Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/177

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 57. 1921. 149 June 27, 1918,_and amendments thereto, and as described and provided rn a written order of the Treasury Department issued and signed by the Secretary of the Treasur on April 19, 1921, and desrgipated "Order relative to the transfhr of certain activities of the nrted States Public Health Service relating to the Bureau of War _R1sk Insurance, including the trainees of the Rehabilitation Division of the Federal Board for Vocational Education," shall be tripiferredgo ge Veterans’ Bureau. recor s, es, documents corres ondence and other a ers in W¤*Ri¤k1¤Sm*!°9 the possession of the Bureau of, War Risk Insurance, and thesepwhich iiriigfiu i)1i$i§'<iirimi-];l•<i: as a result of the administration of the Act approved June 27, 1918, °'ds* "°°‘* °’""“S’°"°d‘ and amendments thereto, are in the ossession of the Rehabilitation _ Division of the Federal Board for Il7ocational Education shall be transferred to the Veterans’ Bureau. Sec. 6. The director shall establish a central office in the District ,B°$,‘§,§{’*10‘{,*;l0‘?¤§_ §§‘,§ of Columbia, and not more than fourteen regional offices and such Sugvificesesteblishedsuboffices, not exceeding one hundred and forty in number, within the territory of the United States and its out ying possessions as . may be deemed necessar by him and in the best interests of the work committed to the Feterans’ Bureau and to carry out the pur- Powers Bm 0, rg ’ poses of this Act. Such regional offices ma , pending hnal action by gionaroffices. ' the director in case of an appeal, under suclii rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the d1rector, exercise such powers for hearing complaints and for examining, rating, and awar ing compensation claims, granting medical, surgical, dental, and hospital care, convalescent care, and necessary and reasonable after care, making insurance awards, (granting vocational training, and all other matters delegated to em by the director as co d be performed lawfull Bubomm under this Act by the central office. The suboflices shall have such ` powers as may bg delegated to thesm bg the director, excepp to make _ com nsatron an insurance awar an to grant vocation tram` m` . Tliig regional offices and subofiices, with all authority to establis oaliiguiml ima mbsuch offices, shall terminate on June 30, 1926, but nothing herein T°"'“”"°‘°“ °" shall prevent the director from terminating any regional offices or subofiices when in his judgment this ma be done without detriment to the administration of this Act, andy upon such termination all regprdgi and supplies pertaining thereto shal be delivered to the centr office. _ Sec. 7. The beneficiaries of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance brii.:i.rii¤S1(¤ei»neie§’:zhé·S and the Rehabilitation Division of the Federal Board for Vocational Pl*°°d“¤d°’ B°'¤°°· Education shall hereafter be the beneficiaries of the Vetera.ns’ Bureau, and complete individual record of each beneficiary shall be kept by the Veterans’ Bureau. wm mk md mn Sec. 8. All sums heretofore appropriated for carrying out the pro- iarmuon applrgrtpriv visions of the War Risk Insurance Act and amendments thereto, and *‘°\?§,{’“§,‘*‘;,f§.}_ *°· to carry out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide i for vocational rehabilitation and return to civil employment of disabled ersons discharged from the military or naval forces of the United) States, and for other purposes/’ approved June 27, 1918, and amendments thereto, shall, where unexpended, be made available _ for the Veterans’ Bureau, and may be expended in such manner as °°""°’°iD“°°‘°" the director deems necessary in carrying out the purposes of this Act, with the restrictions hereto ore impose as to number of persons that ma be em loyed at stated salaries. C I { Slice. 9. 'Ilhe director, subject to the general directions of the Pr-esi- D,}§§¥K p°“'°” ° dent, shall be responsible for the proper examination, medical care, treatment, hospitalization, dispensary, and convalescent care, necessary and reasonable after care, welfare of, nursing, vocational training, and such other services as may be necessary m_ the carrying out of the provisions of this Act, and or that purpose is hereby author-