Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/616

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9 1922. II. Ch. 19 ncem. SESS- l tions c0 and S. a r¢§ . ONGRES -c mv¢S2‘§»¤ °f,0‘L·M1°‘;? TH C 1m<>1°g‘d ukmz health md. ‘?° , TY-SEVEN · ntific afgtiicezg i;1p*;;’c‘v6i0p*I}cn£i1e mlinqqix-9 SIX _ H miggiztionilf ,, viggmqmicof y,,?§]*;>m*‘QS; d"€;¤c1ug:)%‘§ 8 01_iDq‘}u? , pimhums, vgcncyy vanupnral mmes; 8H {125,I lf 58 mining Ft}16 mlnalilgubéetyf Bf]? t·h° Ptiacf mm; indusbsistenggllm b . · · cf_ _ thas u · _ Imu!gg:¤' mmti- gigcnz mrlgaslilg S theogg and gcging vg] and §1v6St'1ga l_6Pa1·8 ·=<·¤§¤¤=¤ "“"‘ d m° °r°?]“*`€’°·ti¤¤S df of "’°‘ ed f°’ - · » P th “ S su- an . TGSO Bt. ud] mas beus mmmgas, W1 the mum Sewing , u;m1cc‘ii6S, cxpcfmay . theaturaltg-To h , arriu g YD-mg t into ui mw tn0P , . ations tl-oléum NS ditlous { trav Tha t, . m { mg · on °

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