Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/248

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220 SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 122-125. 1921. N°‘E§m;’{¤*8&§I»7*§m· mw. lahighggéct To extend the foimthe construction of a bridge across -H,E§{c?N?;,,IT e raw ve1·,near Caryville, mn Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the Unded g§g·?°t°wh°t°b°° States of America in_Congress assembled, That the times for comb,'§gg"ggg°“°§fr;°,,,§g’ mencing and comgletmght e construction of a bridge and approaches rr}. in 35; thereto autho by the Act of Corigress approved November 19, smglasa p` 1919, to be constructed by the State oad Department of the State of F lorida, across the Choctawhatchee River, near Caryville, Florida, are hereby extended one and three years, respectively, from the date dm of approval hereof. "m’°” °°t‘ SEO. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, November 14, 1921. ’;°i%:§‘T'¤¥?s;i”‘ CHAP. 123.-·An Act To extend the Tariff Act approved May 27, 1921.

E T _ Be it enacted by the Senate and Houszueif Representatives of the United Ac§"‘°'g°“°y ms States of America in Congress assemb , That Titles I and V of the ch'§;gg1;¤°p§gg=m{)*;g Act entitled "An Act imposing temporary duties upon certain agrismzmummmms. cultural products to meet present emergencies and to provide reve-

  • """ mb °· 18* "L nue; to regulate commerce_ with foreign countries; to prevent

dump` of foreign merchandise on the markets of the United States; to reggae the value of foreign money; and for other pur§oses," approved May 27, 1921, sh continue in force until otherwise provided by law. Approved, November 16, 1921. November 17, 1921. _ _

 CHAP. 124.-An Act To amend section 1044 of the Revised Statutes of the United

lP“b1‘°· N°· 92] States relating to limitations in criminal cases. Umm smeswum. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofReiqesentatives of the United ,¤l;;l£,;i.’°“’ P' 193* States of America in Conyress assembled, at section 1044 of the liar Statutes of the nited States be amended so as to read as Crimjnalcases. 0 OWSI _ _ ,,I§,‘§*§‘§{;°§§£‘c¥,‘;,`§$,‘{ "Sec. 1044. No person shall be prosecuted, tr1ed,_0r pumshed for gggggeg;-6, (gx any offense, not capital, except as provided in section 1046, unless _ the indictment IS found, or the information is instituted, within three §°§'§"’§,€‘,;,,d, ,g,,,,,s, ears next after such offense shall have been committed: Provided,

 limiwd liawever, That   offenses involving the defrauding or attempts to

defraud the United] States or any agengy thereog, whlither gy con- _ _ spiracy or not an m any manner an now m iota e un er an M’§?"°°°°'°” '° ""°' existing statutbs, the period of limitation shall be six years. _ Th; Act shall apply to ac? offenses, fo5]transa<i;.1or1sh1vL;rhere the Siigilsting statute of limitations as not yet y run ut t proviso not a ply to acts, offenses, or transactions which are already barred by mmm dm tffe provisions of existing laws." _ ` Sec. 2. That this Act shall be m force and effect from and after the date of its passage. Approved, November 17, 1921.

[Pub. Res., Nc. 27.] » » _ · Resolved by the Senate and Housemcif Representatives of the United §g}§,'g’°'°*?”·, States oj America in Congress asse led, That for the purpose of gI8Z1Dg BGS . . · · paid massage as re- apportiomng the 25 per centum of the accrued receipts from national ESQ? °i Fml Fw forests during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, which are due