Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/427

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 83, 86,88. 1922. 399 Ju] : Provided, That a lace for holding court at Webster S ri P’°"’·"”· C S am? Lewisburg shall be ihrnished free 0 cost to the United Sliiatiigsi Spiiibizslils alia Wriiiriii Provided further, That a. place for holding court at Williamson shall b`§€,5ms at wimm. be furnished free of cost to the United States by Mingo County until S°“· other provision is made therefor by law." Approved, February 27, 1922. crrar. se.—J0sm Rrmuaon renaming to are cusmay of me sammy of me Fiiri?ii¤?iiii2` gpiithsonian Institution certain relics now in the possession of the Department of [Pub- R<=5-»N°· *0-1 i. 9. 6. Whereas, by a joint resolution of the Senate and House of Repre- §;,°g§‘},"’},§· Wasm,,g_ sentatives, aplproved March 4, 1844, the sword of George Wash- ¢¤¤ ¤¤<1¤t¤¤ ¤fFr¤¤k- ington and the staff of Benjamin Franklin were accepted in the mi>¤1.s,p.ns. name of the Nation as gifts from Samuel T. Washington and de- Wposited for safe—keeping m the Department of State; and ereas, by a joint reso ution of the Senate and House of Reign- h§,‘§s‘§,‘§ °‘ Am"' sentatives, approved February 28, 1855, the sword of An ew Vol.1b,p.m Jackson was acce ted in the name of the Nation as a gift from the family of Generallltobert Armstrong and deposited for safe-keeping in the Department of State; and Whereas it is represented by the Secretary of State that he has no appropriate place for the exhibition of these relics: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States y America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State _R9lics trwsferrcd to be, an he is hereby, authorized to transfer the said rehcs to the if§i¤°n1:i¤i;}\f¤i;ifg`imm custody of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution for safekeeping and exhibition in the National Museum. Approved, February 28, 1922. CHAP. 88.-—An Act To authorize the Secretary of War to make and receive con- Mil§h2ili2ii22` veyances effecting an exchange of title to the railroad rights of way at Camp Henry lP¤¤>1iv,N¤· 159·1 Knox, Kentucky, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ry' the United _ __ States of America in Oo ress assemble , That the Secretary of War $§§{,*{.§i.’$‘§§·’,,l$,{;,..; be, and he is hereby, auitigorized to execute and deliver a conveyance f,§j,°*;_¥g, (§g§;§,S*,§;*,}§ of title to the Chicago, Saint Louis and New Orleans Railroad Com- road Gcmpnny Einy to that certain strip of land in the military reservation at Camp °h'°““h‘ nox, Kentucky, upon which the line of said railroad was relocated and the new depots and transportation structures were erected at Dmpum Camp Knox, described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the present westerly right of way line of the Chicago, Saint Louis and New Orleans Railroad Company, with the southerly line of a highway which crosses said railroad under Bridge J-29-8, said point being seven hundred and eighty feet northerly from mileapost thirty from Louisville, Kentucky, an running thence westergy ong said southerly line seventeen feet more or less to a point ty feet distant westerly from the center line of the main track of said railroad measured at a right angle thereto; thence southerl parallel to the center line of the relocated main track of said ad and fifty feet westerly therefrom, a distance of seven hundred and eighty feet to a point o posite mile post thirty from Louisville; thence westerly perpendiculiir to said relocated main track ninety feet; thence southerly parallel to said main track one thousand seven hundred and one feet more or less to the northerly line of the highway which crosses said railroad under Bridge J—30—3; thence easterly along the line of said highway fifty feet more or less to a point which is mnety