Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/408

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38O SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sas . II. Ch. 55. 1922. ·'*°*;¤¤ °¤***°*°’ for pay of acting assistant surgeons (noncommissioned medical ' 0 cers $300,000. 0****** 'mPl“Y°°‘· For pay of all other employees (attendants, and so forth), $8j10,000. "¤>*8'=*·*¤"l~°“= For freight, transportation, and traveling expenses, including the expenses except membership fees, of officers w en officially detailed to attend meetings of associations for the promotion of pub c health, $50 000. HY¤i°"*° L°°°"“‘ Islor maintaining the Hygienic Laboratory, $45,000. _ mifliuymfns r<·» For preparation for shipment and transpglrtation to their former m°"“‘° °m°”°° homes of remains of officers who die in the e of duty, $3,000. “ $`$‘°· - £°' j°“%§i‘i“ “"‘ ’°i°?‘“° ”°§1k’a§;°?t t { at . °° . °”"‘¥“’* orme c exammaions m u eamoun necessa or iivoriieiiiiisdlaiillegegliws medical inspection of aliens,] as required by section 16 of tlixe Act of V"` 39* "‘ 8&" February 5, 1917, medical, s1u·gical, and hospital services and supplies for beneficiaries (other than patients of the United States Veterans’ Bureau) of the Public Health Service, including necessag personnel, regular and reserve commissioned officers of the Public ealth Serv- °°¤°¤*‘ °‘P°°°°S- ice, personal services in the District of Columbia elsewhere, maintenance, equipment, leases, fuel, lights, water, printing, freight, tranportation an travel, maintenance and operation o motor trucks and passenger motor vehicles, transportation, care, mamtenance, and treatment of lepers, court costs, and other expenses incident to proceedings heretofore or hereafter taken for commitment of mentally incompetent persons to hospitals for the care and treatment of the _ insane, and reasonable burial expenses (not exceeding $100 for any iiggigibmaeu. patient dyipg in hos ital), $5,627,394: Provided, That no part of this sum sh be used) for the quarantine service, the prevention of epidemics, or scieatilficg vlgork of the character provided or imder the appropriations w `c 0 ow. msvmi ofrecsipfs- PXI] gums received by the Public Health Service during the fiscal year 1923, excep; allotments and reimbursements on account of patients of the nited States Veterans’ Bureau, shall be covered _ _ into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. Q”““‘”“"° “""°"· Quarantine service: For maintenance and ordinary expenses, exclusive of pay of officers and employees, of United States quarantine stations, inc uding not exceeding $500 for printing on account of the quarantine service at times when the exigencies of that service _ re uire immediate action, $739,000. ,,,§{,*}`§“"°“ °' °l"’ (Prevention of epidemics: To enable the President, in case only of threatened or actual epidemic of cholera, typhus fever, ellow fever, smallpox, bubonic plague, Chinese lague or black death, trachoma, influenza, Rocky ll ountain spotted) fever, or infantile paralysis, to aid State and local boards, or otherwise, in his discretion, in prevent— ing and suppressing the spread of the same, and in such eme ency in the execution of any quarantine laws which may be then inrlorce, $400,000. · Fwd “"'°"*g"“"’”· Field investigations: For investigations of diseases of man and conditions influencing the propagation and ipread thereof, includ` sanitation and sewage, an _ the (pollution o navigable streams did I _ lakes of the United tates, mclu ing personal service, $300,000. ,,,,§'§§.{.€§§_ ""“‘°"" Interstate qluarantine service: For cooperation with State and mnmicipal hea th authorities in the prevention of the spread of Rum swim B contagious and infectious diseases ur interstate traffic, $25,000. ‘° ‘ _ Rural samtation: For special studies of, and demonstration work m, rural sanitation, including personal services, and including not PMN to exceed $5,000 for the purchase, maintenance, repair, and operas.,b,Q,?{t,, your C0. tion of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, $50,000: Pro- °P°"°“°”- vided, That no part of this appropriation shall be available for demonstration work m rural sanitation in any community unless the State, county, or municipality in which the community is located agrees to pay one-half the expense of such demonstration work.