Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/507

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 117. 1922. 479 During the fiscal year 1923 the head of an de artment or inde- F’°°P°’°“'° "°'k pendent establishment of the Government having fiiinds available for §pi¤i¤i¤uciii·i]iiii scientific investigations and requiring cooperative work by the Bu- v°Sng°"°°s' reau of Standar s on scientific mvestigations within the scope of the functions of that bureau, and which the Bureau of Standards is unable to perform withm the limits of its appropriations, may, with the atpproval of the Secretary of Commerce, transfer to the Bureau of Stan ards such sums as may be necessary to carry on such investigations. The Secretary of the Treasury shall transfer on the books of m'§};”j}°,§ug{;;‘lj¤d¤ *° the Treasury Department aim sums which may be authorized here- ` imder, and such amounts sh be placed to the credit of the Bureau of Standards for the performance of work for the department or establishment from which the transfer is made. Total, Bureau of Standards, $1,547,360. . BUREAU or Lrerrruousns. Li¤h*¤°¤=°S B*¤°°¤· Sala.ries: Commissioner, $5,000; deputy commissioner, $4,000; ut%’.']i“'°°°”’ d°p' chief constructing engineer, $4,000; superintendent of naval construction, $4,000; chief clerk, $2,400; clerks—one $2,000, two of class four, two of class three, three of class two, five of class one, seven at $1,000 each, two at $900 each; messenger; assistant messenger; messenger boy, $480; assistant engineers-one $3,000, one $2,400, one $2,250, one $2,000; draftsnien——one $2,200, one $2,000, two at $1,800 each, one $1,600; in all, $68,290. General expenses: For supplies, repairs maintenance, and inci- g dental expenses of lighthouses and other lights, beacons, buo agp, fog signals 0 rivers heretofore authorized to be lightedjig t vesse , other aids to navigation, and lighthouse tenders, including the establishment, repair, and improvement of beacons and day- marks and purchase of land for same; establishment of post lights, on aw hmm buoys, submarine signals, and fog signals; establishment of oil or P"; ' carbide houses, not to exceed $10,000: Provided, That any oil or car- _ can ouiuuaing um. bide house erected hereunder shall not exceed $550 in cost; construe- “°°· tion of necessary outbuildings at a cost not exceeding $500 at any one light station in ang! fiscal year; improvement o grounds and _ buildings connected wit light stations and depots; restoring light _ stations and depots and buildings connected therewith: Prmrai d, R°°°°""‘s°‘"°'“‘ That such restoration shall be limited to the origlinal purpose of the structures; wages of persons attending post lig ts; terplporary employees and fie d force while engaged on works of gamer repair and maintenance, and laborers and mechanics at light ouse depots; ra- R°"°”’°t°' tions and gplovisions or commutation thereof or keepers of lighthouses, wor `ng dparties in the field, officers and crews 0 light vessels and tenders, an officials and other authorized persons of the Lighthouse Service on duty on board of such tenders or vessels, and money accruing from commutation for rations and provisions for the aboyenamed persons on board of tenders and lig t vessels or m working parties m the field may be paid on proper vouchers to the person having charge of the mess of such vessel or party; reimbursement under ru es prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce of keepers of light stations and masters of light vessels of lighthouse tenders or rations and provisions an clothing furnished shipwrecked persons who may be temporarily rovided or bfy them, not exceeding m all $5,000 in any fiscal year; fiiel and rent o quarters where necessary for Purchase M 0, keepers of lighthouses; purchase of land sites for fog siignals; rent of sites. ’ · necessary ground for all such lights and beacons as are or temporary use or to mark changeable channels and which in consequence can not be made permanent· rent of offices, depots, and wharves; travel'- mg expenses; mileage; library books for lig t stations and vessels and