Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/528

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500 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 142, 146-148. 1922. to the memory of Edmrmd Burke, champion of American liberty: §{,°,,’,'f,°;a, 0, ,,,,,1, Prmnkled, That the site chosen and the design of the memorial shall

 be approved lg) the Joint Library Committee of Congress, with the

Nesxpeuse advice of the mmission of Fine Arts, and it shall be erected rmder the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, and that the United States shall be put to no expense in or by the erection of said monument. . Approved, April 25, 1922. AgnBl6§dig` CHAP. 146.-—An Act To empower the Attorney General of the United States

 to fix the compensation of clerks of the United States district courts. -

_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives cj the United g1?}t{s¢§iiiiiii°?ilS£ States { America in Congress assemble , That the Attorney General °°'j{.*fégB0,°mmnS8_ is here ty authorized and empowered to increase or decrease the Hm mai tu business salary o an clerk of a United States district court within the limits °${,°L°°§id,;_“°ug°"”°°' prescribed lily the Act approved Februailyil 26, 1919, where upon mvestigation the Attorney General finds at there has been such material increase or decrease in the volume of business transacted in any such district when contrasted with the volume of business upon which the said salaries have been heretofore Hxed, as to justify such increase or decrease, but in all cases the said increase or decrease shall be based u n the amount of business transacted by the court and the fees andxemoluments collected by the clerks and by them paid into the Treasury of the United States during the four years ast preceding the time of such increase or decrease of salary P , to be made by the Attorne General under the ower hereb con- Future. changes rs. ferred: Provided, That no clliange in the salary oi) any clerk lilaving ’°`l”°°°‘ been hereafter fixed under power hereby conferred shall be made until after the lapse of four years from the date of such change. Approved, April 26, 1922. Alilgi CHAP. 147.-An Act Regulating corporations doing a banking business in the

 District of Columbia.

_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentutives of the United §§’,ff§,,°’°°*"“{,lf,;;‘, States of America in _Congress assembled, 'lgrat no_ corporation that ,¤;¤u§¤g•gsmg:::gm¤&ig]g is not now engaged m the business of banking in the District of out couient `B1 hemp. Columbia shall, a ter the pass e of this Act, be ermitted to enter '·‘°“°‘ °“"° °“"°“°Y· upon said business in the saihgDistrict, nor shag any corporation now or hereafter e aged in the business of banking be ermitted to establish branchnganks in said District, until after it shall have secured the approval and consent of the Comptroller of the Cur- ,,§,,‘§fi“**”‘°“"°"‘°l°‘ rency; and each one of the officers of such corporation so offending shall be punished by a. fine not exceeding $1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by both fine and imprisonment, in the discretion 0 the court. Approved, April 26, 1922. Align Q5}? CHAP. 148.-A.n Act To authorize the payment of $5,000 to the Government of

 Japan for the benefit of the   of Torahachi Uratake, a Japanme subgect, killed

' at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, on November 25, 1915. Japan Be it enacted by the Senate and House 3fRepresentatipes of the _United Appmprausu s s r States ry America in Congress assemble , That there is authorized to §}’¥‘,§$,§‘§,‘§g,,9“U“fg§?§§ be pai , out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- ¤”*=di¤H¤W¤¤· priated, as a matter of grace and without reference to the question of liability therefor to the Government of Japan, $5,000 for the benefit and consolation of the family of Torahachi Uratake, a Japanese subject, killed on November 25, 1915, at Schoheld Barracks,