Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/452

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424 SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Szss. II. Ch. 103. 1922. A¤<1i¤¤¤¤¤<=1•rk¤- Eighty-four additional clerks at $1,200 each, one for each Senator having no more than one clerk and two assistant clerks for himself or for the committee of which he is chairman, $100,800; in all, $492,800.

  • "”Y°""°°"·"”· For compiling the Navy Yearbook for the calendar year 1921

under the direction of the chairman of the Committee on Naval Affairs, $500. A2,{°°°‘°°'”‘“"‘ ormcm or snnemairr ar Aims mn noonxmnrmn. °°'$f,';,‘ " ·*""‘ Salaries: Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper $6 500· Assistant § [gpg, gs. _ I I 7 _ =*¤¤¤¤» ·¤‘~ M Sergeant at Arms, $2,500; Assistant Doorkeeper, $3,600; Acting S Assistant Dogrkeczper, $3,600; two ilogr xaasistants, ai. $2,500 eagh; memengcr¤·—— ve aetingas assistant oo ee rs, incu one or minority) at.$1,800 eac , thirty-seven (incluging one for minority) at $1,440 each, one $1,000, one at card door $1,600; clerk on Journal work for Conwonal Record, to be selected by the official reporters, $2,800; store per, $2,500; stenographer in charge; of furniture acconmts and `records, $1,200; upholsterer and loc mith, $1,440; cabinetmaker, $1,200; three carpenters, at $1,080 each; janitor, L"’°""· $1,200; four skilled laborers, at $1,000 each; laborer in charge of private passage, $900; three female attendants m charge of ladies' retiring rooms, at $720 each; three attendants to women’s toilet rooms, Senate Office Building, at $720 each; telephone 0 rators— chief, $1,800, four at $900 each, night operator $720* telepgiine page, $720; laborer in charge of Senate toilet moms in old library space, $660; attendant for service in old library portion of the Capitd, $1,500; press gallery—superintendent $2,500; assistant superintendent $1,600; messenger or service to press correspondents $1,000; P“g°’· laborers—three at $800 each; thirty-four at $720 each; sixteen pagles for the Senate Chamber, at the rate of $2.50 per day each during the Pon Om session, $4,720; in all, $154,580. Bu, °°~“"""° °° For police force for Senate Office Building' under the Se eant at dm Arms: Sixteen privates, at $1,050 each; special officer, $l1€200; in all, $18,000. Post office. POST OFFICE. ‘”°°“**“‘°'·•*°~ Salaries: Postmaster, $2,500; chief clerk, $1.800; eight mail carriers and one waspn master, at $1,200 each; three riding pages, at $912.50 each; in , $17,837.50. Fvldiuz wom- FOLDING ROOM.

  • `°'°¤**¤·°'°~ Salaries: Foreman, $1,600; assistant, $1,400; clerk, $1,200; folders—seven at $1,000 each, seven at $840 each; in all, $17,080.

°°°“¤¢°¤*¤P•¤S°¤· oowrmomwr EXPENSES or um susan:. s°‘“°“°"‘ For stationery for Senators and the President of the Senate, including $7,500 for stationery for committees and officers of the Senate, $20,000. P¤¤*¤6=¤¤¤¤¤¤ Postage stamps: For office of Secretary, $200; office of Sergeant mm. atllérms, $100; m all, $3100. d h 1 f ` or mainta1nmg` , exc angin , an e ui motor ve ic es or carrying the mails and for official use of tli)ei)lci§ces of the Secretary and Sergeant at Arms, $10,000.

 "i°° For driving, maintenance, and operation of an automobile for the

Vice President, $2,500. ’°“*¤¢· For materials for folding, $1,500. For folding speeches and pamphlets, at a rate not exceeding $1 per thousand, $10,000.