c°V°"° mt°» maxmmm 1 12 t e governor . 470 · · ····· . ····---·--·-·--·- ,- — · issue of bonds authorized for water develop- l°°m§ h°m* °‘ulfh°r¥°d? t° lfrcct b“dd‘ ment, etc., of home lands .. 114 mgskpur rc. we Sm? · Fm ·£ -···· U2 lands, etc., of leprosy station at Kalawao, ammm · ammmmu °’ m` _ to be transferred to 995 PEYIPEM ·-·-·-· , ·; ·-·--·-·--—- 112 prohibition provisions applicable to .. 223 °°? lggm rmwem m tm"' enforcement by Territorial courts ... 223 °'}` ea ············ { ···· · ···· 1 · · 113 name umm: part, uma, my cg. ty ggvwtgtsr W ¤ ¤- 113 appropriation for protection, etc . . 590, 1213 i) °" lpélit? $3% wm é&· · : · E3 tract of land added (,0 _,,,_,___, , _ _,,_,,,, 503 ease mn tolgnq idmmp Wl · · 113 subject to national park laws .,. 504 h prgpeny vid cénmu H ·‘·‘‘‘‘‘•······ 113 provisions of Federal Water Power Act . @ 928 aa °§t';_ ······· 113 not applicable to ,,,._,,.,. 504 HB D goyé; _ Q °§)1_ cm Smven H3 Hawaiian Homes Commission, D upo P, P - y’ D - C- en ‘‘‘‘‘‘ lands to rex est in commission . 113 tracts of homlillanqq may be ltmd by' t'° 1222 borrower to be paid difference between native awanans .. - ‘ acreage linits; of residence lots . . 1222 Xglgguggf T)1£1mv°m°m°’ °t'°‘* and H3 Hawaiian loan fund created . Z . 1222 _ `‘'’'‘' { ' moneys to be covered into; maximum 1222 °1°°t¤1i!;·€l;'g$i)(});*;§“?(;; :r¢;a‘;¤;¥g*K5§iI:)<;; b1' H3 amount ... , · · · ld d ________________________ 1222 lease, etc., of forfeited tracts .. . . 114 1O;gg1§.gBmafiI1§t€(1; on msidcm.8 ]0m_ _ _ 1222 lessees of home lands not eligible for loans Hawaimn Hmms C·Om,m·_g$,,,,, fic', _ under Tvrrntorml Act ... . . . 114 title of Act ___________ _ _____________ _ ____ 108 uggriculturul experts may be employed . 114 meaning of terms used ____________ _ _______ 108 expenses; duties defined .. . 114 commission established; composition of 109 "`“t""» etcv W`°l""t“ for mlm? lands —-·- ~ · · · 114 governm, to be chairman; u.rmS_ etc', of appropriations for, authorized ...,.. 114 members ____________________ _ ____ mg issue of bonds for neccssnryyfxxnds . 114 public lands designated as available lands. 109 meaning (fg “'“l*`*Y h€€¤¤€ 3 ¤\\YPl\\B lands exclude · ,,,.,._.,.. : _ 109 Water ·············· _ ·············· 1 14 areas and locations on specified islands. . 109 home land tmctsto be furnished free water available lands made home lands under by wawrjlqenseev ...-..--.··... 114 control of commission .., 110 by CO]I1ID1SS1OH,` from Government ' limitation for mar, five years ,,... ° ... 110 owned water: limitations ... 114 other lands subject to further author- H0 by congracts for privately owned, etc., 115 ization . . _- - · BUYP UB W3 QT -·-··----·-—· - ---·--·· under lease, only after expiration or vrlth- 110 from t speciified Glgavirinnitentu med draws! thereof ..--·-------.-..-...-- wu er, e C., app cu e 0 ¤ me notice to be given of selections of, out of licenses for . : . . . I  : . 115 larver areas ,._..,...,..,.., 110 use of ditches pipe lines, 111Clud-Qd, , 115 limitation of sale or lease of . : ,. . 110 authority of commission for regulations, _ authority of other Territorial officials over { €XP€¤S€¤, €¥¤ --·-·--·~·-----·~·--~· HQ home lands restricted .. 110 expenses payable fromlrorne loan fund. . 11o tracts of home lands may be leased to na- regorts to legislature bienmally . 11§ tive Hawaiians ______________ _ _____ 110 bon of executive oicer and secretary lla acreage limits; title retained.: . Z . 110 right to alter, etc., reserved . Z . 11:} applications for, to the commission .. 111 amendments to Hawaiian Organic Act 110