Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/569

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 188-190. 1922. 541 ing United States reservations for use in connection with the Botanic Garden: Numbered 6-A, 6-B, 6-C, 6-D, 6-E, 6-F, 6-G, 6-H, 6-I, Q—K, 6-L, 6-M, 6-N, 6-0, 6-P, 6-Q, 6-R, 292, and 293, all of which l1e along the site of the old James Creek Canal, from M land Avenue to P Street southwest, Washington, in the District oixgolumbia. Approved, May 11, 1922. CHAP. 189.-Joint Resolution To authorize the printing of joumals, magazines, {gi? iziisiiiiiii periodicals, and similar publications, and for other purposes. Resolved by the Senate and House o Re resentatives 0 the United · - States of America in Cerngress assembél, 'lqiat hereafterfthe head of bwydiglii pdming md any executive department, inde endent office, or establishment of the Government is hereb autlibrized, with the approval of the {’,‘{,,"”,.,‘;‘,d§’§"· °"’·· "“‘ Director of the Bureau of the Budget, to use from the appropriations ` available for printing and binding such sums as may be necessary for the printing of uioiunals, magazines, periodicals, and similar publications as he sha certify in writing to be necessary in the transaction of the public business required by law of such department, office, or Pr . establishment: Provided, That there may be printed, in addition to aaigiiiun {or free those necessary for such public business, not to exceed two thousand °””'“’““°“· copies for free distribution b the department, office, or establish- (,0,,,,,, ,0, ,,,,6 by ment issuing the same: Provzd' ed further, That the Public Printer shall I§ll;1l{gi餢°¤¤°¤°°'D°°· print such additional copies thereof and of any other Government ' publication, not confidential in character as may be reqluired for sale to the public by the Superintendent oi Documents at the cost of printing and binding, plus 10 per centum, without limit as to the number of copies to any one a plicant who agrees not to resell or R , ,.0,1 of distribute the same for proiit;Ibut the printing of such additional ' copies required for sale by the Superintendent o Documents shall be su ject to regulation by the Joint Committee on Printing and shall not interfere with the prompt execution of printing for the Government. Sec. 2. That section 3 of the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act for ,,§'$°,f '“°"°"°“ " 1922, approved March 4, 1921, be, and is hereby, repealed. p(Xl*;*é_*i· P- 1**%** Approved, May 11, 1922. CHAP. 190.--An Act To provide for the application of the reclamation law to M6 Yiiihigij irrigation districts. IN °» °'~ W Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Régresentatives of the United Rwbmm, Ag}, States of America in Congress assembled at in carrying out the °°:;,'¤§*r;,¤‘{,*;g dfsg pur oses of the Act of Jime 17, 1902 ('llhirty-second Statutes, page tgiiilcsupsymma un. 388ii and Acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, and °°{1§}‘§§°§‘$_ known as and called the reclamation law, the Secretary of the Interior may enter into contract with any leglallly organize uriglation district whereb such irrigation district s agree to pay the moneys r uired to lie paid to the United States, and in such event waterr@1t applications on the part of landowners and entrymen, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, may be dispensed with. Dam M ts In the event of such contract beingupiade with an irrigation district, my ,,,,m,,.,,,*"2,,"‘§°,§‘t, the Secretary of the Interior, in d1scretion, may contract that "¤·°°°-·l¤"”· the payments, both for the construction of urngisgtion works and for operation and maintenance, on the part of the _ trict shall be made upon such dates as will best coigorm ltlolthe district and titration laws of the res ective States un er w 'c suc irrigation 'stricts mm, shall be formed? and if he deem it advisablelie may contract for such ties,¤w.wm Nm. enalties or interest charges in case of delmgpency m payments as he may deem proper and consistent with su State laws, notwith-