Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/18

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XX LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Page- Public lands, Lassen Cou , Cali . An Act Autho ' the Secre of the Intenor to issue patent to Lassen Gountytugi Caliilornia, for certain lands, and forudlther purposes. September 20, 858 1922--~··-···-···~--······-·--··-···--••·····-··-·-···-·-··--;·-··--_·---·-·•-;··---~-- Tari Act o 1922. An Act To rovide revenue, to regulate commerce with foreign countries, to enfoourgge the industries ofp the United States, an for other purposes. Se tember 21, 1922 . . : - 858 Public lands, homestead entries by widows of soldiers, etc. An Act To allow credit for husband s miliw service in case of homestead entries by widows, and for other purposes. September 21, 990 1 ..·.-·--· -------—--·-—~~-—-~— ··-—--·-- · -—---~-·-·-···--· ·--·: ············ : *‘"‘ Lake Andes, S. Dak., s 'llw etc. An Act Providing for the construction of a spmllwa and drainage ditch to lower apnic] the level of Lake Andes, South Dakota. September 21, 1922 . . 990 Coast Guard, Green Bay, Wis., station. An Act To authorize the estabhshment of a Coast Guard wtiilll on the Sioast oigrgrin at or m the vrcrmty of Strawberry Passage, m Door County, 991 1BCO]1Bi11. mm I , ··-•--····-·--··-~•··--··--··•··~·~;····•••···•"‘*"‘°°"° Publa: lands, Medford,pOreg. An Act To authorize the tgurchase by the city or Medford, Oregon, of certain lands former} embraced in the grant to e Oregon and California Railroad Company and revested in the United States by the Act aggroved June 9, 1916. September 21, 1922: . 991 Apache Indkm prisoners, Fort Sill Okla. An Act For e relief of and purchase of 1ands_for certain of the Apache Indians of (lklahoma lately confined as gisoners of war at Fort Srll Military Reservation, and for other September_21, 19 . t .. 991 Publi}: lands, Arkansas. An Act ranting to certam claimants the preference right to purchase ungppropriated public lands in the State of Arkansas. September 21, 1922 . , -·-.·.-.---~ 992 Postal rermkze, rural carriers. An Act Authorizing the Postmaster General to temporarily reduce the pay of rural carriers for disciplinary purposes mstead of suspending them vnthout pay. Sep- 993 tember21, 1922...  :. .. Publak: lands, Saint Andrews, Fla. An Act Granting to_the cit§cof Saint Andrews, Iflorida, the right gg remogg glielis, sand, and gravel from certain pub lands for road— purposes. 993 tem r , .,.,,, . .,... . . .,,..,...,,,.,..,.,,,,,,,,,_,_,,,, Porto Riga, An Act To confer upon the courts of Porto Rico concurrent jurisdiction with the United States courts of that district of all offenses under the Nationalggréohibition Act and all Actsamendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Septem- 993 ber 21, 1 . . ..-.·..·. Nome, Alaska, buiwi . An Act Providing for the retentiouulgf the Government of the roperty in cme, Alsgga, known as the Detention Hospital B ding, and its use by the Bureau of Education, Degrtment of Interior. September 21, 1922 . Z . 993 Indian allotments, dc. An Act xtendilnlg time for allotments on the Crow Reservation;_protecting certain members of the Five Ci 1zed Tribes; relief of Indians occupying) certain lands in Arizona, New Mexico, and California; imuing patents in certain cases; esta lishing a revolving fund on the Rosebud Reservation; memorial to Indians of the Rosebud Reservation killed in the World War; conferring authority on the Secretary of the Interior as to alienation in certain Indian allotments, and for other 'Ipurposes. September 21, 1922 . . . 994 Hawaii l atahbn lands, dc. _ An Act o provide for the transfer of the lands and build' of th¢?1;g:l1Iera1 leprosy investugation station at Kalawno, on the Island of Molokai, in thelgerritory of Hawaii, to the Territory of Hawaii, and for other 111130898. September 21, 1922. . . 995 Grain Fuzures Act. An Act For the prevention and removal of oisstructions and burdens upon ininterstate commerce m gnun, y regulating transactions on grain future exchanges, and for other pugsoses. September 21 1922 . . ... 998 Panama Canal ot amendments, etc. An Act To amend sections 7 8, and 9 of the Panama Canal Act; to amend sections 288, 289, 342, 343, 368, and 461 of the 1"enal Code of the Canal Zone; and section 2 of the Executive order of July 9, 1914, establishing rules and rgulations for the operation and navigation of the Panama Canal and approaches thereto, in uding all water under its jurisdiction; to amend section 6 of an Act entitled "An Act extendm certain . grivileges of canal emplogees to other oihcials on the Canal Zone and authorizing tie Presient to make rules an r$pl1stions affecting health, sanitation, quarantine, taxation, public roads self-propelled v 'cles, and police powers on the Canal Zone, and for other purposes, including provisions as to certain fees, moue orders, and interest deposits, " approved Augbugt 311, and to regulate divorces in the (§nal Zone, and for other purposes. Septem r , . . .. . . . 1004 Dhtrakt of Columbia, Ninth and Underwood Streets N W An Act To authorize the extension and widening of Ninth Street from Longellow Street northwest to Underwood Street, and Underwood Street from Ninth Street to eorgia Avenue northwest. September 21, 1922 1011 Palestine, vmtvmuzl Jewish ho·me._ Joint Resolution Favoring the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. September 21, 1922 .. . ,...,,,,,,_,____ 1012 Arms, etc., seized on Mexican border under_Espio·n.a e Ad. An Act Authorizing the President to dispose of certaxnarms and ammunition seized in pursuance of the Act approved June 15, 1917, alon the Mexican border. September 22, 1922. ..,_. 1012 Publeb lungs, underground waters, Nevada. An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to grant extenswns of time under permits for the development of underground waters within the State of Nevada, and for other purposes. September 22, 1922 . 1012 Army, pay of dzschorged prisoners. An Act To authorize the collection in monthly installments of indebtedness ue the United States by general prisoners restored to duty, and for other pur- ' poses, September 22, 1922, ,__,,,_ - _,_,__ , _,_,._,_,,,_,_,_,_,,,,___._.,.. . .,,.,,,_,____ 1013 Rzghts of way, etc., Springfield Armory ovmds, Mass. An Act Authorizing the Secretary of War to transfer to the city of Springligld, Mamachusetts, certain streets within the Springfield Armory Mihtary Reservation, @achusetts, and for other purposes. September 22, 1922. . 1013