Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/582

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554 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 199. 1922. orders of the Secretary not to exceed twenty days, transportation ang sleeping car fareélmdqilmgantirl expenses of negotiation, inspection, an invest' ation, in u tee aph1ng` , $10,500. ,,,g*“,,;,,""'§_*"°°°°‘*' To enabllia the Secretary of ge Interior to take testimony and prepare the same, in connection with disbarment proceedings instituted against persons charged with improper practices before the department, its bureaus and offices, $100, or so much thereof as may _ _ _ be necemary. P'"'°"""'°'"""°”"‘ rrzmcrme Arm nmnme. £ii1iili¤ l For printing and binding for the Department of the Interior, °*°‘*°°· includirg the publication of "School Life b the Bureau of Education, " limpses of Our National Parks " by the National Park

 Service, but not including printingPand binding for the Geological

,.°,,I;,'§,_‘°"“°"*““““"·‘ Survey, the Bureau of Mines, or the atent Office, $145,000: Promded, That the annual reports of the department and of all its bureaus and e:tabli$mqnts, itripludingi the gtecgimiatiog igervice, shall not · excee ato o one thousand two un e an t pages. wg? °°°'°°°°l smh For the United States Geological Survey: Foryengraving the illustrations necwsary for the annual reugort of the director, and for the monographs, professional papers, b etins, water-suppl? papers, and the report on mmeral resources, and for prmting an mdmg the same publicatrom, of which sum not more than $45,000 may be ilrsiled for'} engraving, $119,000; for miscellaneous printing, $8,000; in $12 ,000. F", mm B`"°°°‘ li‘or the Bureau of Mines, including printing, engraving of illustrations, and binding bulletins, technical papers, miners’ cn·culars, and other publications to carry out the purposes of the Act of February F Om 25 1913, $37,000; for miscellaneous printing, $10,000; in all, $47,000. °* P°°°°° °°’ llor the Patent OfHce: For printing the weekly issue of patents, designs, trade·marks, prints, and labels, exclusive of illustrations; and for printing, engraving illustrations, and binding the Official Gazette, mcluding weekly, imonthly, and annual indices, $585,000; for miscellaneous printing, $26,000; in all, $611,000. r¤g_°°°m°°°° bum` cusronr or mrmmon rmr>.u2·rrmN·r BUILDING. a¤(i°al°’m°i°sép°•Ih¤i.;aPt The responsibility for the care, maintenance, and Erotection of

f,;,§£§‘§,°,;,,$,°,‘;,;,&”* gre Inte% Degarlffinent Bugdinlg, gre Pzsiin the

atent ce u`in,ante ener an ce u`, including the power, heating and lighting plant therein, and lilgie disbursement of the funds appropriated therefor, together with all the machinery, tools, equipment, and supplies used, or for use, in connection therewith, shall e transferred on July 1, 1922, and theremm. after, from the Secretary of the Interior to the superintendent of _¤§j*°g]j*°;·q;,•“°¤*;“,;f,{; the State, War, and Navg Department Building: Provided, That ¤¤=.¤¤¤¤q¤ir¤¤¤¤. the superintendent of the tate, War, and N arg apartment Bmldings is hereby authorized to manufacture an se at cost to the executive departments and independent establishments of the Govemment suc quantities of ice, electricity, and steam as he ma be ablqltobglanufacturs origsenerate with the equipment that is avaiible Dmrmm, . m e dmgsun er su rvrsron. iing [im Interior Department Bui.i)ding—Salaries: Flor the following em- H mw ployees, for maintenance and protection: Assistant superintendent, $2,000; clerks——one of class three, two of class one; messenger, $720; three assistant e@eers, at $1,200 each; seven firemen, at $720 each; electricians-—-one $1,400, one $1,200, one $1,000; three substation operators, at $1,200 each; painters—one $1,200, two at $1,000 each; plumbers——one $1,400, two at $1,000 each; steam fitter, $1,200; carpenters—one $1,400, one $1,200, one $1,000; three general mechanics, at $1,000 each; guards—captain $1,200, three lieutenants at