Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/459

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 103. 1922. 431 of the Government in the District of Columbia without additional compensation; for necessary personal and other services; and for materials and labor connection with the maintenance and operation oi the hgating,7 liglétmg, and power plant and substations connected t erewit , $5 ,0 . _ _ For fuel, oil, and cotton waste, and advertising for the power plant Opmting $“”1'°°“` which furnishes heat light for the Capitol and congressional guildmgs and other buildings specined in e foregoing paragraph, 200,000. The foregoing appropriations under the Architect of the Capitol may be expended without reference to section 4 of the Act approved June 17, 1910, concerning purchases for executive departments. The De artment of the Interior, the Public Health Service, the ,,,,l.°,‘L’§°‘§,§'f,‘u°§,§ ‘{,’§ Coast andPGeodetic Survey, and the Union Station group of tem- °°h¤*b¤¤di¤S=’~ por housing shall reimburse the Capitol power plant for current supmlired during the fiscal year 1923, and the amoimts so reimbursed shas be credited to the appropriations for the said plant and be available for the purposes named therein. so·rAN1o GARDEN. ”°‘°"‘°°°'°°“ Salaries: For director, $3,000; assistant director, $1,800; clerk, agk°°t°°’ °°m°°t’ $1,600; greenhouse foreman, $1,250; head gardener, $1,200; gardener in charge of greenhouses, $1,180; four gardeners at $1,100 each; outside foreman, $1,000; two clerks at $1,150 each; two shipping clerks at $1,000 each; general mechanic, $1,500; carpentersjone $1,404, one $1,170; nme skilled laborers at $864 each; (pramter, $936; skilled laborers and laborers at rates to be fixed by the ector, 3%,000; a.ll8 ginger the direction of the Joint Committee on the ' rary, $4 , 1 . - _ - , Repairs and improvements: For procuring manure, soil, tools mil¤°ril?é www fuel; urchasing trees, shrubs, plants, and seeds; materials and miscell>aneous supplies; traveling expenses and per diem in lieu of subsistence of the director and his assistants not to exceed $300; street car fares not exceeding $25; office equipment and contingent expenses in connection with repairs and improvements to Botamc Garden; exchange, care, and mamtenance of motor·propelled delivery vehicles; p1u·chase of botanical books and periodicals not to exceed $100; general repairs to buildings, heating apparatus, packing sheds, storerooms, and stables; painting, glazing; repairs to footwalks and roadways; repairing and putting comfort statipns m sanitary condition; repairs and imlprovements to d1rector’s residence; reconstruction of greenhouses; al under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library, $21,500. i , _ mm The sum of $25 may be expended at any one time by the Botamc *’“'°’“"" Garden for the purchase of plants, trees, shrubs, and otherinursery Vows, p_53,_ stock, without reference to section 4 of the Act approved Jnme 17, 1910, concerning forwexecptive departments and other governmenta esta 1 ents m sshmgton- _ H . For constructing conduits and installmg_all mains, cables, appara- couldn $9::-giinirnkfm tus, and so forth, including] personal services, necessary to {provide the Botanic Garden with eat and light from the Capito ower plant; the work to be done under the supervision of the Architect of the Capitol, $20,000. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. L‘b”" °’C°”g’°“· suiaams. °°'““" Libm¤s.n,` chief ss- General administration: Librarian, $7,500; chief assistant libra· =is¤~¤¢.•¤·- rian, $4,500; chief clerk, $2,500; lrbranan’s secretary, $1,800; assistant chief clerk, $1,600; assistant in charge of supplies, $1,400;