Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1729

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INDEX. cxxmx Immigration of Ali¢m—Cont.inued. Pam. Im·m‘ qgiing 0 lq';y|,..Q°¤ · pu, deiic1el1;f3ig§>propriation for ex4n:n5:s58re§§9 334 brfg;;i.1§ ingdingsible iggdilno impos- ` ’ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘ r 1 ; H1 DOD Bm . . . . 345, 347, 461, 465, 284, 1054. 11651556 · w oragamn point »s`Z1°:pL°Z$:T '.°g, 540 l1m1tat;3g2 of admrsswus until June 30, 5 clemaucgalrefusad liability for, c¤m¤¤¤¤¤_·»m;mpm;¤em_s»e, 5*9 ahen, IDIIDIQBDDD Act, mmngrauon not known prior to departure of I“w“·z--, -·--—— , ··; -····—··—-·----·- 5 _ vessclfmmlaatseaport ,..,, 540 YW}? ¤d!¤}¤¤¤>¤¤ Jlmlfbd iv 3 pér gent regxstmtion for domiml authorized of Chi-

§irt<;¤d¤¤t¤. m 1910, of same muon- 5 inoese refggees from Mexicosattached

, ---·~---·---···-------·-- ·--· um veexpeditioninl 6 .,, e1gcept{1011s;Gpve1nmeutqHicisl¤, etc". 5 tempomr; adminions under bond before 3% ahensm c011tg.r1uousj;rans1t @:0%;.-. 5 _ March 7, 1922, in excess of quota, lawfully ahens pamng _ ugh may be permitted to remain 1065 pontaguous countnes m transgt . 5 bond to be canceled ... 1065 t0`l11'1Bl2S,_ and persons temporanly on Immoral Boob, Pictures, dc., b¤¤¤6¤¤ ---·---··-·-----·.·...·.. . . 5 importation of, prohibited . ,,..,,. 936 under treaty agreements, etc., . 5 entry of, forb1dden;¤eizum¤ etc. . . 937 barred Asmucs. _ .. : .. 5 pumshmeut for aiding,et·c., lay oihcislm. 937 remdenta for one year un desxgnated procedure for seizure, etc ... . .. 937 gwent countnes, etc . ... 5 Importatnbm, · clnl n, under 18, of American cid- 5 prohibited; obfgceuebobooks, pictures]; etc.; _ zeps . . ... : ... drugs r a. rtion, etc.; mary nsuonalrgylto be determined by place of tickets, etc ... . ... 936 b ... _ r . Z 5 punishment for officem siding, etc. 379 statement; of nat.1om.l1ty of residents of Ingporteraf Books, dc.,_ _ _ • United States m 1910, to be pre- 5 mspec§>g1tlgyv3>&ra§'1cng:,>?i$“eir)‘;>‘i€·permm- 969 . ""'°""'°°"""""’ ' . . ’ '7. . 1""" estimate tg be made for newly created xmpcrtstwns by, pr0lub1ted on failure to countnes gud transferred terrigoriee. 5 allow .. . . 969 place of bxrth to be deteumnsted delivery thereof to be withheld. .. 969 therefrom . 6 sale, etc., if failure continues for a YBI 969 sdmisionp excluded after maximum of Imports, (see TariH,Act of 1922). hmmu0na}1ty have entered ... 6 Import: oj;1 llcrduznegae, mm ' 'tstion 0 monthly . . ... 6 special' um uty im em, •t clames excepted from maximum- . ._ 6 _ less value".: . 11 included m percentage if sdmtwd specml du_ rmposed for mx months on before maxxmnrn is reached 6 specgzed . _. ... Z ... : ... 9 preferences to f8m111€8 of United States extended unul othermse provided by citizens, of ajislicnnts for citizenship law z .. 220 and of eligx es for mtunlization repealed by Tanff Act of 1922 . 990 by war seryice . . .. 6 Inwing Returns, _ _ _ rules and regulations go be prescribed 6 punishment for unauthorized publicaunn, ` statement to beagubhshed of admissibles etc., of ..·-· . .· 3ll by nation `ties, for current year., - 6 ]M0m¢_ TM. _ _ for ensuinggear .. . . 6 dc6c1ency_ sppropnatwu for expense colmonthly, of a missions and admissible;. . 6 lectmgqz ... . . 51, 106 weekly, after 75 per cent of maximum Income Tear, le: II, Revenue Act of 1916, have been admitted ... . 6 repealed as of Jenin]? 1, 1921 320 dissemination of etc . . . 6 Income _Tax, Title II, mmm Act of 1921, m gmenixgcan diplomatic and consular 6 meming of terms used; taxable year: fiscal 227 0 cia . . . . . . yea! _ ... _ . . . provisions hereof additional to immigration fidpciary; withhold mg agent 223 laws ..,... 7 pud .. . , . Z . ... 228 effectivgzélate; in force until June 30, 7 personal §Bl`V'|·§8 cprpcmuon. .._ .. 228 1 ,_._,,,,__,____ ____ _____,_,,, QXQH Ofglgll (Q10!) , Wh] limitation of admissions to June 30, 1921 . . 7 _ contact etc .. _ 228 admission during June, 1921, beyond limit dividends; dxsmbutwm, from earnings, for nationahty of persons leaving etc., since February 28, 1913, foreign port on or before June 8 173 deemed . --: ... . . . ._ 228 number to be deducted frqm number personal service corporations; Decemallowed for year beginmng July 1, 173 berileli 19l7,t0January 21, 1922,ex- 228 1921 ... . .. cep ... 3 .. I . 1 ... allowed of 20 per cent during July, Zl. . - 173 exemption of prior eammgs, aner sub- Opemtjou of act of May 19, 1921, hmmng, sequent dnstnbubou .·.. 228 extended to June 30, 192ii ., 540 alloyrance for lcs on exempted stock rwidence of five years in ad- digtnlgutmn ... Z- . z- . . Z 228 jaeent countries for excep- application to other dietnbutmns . 228 tion from yearly hmmmon on ad- stock dividends exempt, unless remjssions ... 540 deemed, egc--: . T.: 228 briugin inadmissible alien in, by other tax distnbuuon included m mwme of tim contiguous railway, unlawful. . 540 shareholders ... 229