Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/227

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CON GRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 89,90. 1921. 199 For contingent expenses, Department of Commerce, $2.17. mg;’°'*m°°* °‘C°m" For national security and defense, Department of Commerce, 26 ` cents. For commercial attachés, Department of Commerce, $16.16. For promoting commerce, Department of Commerce, $12.43. For gauge standardization, Bureau of Standards, $38. For military research, Bureau of Standards, $7.56. For general expenses, Coast and Geodetic Survey, 82 cents. For general expenses, Lighthouse Service, $40,920.46. For miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Fisheries, $1.87. For national security and defense, Department of Labor, $190.60. ,,,,]3fP“'““°“‘ °' 1* For contingent expenses, Department of Labor, $4.97. For salaries and expenses, commissioners of conciliation, $1.01. For expenses of regulating immigration, $37.12. For ex enses of interned aliens, $45.42. ger enibrcement of tth<i13l3ildli1fborl§¢]vlv;;1§0· centsi or invesf ation o c we are, en’s ureau, $42.13. D,,,,,,m,,,,, For detectign and prosecution of crimes, $45.41. uw- t of Im- For national security and defense, Department of Justice, $43.55. Umm Sumwm For salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts, $287.52. For salaries and expenses of district attorneys, United States courts, $1.53. ` For fees of commissioners, United States courts, $232.10. For fees of commissioners, United States co1u·ts, 1920, $709.82. For fees of witnesses, United States courts, $25.20. For support of prisoners, United States courts, $742. 1.,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,_ For railroad transportation, $58,106.83. For compensation to postmasters, $21.58. For city delivery carriers, 1920, $664.94. For city delivery carriers, 1916-17, $2,569.96. For in emnity, international mail, $322.05. For indemnities, domestic mail, $5.18. For Star Route Service, $471.76. For electric and cable car service, $103.83. For Railway Mail Service, miscellaneous expenses, 45 cents. For rent, l` ht, and fuel, $275. For Ruralllklivery Service, $215.10. For fre` ht on stamped pa r and mail bags, $13.73. For cleiis, first and secondiblass post offices, $49.52. For electric power, light, and so orth, $137.10. Total audited claims, section 2, $790,994.43. Approved, August 24, 1921. . Angst 1 . CHAP. 90.·-An Act Granting Parramore Post_ Numbered Fifty-aeyen, [ Radbtigl gegion, permission to construct a memorial building on the Federal site at Abilene, {Wwe, No- 70-l BXBS. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rrlegresentatives of the United _,_,,,,m' TW States of America. in Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the ingg_§°°‘£1%bug° Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered to §rant me merirorialr by ruan easement to the executive committee_of Pa.rramore_ Post um- g;’®°· bered Fifty-seven, American Legon, and its successors m office, for the use, without expense to the nited States, of the strip of land off the Federal buildin ite fronting one hundred and fifty feet on the south side of Nortg Fourth_ Street and extending southwardly, of that width, along the east side of Pure Street one hundred feet, 111 block twenty, Abilene, Texas,_ for the purpose of erectmgothereon a memorial building to the soldiers and sailors of Taylor unty who